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My daughter will NOT be the next Inland Idol

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A while back I had posted that my daughter a 13 year old aspiring singer had made it to the semi finals of Inland Idol......over 300 kids tried out in 5 different cities around the Inland Empire......80 made it to semi finals...from there only 10 move on to finals.


Ashlee did great and sang her Maria Carey song without so much as a bad note......it was stiff competition because this was her first ever compeitition of any kind while most of these kids travel the talent contest circuit, are already professionals of some sort in taking vocal lessons, all that sort of thing. Ashlee sings for her church group.


I dont want to complain about the final selection of the 10 but it was very strange.....of the 5 boys that tried out 4 made it while making numerous mistakes in their routines while others were part of the "group" that is sponsored by the production that sponsored the event. To be honest Ashlee was not even in my final top 10 because she has work to do on her "stage movement" and playing to the crowd as she performs....I thought she was in the top 13-15 but there were kids that should be on American Idol that didn't make the cut.....it was very strange.


The prizes for this competition really didn't mean a lot to us as Ashlee got what should was looking for.....publicity. Some of the prizes include having professional songs written for them and time in a professional studio creating a professional CD. Ashlee already has access to all these things.


On the trip down to corona I had stopped and bought her 2 dozen roses to give to her after her competition. I was inside working a deal with the pro photographer (supposidly their work was world renown and they were offering a good deal to the inland idol contestants) crew to take some good pictures for her CD being put out this summer.....I run outside to get her before a line starts forming with the photographers and there is my daughter.....handing out her roses to kids who were upset that they didn't make the cut. She gave away every single one of them except for one because that rose was "special because it came from her dad"


Ashlee will be busy this summer.....her christian rock CD is nearly finished and she will be on the rode promoting it and singing at various events throughout California this upcoming summer.

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She gave away every single one of them except for one because that rose was "special because it came from her dad"


Ashlee will be busy this summer.....her christian rock CD is nearly finished and she will be on the rode promoting it and singing at various events throughout California this upcoming summer.


You've raised a very fine young lady. You should be proud! :wallbash:

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there is my daughter.....handing out her roses to kids who were upset that they didn't make the cut. She gave away every single one of them except for one because that rose was "special because it came from her dad"


Ashlee will be busy this summer.....her christian rock CD is nearly finished and she will be on the rode promoting it and singing at various events throughout California this upcoming summer.



She sounds like a good kid... you should be proud.

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