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He's Everywhere!


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I hear ya.


I've officially gone from " Josh in St. Louis" to...." dude lookin for another way to find local Bills news".


Its really bittersweet though. On a completely selfish side......I really am upset that I wont be able to listen/ watch the simoncast anymore. Every afternoon ( or night depending on my schedule...BTW..Tivo is great) I would watch the show and feel like a hometown Bills fan.


On the other side of the coin though..I'm really happy for Howard Simon. He isn't one of those shock jocks who thinks his opinion on sports is gods gift...and nobody can disagree. He's one of the good ones who actually gets it. I'm happy now that he isn't in a situation where he has to look over his shoulder everyday....or come to work and wonder if the lights are still on. He's so good at what he does, he deserves to be the host of the morning show.


If WGR would just find it in themselves to get a web link....alll would be ok. But, that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.


I guess on the plus side..I'll never have to hear Butch complain about Travis Henry again.

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Does anyone know the arguments for and against Streaming a feed over the Internet? I'm asking because I really have no idea...I'm sure there are cost factors, but I was thinking today that there are at least as many Computers in Work Places than Radios nowadays...At least there were in the places I used to work...And that would seem to be an area where you can pick up extra listeners...


When I E-Mailed the Program Director at WGR a while back he said they would continue to consider it, but that he first has to cater to his Local listeners...With that in mind, I was trying to figure out how Streaming would help or hurt in the Local Market...


Just asking...

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