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How do you feel about the Bills improving this team and possibly movin

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I love the fact that they are making this team better and they will be competitive this season, but I hate the fact

that they are making the Bills for Toronto if they move and if they won a Super Bowl up there, I would be miffed to he highest level of of miffifity (not a word, but I like how it sounds). LOL! I would never support a Toronto NFL team. NO WAY!!!

What do you think?




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Just to let you know if you talk about toronto to much they will eat you alive.. I would know...


Anyways to answer your question, I see not a chance in hell the bills stay in buffalo after ralph wilson passes.. Besides JIMBO, who is going to wanna buy a team in buffalo and keep them in buffalo when there is a gold mine across the lake which happens to be toronto....

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I love the fact that they are making this team better and they will be competitive this season, but I hate the fact

that they are making the Bills for Toronto if they move and if they won a Super Bowl up there, I would be miffed to he highest level of of miffifity (not a word, but I like how it sounds). LOL! I would never support a Toronto NFL team. NO WAY!!!

What do you think?




You must be the first person to think that the team will move . You are forgiven because you are new .

Now get that bottle of wine in the mail to me . Please .

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Just to let you know if you talk about toronto to much they will eat you alive.. I would know...


Anyways to answer your question, I see not a chance in hell the bills stay in buffalo after ralph wilson passes.. Besides JIMBO, who is going to wanna buy a team in buffalo and keep them in buffalo when there is a gold mine across the lake which happens to be toronto....


You're right, gotta be careful. Not trying to stir up a hornet's nest of nasty posts. But it would suck if they're doing this.

Bills fans deserve the right to keep this team!!!!

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You must be the first person to think that the team will move . You are forgiven because you are new .

Now get that bottle of wine in the mail to me . Please .



I'll put the bottle of wine in the mail ASAP and a thousand apologies to all on

this board. Rookie mistake.



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I love the fact that they are making this team better and they will be competitive this season, but I hate the fact

that they are making the Bills for Toronto if they move and if they won a Super Bowl up there, I would be miffed to he highest level of of miffifity (not a word, but I like how it sounds). LOL! I would never support a Toronto NFL team. NO WAY!!!

What do you think?




toronto would never recover from the bad karma

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I love the fact that they are making this team better and they will be competitive this season, but I hate the fact

that they are making the Bills for Toronto if they move and if they won a Super Bowl up there, I would be miffed to he highest level of of miffifity (not a word, but I like how it sounds). LOL! I would never support a Toronto NFL team. NO WAY!!!

What do you think?





Now you know the level of miffifity the original Cleveland Browns fans felt when Art Modell held the Lombardi Trophy up as co-owner of the Baltimore Ravens 6 years after he moved them from Cleveland to Baltimore. Added to their miffifity, is the lousy records their "new Browns" have put up since they came back as an expansion team in '99.


As far as the Toronto Bills (or even Niagara Bills) are concerned, nobody has any idea when or where the Bills will move, since Ralph Wilson seems to be in fine health even at his advanced age, so who cares about that now?

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