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Have you ever stopped to think about how much

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Seriously .. day after day .. over a period of years ... thought after useless thought posted to this forum. If only this time, effort and talent was spent on solving other problems ... cancer, world hunger, getting the Bills back to the playoffs, infant suffering, bringing the world religions together ... just think how much better the world would be.


Have a great weekend Yawl (as they say here in Texas.) :thumbsup:

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As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.


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I right away noticed 90% of the posts here occur during "working hours" 8-5,and drop off on the weekend. I think clock watching would be more likely the activity of choice rather then curing Cancer if the forum went away.


Great observation. :thumbsup: I spend the majority of my time here when I'm at my desk in the office. Just don't let the govt. know. :w00t:

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Great observation. :thumbsup: I spend the majority of my time here when I'm at my desk in the office. Just don't let the govt. know. :w00t:


Barack already knows. He has regular updates sent to his Blackberry® Handheld Wireless Device

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Barack already knows. He has regular updates sent to his Blackberry® Handheld Wireless Device



Except it was taken away ... now he has to use the secret chip planted in his head by Nancy Pelosi to receive signals.

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Except it was taken away ... now he has to use the secret chip planted in his head by Nancy Pelosi to receive signals.

Nuh uh. He can use the Blackberry® handheld wireless device. Just needs super secret DoD encryption installed on it, and anyone sending to it

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As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.




Greatest movie ever!


"go away...baitin"

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Seriously .. day after day .. over a period of years ... thought after useless thought posted to this forum. If only this time, effort and talent was spent on solving other problems ... cancer, world hunger, getting the Bills back to the playoffs, infant suffering, bringing the world religions together ... just think how much better the world would be.


Have a great weekend Yawl (as they say here in Texas.) :devil:

Not in Canada

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Ehh...but perhaps this is a possibility. I am half Canadian after all.



Which half?


...on second thought, I don't want to know.

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Nuh uh. He can use the Blackberry® handheld wireless device. Just needs super secret DoD encryption installed on it, and anyone sending to it


I have that software and discovered to my surprise that if I run Joe Bidens remarks though it,some make sense. Very powerfull stuff.

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Which half?


...on second thought, I don't want to know.



Well if there is any hope for a next generation it has to be the top half. Hate to think that I am the same as the naked wizard in th U.S. half.

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Seriously .. day after day .. over a period of years ... thought after useless thought posted to this forum. If only this time, effort and talent was spent on solving other problems ... cancer, world hunger, getting the Bills back to the playoffs, infant suffering, bringing the world religions together ... just think how much better the world would be.


Have a great weekend Yawl (as they say here in Texas.) :devil:


I just lost some..... thanks.

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As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.



I really need to steal that as my sig line. Well done!

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