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The BCS Is...

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I was listening to an interview with Lawrence Sidbury, DE from Richmond, who was drafted by the Atlanta Falcons this year. The radio guy asked him how he felt about the BCS, and how it compared to the playoff system that he competed in when he was in college. He didn't hack on the BCS, and he did say that playing 16 games was pretty grueling, but he also said it was a great feeling to know that they had earned their lot on the field and didn't have to rely on some computer to decide who the best team was.


What I hate most about the BCS is that it takes away the opportunity for the underdog. One of the factors that makes sports great is the underdog team (or athlete) that finds it within themselves to rise to the occasion when it counts most, when it's all on the line, and prevail.


I've enjoyed college football much more since moving to SEC country, but I'll never truly LOVE it until they have a true playoff system to determine a champion.

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The BCS system is the worst human invention since the flowbee. However, unless there is a dramatic drop in corporate money supporting the bowl system the BCS will continue to exist.

If our president knows what is good for him he will end this sham.

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The BCS system is the worst human invention since the flowbee. However, unless there is a dramatic drop in corporate money supporting the bowl system the BCS will continue to exist.

Considering: The Economy, Unemployment, the Debt, N Korea, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, Piracy, Mexico, Swine Flu, etc. etc., the fact that this is even an issue before Congress is shameful.

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Considering: The Economy, Unemployment, the Debt, N Korea, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, Piracy, Mexico, Swine Flu, etc. etc., the fact that this is even an issue before Congress is shameful.



Do you suggest that our holier than thou congress never wastes time grandstanding for political purposes?

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Considering: The Economy, Unemployment, the Debt, N Korea, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, Piracy, Mexico, Swine Flu, etc. etc., the fact that this is even an issue before Congress is shameful.

I'd rather they spent time on the BCS rather than continue to screw up all that.

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Considering: The Economy, Unemployment, the Debt, N Korea, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, Piracy, Mexico, Swine Flu, etc. etc., the fact that this is even an issue before Congress is shameful.


Even during the Great Depression, Art Deco and Hollywood were all the rage! Scandalous I tell you... SCANDALOUS!



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Considering: The Economy, Unemployment, the Debt, N Korea, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, Piracy, Mexico, Swine Flu, etc. etc., the fact that this is even an issue before Congress is shameful.


Agreed, now is not the time for this. Also, I don't see how the hades they can tell the NCAA how to run their business. JMO


What really made me pissed off at the BCS is when, I think it was UCLA, wasn't given the NATL title because they lost a game to some scrubeenie team early in the season and they changed the BCS computers to ignore stuff like that. :unsure:


To me this would be like the Dallas Cowboys missing the playoffs by one game and the NFL saying; well they lost a game to Detroit in the third week so we'll give them a playoff berth.


They lost the game! It was to a bad team too! That should count even more against them.



'Nuff said.

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I think these politicians should spend their time on more important issues. Their is no good answer to a 1-A football championship. The BCS isn't fair and a playoff wouldn't be fair either to the teams that got left out of the 8 team,or whatever number they come up with,format. Somebody would always have a legitimate gripe. The problem is you have 120 teams in 11 conferences,plus independants, and a 12 game(max) season. All of these conferences have different traditions and regulations,even different officiating crews. This diversity is part of what makes college football great. It's not the generic,cookie-cutter league the NFL is. It's also the reason the best football is played on Saturdays and why they'll never end the arguments over it's championship.

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Also, I don't see how the hades they can tell the NCAA how to run their business. JMO


Isn't that what gets us into these panics... The gov't not telling business how to run. Notice how they (panics) are coming with regularity since the 1980's and the whole conservative movement took off... Now look back prior to 1929 and you will see a pattern also. Sure there will always be trends and recesssion... But, it seems like the speculative crap is coming back in old school form sans the gov't regulating what goes on with regards to the henhouse.


Now... I am not getting all PPP and I am cool SD, so stay cool! The NCAA is pretty irrelevant I agree.

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Isn't that what gets us into these panics... The gov't not telling business how to run. Notice how they (panics) are coming with regularity since the 1980's and the whole conservative movement took off... Now look back prior to 1929 and you will see a pattern also. Sure there will always be trends and recesssion... But, it seems like the speculative crap is coming back in old school form sans the gov't regulating what goes on with regards to the henhouse.


Now... I am not getting all PPP and I am cool SD, so stay cool! The NCAA is pretty irrelevant I agree.

Quite unbelievable how little you actually understand about what you say.

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The BCS system is the worst human invention since the flowbee. However, unless there is a dramatic drop in corporate money supporting the bowl system the BCS will continue to exist.


Nothing wrong with the flowbee :unsure:

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The BCS isn't fair and a playoff wouldn't be fair either to the teams that got left out of the 8 team,or whatever number they come up with,format. Somebody would always have a legitimate gripe.


I'd much rather be wrong about the 8th/9th best teams than the 2nd/3rd best.

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I'd much rather be wrong about the 8th/9th best teams than the 2nd/3rd best.

Unless that 8/9th team is an undefeated Boise St. or Utah that could have possibly won the championship. Every year it seems there's an undeafeated from a lesser conference that has the potential to win it all. Some years they would get in,some years not. Im OK with whatever system they go with as long as it doesn't take away from the importance of the regular season.

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Unless that 8/9th team is an undefeated Boise St. or Utah that could have possibly won the championship. Every year it seems there's an undeafeated from a lesser conference that has the potential to win it all. Some years they would get in,some years not. Im OK with whatever system they go with as long as it doesn't take away from the importance of the regular season.


That's why you make rules about conference champs or undefeated teams automatically getting a bid.


There's no reason a sensible playoff can't be put together, like they do with every other sport under the sun. 11 conferences = 11 automatic bids. 5 at large based on polls or other parameters.


Easy, peasy, Japanesey.

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Unless that 8/9th team is an undefeated Boise St. or Utah that could have possibly won the championship. Every year it seems there's an undeafeated from a lesser conference that has the potential to win it all. Some years they would get in,some years not. Im OK with whatever system they go with as long as it doesn't take away from the importance of the regular season.


"Importance of the regular season" is one of the lamest arguments that pro-BCS people still cling to. You want importance? Make the conference schedule and championship mean everything. None of this, "the regular season is important, but this teams regular season was more important because they only lost to team X where the other team's season is less important because they lost to team Y"


How can you give serious credibility to a system that says to the third place team, "sorry you can't play for the title. i know you have the same number of losses as the #2 team and i know you lost to a better team, but you lost on october 25th and the #2 team lost on october 3rd, so thats why they are better."


I agree with KD. Auto bids to conference champs and any undefeated team in 1-A, regardless of conference. This way, if you get left out, you have much less of a foot to stand on since you didn't win your conference.

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