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Beaste Mode...Cornell style


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The Palm blows this place away. Nothing like sitting on mangled picnic tables nearly destroyed by student woodcarvers :thumbsup:

The Royal Palm was a great dump...


The Palm


Dunbars was a great place to get faced too, but the all-time classic (now gone), right across from The Palm, has to be...


The Only Stand-Up Bar in Ithaca


Mmmmmm - I could go for a Triple Sui and a PMP right now :thumbsup:

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It was three years ago when I last visited Ithaca - same menu - same location.

How's come neither of you mooks railed on me for saying Cornell was almost ivy league? I thought you eggheads were all sensitive about that stuff.

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How's come neither of you mooks railed on me for saying Cornell was almost ivy league? I thought you eggheads were all sensitive about that stuff.

Nah, we just assumed you didn't know Cornell was Ivy League :thumbsup:


It's the ones who claim they go to 'ivy-league caliber' schools that have that inferiority complex :w00t:

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How's come neither of you mooks railed on me for saying Cornell was almost ivy league? I thought you eggheads were all sensitive about that stuff.



BeerBall - I just took it as one of your normal digs and as usual just blew it off :thumbsup: Have a good weekend looks like Big D is in for more rain. Guess it gets me out of my "honey-do" painting project for another weekend.


Senator - is there any aspect of Cornell life that you do not have a picture of? Your collection so far has been impressive.

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BeerBall - I just took it as one of your normal digs and as usual just blew it off :thumbsup: Have a good weekend looks like Big D is in for more rain. Guess it gets me out of my "honey-do" painting project for another weekend.


Senator - is there any aspect of Cornell life that you do not have a picture of? Your collection so far has been impressive.

Don't have one of someone jumping...


Suspension Bridge


This is a favorite -


Simply Gorge-ous


What other U has lakes and waterfalls right in the center of campus? Gotta be the most beautiful campus in the world.

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