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Obama press conference to say Joe misspoke in 5...4...3... :pirate:


Oh no. I'm doomed.


Will the Admin install separate subway cars for people who look Mexican?


!@#$ me. I took the train this morning. And will tonight. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow.


Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time;

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.


Mr. Bradley made me memorize that in AP English. Thanks a lot Ed.

And as night must follow day..... :doh:


Do you think they have a team on 24x7 alert just to handle his gaffs?

Remember, when a conservative mispeaks, they're an idiot. When Biden opens his yap, it's called "rhetorical flourish." :doh:

Remember, when a conservative mispeaks, they're an idiot. When Biden opens his yap, it's called "rhetorical flourish." :doh:



Its been awhile since I've seen that one, brilliant!! :doh:


Frankly, I don't understand why this is a story or an issue at all. 99% of Americans who heard that Joe Biden said don't fly on airplanes or get on a subway would immediately think, "Oh, well then it must be okay."


Reduces carbon emissions, prevents piggy flu, bankrupts fragile airlines......


truth is I was hoping he would recommend everyone wash their hands while singing Mary Had a Little Lamb.

And this guy was considered on of our 'better' Senators? Yikes!


mostly just a whore of credit card companies....so you can forgive him for stumbling on "airborne" illness.


One of the radio stattions here said the White hous should just offer a blanket apology for the next four years.


"Please do not pay attention to anything VP Biden says. he is suffering from end stage syphilis." :doh: :doh:

Nothing like causing panic in the ignorant.


Fortunetly, even the ignorant know Biden is an idiot.



Actually...they don't. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers. They still passionately buy into Comrade Obama, for example.

Joe doesn't have to worry about flying on planes or taking the subway. Barack has him locked away in Dick Cheney's secret bunker


Wait a minute, isn't he the one that everyone applauded because he took the train to DC every day? How's he been getting to "work"?

Wait a minute, isn't he the one that everyone applauded because he took the train to DC every day? How's he been getting to "work"?

They have completely removed the Death Ray and fumigated the house that the Vice President of the United States always resides in, so there is no need to commute from Delaware to DC. They now live in DC.


Biden was just on 60 Minutes last week freely admitting to the fact that he sometimes just says dumb things. I don't think anyone in America would argue that if it were possible to avoid being around crowds of people for awhile, it might be a good thing. But good ole Joe and his big mouth...trust him.


Wingnuts ought to look at it this way: at least there is still someone at the highest levels in DC who puts his foot in his mouth. So the gaping hole left by W isn't so large after all. :doh:


When will people learn?


United Airlines spokesperson Tim Smith declined to comment directly on the vice-president's remarks, but said, "To suggest that people not fly at this stage of things is a broad brush stroke bordering on fear-mongering."

Tim Smith. Paging Tim Smith. Please report to the White House immediately to discuss a new airline bill of rights to protect consumers from being overcharged for airfare. Paging Tim Smith. Please report to the White House immediately.


That is all.

They have completely removed the Death Ray and fumigated the house that the Vice President of the United States always resides in, so there is no need to commute from Delaware to DC. They now live in DC.



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