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Conservatives don't know Colbert is joking

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That doesn't surprise me at all. When Colbert got away with roasting Bush (classic) I figured he was done for. I foresaw him being canceled...wingnuts running over his DVDs and tapes with steamrollers a la Dixie Chicks. But...nothing.


Then I realized that a long-held belief on my part that wingnuts have ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE OF HUMOR and are COMPLETELY DIVORCED FROM REALITY...was TRUE!


I won't call them stupid. I'd like to. But there are worse things than being stupid. "Stupid" might be an accident of birth. "Ignorant" might be an accident of geography or circumstance.


But "clueless"? That these days seems to be the sole property of the right.

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That doesn't surprise me at all. When Colbert got away with roasting Bush (classic) I figured he was done for. I foresaw him being canceled...wingnuts running over his DVDs and tapes with steamrollers a la Dixie Chicks. But...nothing.


Then I realized that a long-held belief on my part that wingnuts have ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE OF HUMOR and are COMPLETELY DIVORCED FROM REALITY...was TRUE!


I won't call them stupid. I'd like to. But there are worse things than being stupid. "Stupid" might be an accident of birth. "Ignorant" might be an accident of geography or circumstance.


But "clueless"? That these days seems to be the sole property of the right.



The amount of name-calling crammed into your post is impressive, even for an expert like you. I guess that is how intellectually superior people write?

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This reminds me of studies that were conducted with viewers of "All in the Family", way back when. More conservative viewers thought Archie was the character to be admired, spoke the truth, etc...many Liberals thought the same about Meathead. Neither extremes picking up on the obvious, which was both characters were meant to satirize the two extremes of their characters beliefs.

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This reminds me of studies that were conducted with viewers of "All in the Family", way back when. More conservative viewers thought Archie was the character to be admired, spoke the truth, etc...many Liberals thought the same about Meathead. Neither extremes picking up on the obvious, which was both characters were meant to satirize the two extremes of their characters beliefs.




Only "them" act like that!

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The amount of name-calling crammed into your post is impressive, even for an expert like you. I guess that is how intellectually superior people write?

Actually "clueless" was the sole label applied. The others were rejected as inappropriate. If one is a big number to you, then indeed I can see why you're easy to impress.

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Same with Jon Stewart and the Daily show. From what I've seen Colbert leans right, Stewart leans left.


the bottom line s HUMOR. I've seen Stewart trash plenty of Democrats when they screw up too


A lot of conserv's hate Stewart because he's always mocking Republicans. Hell, WHEN they make it sooooo easy what more do you expect.


It took me about 20 seconds to see he was unfunny.

you must be a Conservative Republican then .. Too bad for you.

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