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That is what I have been doing, and attempt to do. If someone else cannot identify the problem because they can't see it, or do not have historical reference for it.....it becomes even more a state of chaos in the end.


Life goes on. I was at a bar watching the draft, eating chicken wings and drinking beer. Still fly where I need to fly. Still going to the kids' birthday parties. It's just under the backdrop of a new stage in the overall game of life. There is an agenda being played out right now. Not your typical Democrat/Republican agenda.....this is for real.


I keep pounding because it is going to click for some people at some point. If I can make that point happen just a bit quicker, and they can identify what I have been warning about a bit faster, then I can do some good. Until then, it is obvious from the psychology of the board that unless someone is in the middle of a crisis that they can see with their own eyes and understand it with their own mind, it either doesn't exist or is of no concern. Until someone has that "Holy Sh*t!!" moment, I will just be a gloom and doomer, or a bible thumper, or a crazy dude on the internet. That is understood. My payoff from my problem solving will come after that moment. When a few or if I am lucky, many, have that moment and say "You know....that crazy f**# just may have been right." Hopefully at that point there is still something that person can do about it.


I can't keep pounding forever. If we are all here come next election, and the Dow is at 20,000......every city is still standing as tall as it is now.....and life has gone on with little noticable change....then I am just a crazy dude that everyone would be right in dismissing. I will put my tail between my legs and shut the F up. It won't take that long for a lot of this stuff to happen though....I promise. I am amazed they have been able to prop this whole thing up for as long as they have...but that tends to happen when most of the people that know what is really going on are on the payroll of those doing the damage.

OK...you have your your own version of things and you are certainly entitled to it. I don't happen to think that things are as unraveled and unfixable as you. Just because you say thing are so, doesn't make them so. Same goes for me. But understand that for centuries, people have been delivering the same "this is end of life as we know it.....and HERE'S PROOF" speech. With as much conviction and so-called proof as you, and probably more.


Yet....here we are.


So I'll take you up on your offer. Let's get back on this next election and see how different your life, my life and the world is, OK?


But please, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease, don't let Dick Jauron still be coaching the Bills.

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OK...you have your your own version of things and you are certainly entitled to it. I don't happen to think that things are as unraveled and unfixable as you. Just because you say thing are so, doesn't make them so. Same goes for me. But understand that for centuries, people have been delivering the same "this is end of life as we know it.....and HERE'S PROOF" speech. With as much conviction and so-called proof as you, and probably more.


Yet....here we are.


So I'll take you up on your offer. Let's get back on this next election and see how different your life, my life and the world is, OK?


But please, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease, don't let Dick Jauron still be coaching the Bills.


Welcome to the Church of Dwight. Things are different this time.


Hope your flight to Paris went well.

Welcome to the Church of Dwight. Things are different this time.


Hope your flight to Paris went well.


Things are different this time, and only HE can perceive it, because he is a holy and devout Christian, unlike us unwashed philistines.



Good thing pride and vanity aren't sins...are they? :thumbsup:

OK...you have your your own version of things and you are certainly entitled to it. I don't happen to think that things are as unraveled and unfixable as you. Just because you say thing are so, doesn't make them so. Same goes for me. But understand that for centuries, people have been delivering the same "this is end of life as we know it.....and HERE'S PROOF" speech. With as much conviction and so-called proof as you, and probably more.


Yet....here we are.


So I'll take you up on your offer. Let's get back on this next election and see how different your life, my life and the world is, OK?


But please, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease, don't let Dick Jauron still be coaching the Bills.


Dwight knows how to decipher the Bible and determine when and where events will take place. That's why he's living in a 1000 sq ft house with 10 roommates eating spam and dinty moore. But, he KNOWS this time is really the end of times, because HE's predicting it. And HE's obviously that much smarter than the people who claimed it was the end of the world the previous 20-30 times. They couldn't decipher the Bible and use it to make financial predictions. HE can.


If you have some time in paris, make sure you load up on silver so you can survive the apocalypse.

Things are different this time, and only HE can perceive it, because he is a holy and devout Christian, unlike us unwashed philistines.



Good thing pride and vanity aren't sins...are they? :thumbsup:


Apparently Dwight skipped over Proverbs and Matthew when he was reading/deciphering the Bible.






Proverbs 3:34 - God is stern in dealing with the arrogant, but to the humble He shows kindness.

Proverbs 6:16-19 - There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.

Matthew 7:15 - Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

That is what I have been doing, and attempt to do. If someone else cannot identify the problem because they can't see it, or do not have historical reference for it.....it becomes even more a state of chaos in the end.


Life goes on. I was at a bar watching the draft, eating chicken wings and drinking beer. Still fly where I need to fly. Still going to the kids' birthday parties. It's just under the backdrop of a new stage in the overall game of life. There is an agenda being played out right now. Not your typical Democrat/Republican agenda.....this is for real.


I keep pounding because it is going to click for some people at some point. If I can make that point happen just a bit quicker, and they can identify what I have been warning about a bit faster, then I can do some good. Until then, it is obvious from the psychology of the board that unless someone is in the middle of a crisis that they can see with their own eyes and understand it with their own mind, it either doesn't exist or is of no concern. Until someone has that "Holy Sh*t!!" moment, I will just be a gloom and doomer, or a bible thumper, or a crazy dude on the internet. That is understood. My payoff from my problem solving will come after that moment. When a few or if I am lucky, many, have that moment and say "You know....that crazy f**# just may have been right." Hopefully at that point there is still something that person can do about it.


I can't keep pounding forever. If we are all here come next election, and the Dow is at 20,000......every city is still standing as tall as it is now.....and life has gone on with little noticable change....then I am just a crazy dude that everyone would be right in dismissing. I will put my tail between my legs and shut the F up. It won't take that long for a lot of this stuff to happen though....I promise. I am amazed they have been able to prop this whole thing up for as long as they have...but that tends to happen when most of the people that know what is really going on are on the payroll of those doing the damage.


With all due respect, agendas have been played out for millenia. Countless pestilence, disease, natural disasters and collapses of entire civilizations. Countless collapses of entire economic systems. Countless predictions of the end of the world. The ONLY difference is that this is YOUR time. YOUR experience.


There will be no need to come back with your tail between your legs, etc. Nor do you have to shut the f*ck up. You, like now, will have something positive to contribute to this world.


But pardon me for this, please. It seems that you, like others that I've met over the years, are actually looking forward to being proved right. Some are almost gleeful that those they warn but don't heed the call are doomed to eternal damnation. To me, that is the most unpardonable hypocrisy imagineable.

OK...you have your your own version of things and you are certainly entitled to it. I don't happen to think that things are as unraveled and unfixable as you. Just because you say thing are so, doesn't make them so. Same goes for me. But understand that for centuries, people have been delivering the same "this is end of life as we know it.....and HERE'S PROOF" speech. With as much conviction and so-called proof as you, and probably more.


Yet....here we are.


So I'll take you up on your offer. Let's get back on this next election and see how different your life, my life and the world is, OK?


But please, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease, don't let Dick Jauron still be coaching the Bills.


Understood. I am not trying to really prove anything. If I offer certain proof....I go to jail. I have said before, this isn't me coming as a religious scholar....this is me having the information that I do, and being involved in multiple aspects of work with various industries, governments, cultures, and walks of life. As the certainty of some very bad events became evident to me, I felt the need to warn others of what was coming down the pike. There is much more coming down the pike.......and there are no longer the rules in place that everyone expects to be there.


The end times debate is another ballgame. I am a numbers guy, with a twist.....my specific job in any field I deal with is to take subjective material and assign a quantitative value to it. That is what I do. That is why I enjoy sports...and as an offshoot, sports gambling. I understand not everyone is strong with numbers to begin with, and many that are, have a scientific approach with them. My job isn't to wait for proof.......my job is to project. That comes across in my posts, and I think that is where people either don't catch my jive, or think I am trying to mislead people.


My projection that leads me to the end times is simple. We are quickly approaching critical mass in terms of our technology. We are parabolic on the chart. We run into a problem where if we continue on the same productive path.....we can no longer advance in time. It is that simple......unless something drastically halts our progress....or sends us back into an earlier time...(ie. nuke, meteor, virus, etc.), we are done. Now there are plenty of people much brighter than I who feel we will solve this problem through even more understanding through technology. They are playing with the Large Hadron Collider, or are on the computer or in the lab 24/7. My theory is simple enough.......people are selfish. They will use resources for the benefit of themselves before sharing with others. That leads to power....more selfishness....and a bigger gap in control and equality. You cannot trust a selfish people. There is bound to be a screwup. I trust in God....which is my choice. When I see the data set that I do......I can make a logical assumption that there is a God. That is not exactally how he wants you to find him.....but in a secular viewpoint, we only have 2 ways to go over the next decade or so. Either science makes an advancement so big, like finding other dimensions.......or life as we know it needs to be shaken up beyond what we can imagine. Whatever happens is going to blow everyones' minds. Now....in reading the bible, which until about 3 or 4 years ago I looked at as more of a metaphor and chicken soup book......all of a sudden....it makes sense. I always considered myself a Christian....but it wasn't until I starting getting lucky enough to see all this stuff unfolding around us that I started to understand what it said.


My immediate goal has never been about convincing anyone about anything. It was to say "Watch the F out!!!" Even after everything that has come out in public over the past 2 years.....people still want to hang on to that glimmer of hope that we all live in Disneyland. Well.....we don't. That doesn't mean you have to be negative about everything...you still have your inner circle that relys on you....and you enjoy your friends and family and hobbies...and yes, life goes on. But denial and ignorance are nasty things after a while. You live in relative bliss without burden.....that is until the alarm goes off.


I can't do anything about Jauron for you!



Dow 8212.



Adams......you should be a state trooper. NY could use your skills. Think of how many cars you could pull over doing 66 in a 65.



Once again, it would be nice if you understood technicals before you get your jollies off posting that number. It's because of Literal Lucys like yourself that I need to put things like "8200 area". Anyone that understands trading knows what I am talking about. Chef Jim probably does even though he might not believe in it. There are others on the regular board that are smart enough not to post on this abortion of a wing. It's nice to see you get excited though.


I think that is how I am going to respond to you from now on......Literal Lucy. Has a nice ring to it.

With all due respect, agendas have been played out for millenia. Countless pestilence, disease, natural disasters and collapses of entire civilizations. Countless collapses of entire economic systems. Countless predictions of the end of the world. The ONLY difference is that this is YOUR time. YOUR experience.


There will be no need to come back with your tail between your legs, etc. Nor do you have to shut the f*ck up. You, like now, will have something positive to contribute to this world.


But pardon me for this, please. It seems that you, like others that I've met over the years, are actually looking forward to being proved right. Some are almost gleeful that those they warn but don't heed the call are doomed to eternal damnation. To me, that is the most unpardonable hypocrisy imagineable.


I'm not dooming anyone. I understand why you would say that, but the past year or so I have only really received replies from the same crew of jokers. There are probably a bunch of posters following along, and if you see my replies to only the same crew for the most part....sure, it could look bad.


I don't want people to get destroyed. Bottom line. Many people have already had major alterations to their lives recently. EVERYONE has new problems it seems....myself included. I do not take joy in that. I just wanted people to know that the system was out of control, and although it looks as if the wheel to the economy has been grabbed again.......the brakes are still shot. It is all intertwined right now and people really need to be ready to respond to drastic changes. Money is the blood of the body of the world. When the blood becomes infected, organ systems start to fail. At a certain point the infection is so severe that a person can be alive and responsive, yet know at the same time that they will not be around in a few days. From what I see, we are at that point.

Facts are stubborn things man. I said so.



Maybe I should start making detailed breakdowns of important sectors of society....like American Idol.



Damn....that one looks to be covered........

I'm not dooming anyone. I understand why you would say that, but the past year or so I have only really received replies from the same crew of jokers. There are probably a bunch of posters following along, and if you see my replies to only the same crew for the most part....sure, it could look bad.


I don't want people to get destroyed. Bottom line. Many people have already had major alterations to their lives recently. EVERYONE has new problems it seems....myself included. I do not take joy in that. I just wanted people to know that the system was out of control, and although it looks as if the wheel to the economy has been grabbed again.......the brakes are still shot. It is all intertwined right now and people really need to be ready to respond to drastic changes. Money is the blood of the body of the world. When the blood becomes infected, organ systems start to fail. At a certain point the infection is so severe that a person can be alive and responsive, yet know at the same time that they will not be around in a few days. From what I see, we are at that point.


You forgot the part where you, in your infinite grace and wisdom, pity the unbelievers for their ignorance.

You forgot the part where you, in your infinite grace and wisdom, pity the unbelievers for their ignorance.



Alright Tom....back on topic.



Since we will be at Level 5 today....how do you feel about the government having mandatory vaccinations? What if Level 5 allowed the US to start an internal program where anyone who refused to get a vaccination would be charged with a felony that came with a year in jail and $250,000 fine?



You might want to have your sources check on that one.

What if Level 5 allowed the US to start an internal program where anyone who refused to get a vaccination would be charged with a felony that came with a year in jail and $250,000 fine?


That depends. Would the illegals have to pay that fine, too, or would the administration give them a pass on this as well?

Alright Tom....back on topic.



Since we will be at Level 5 today....how do you feel about the government having mandatory vaccinations? What if Level 5 allowed the US to start an internal program where anyone who refused to get a vaccination would be charged with a felony that came with a year in jail and $250,000 fine?



You might want to have your sources check on that one.



The government created a bioweapon to force the WHO to go to Level 5 Alert so they could link public health policy to the WHO's opinions and force non-vaccination to be a criminal offense without passing a law through Congress? Or is that just what they want me to think, so they can inject me with mind-control nanobots?


You nutty, nutty conspiracy theorist, you. :) Do you even know what the WHO's "Level 5 Alert" really means?

The government created a bioweapon to force the WHO to go to Level 5 Alert so they could link public health policy to the WHO's opinions and force non-vaccination to be a criminal offense without passing a law through Congress? Or is that just what they want me to think, so they can inject me with mind-control nanobots?


You nutty, nutty conspiracy theorist, you. :) Do you even know what the WHO's "Level 5 Alert" really means?



Yeah....CBS News.....really far fetched source


Who wants a lollipop?

Yeah....CBS News.....really far fetched source


Who wants a lollipop?


Please show me in the CBS story where it says "vaccination". Or "bioweapon" for that matter. Do I need some sort of magical Biblical decoder ring to find it, or are you simply a graduate of the conner School or Reading Comprehension?


I'll even give you a hint: I read the sources for the article. Title 42 of the US Code and EO 13275. Can't find them there, either.

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