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Time for Ralph to sell the team........


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Ralph is older than water and needs to protect his legacy. I have 0 faith in him making it past this season, seriously. This highest bidder stuff concerns me.


If this team moves after Ralph's death, I will personally dig his azz up and rebury him in love canal for a lifetime of festering iindignity. If any of you think I am joking, you don't know me.

I am so glad I don't know you.

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it seems like we're the nice guys of the league.. Ralph is considered a gentleman and hero for his AFL actions.. same thing for Marv and DJ, players say they're great to play for, respect everyone and say the right thing etc etc..


it's the same way with the Sabres too.. Ruff is very highly regarded, Golisano is considered a savior for stepping in and saving the team from the Rigas' fiasco..


is anyone else sick of being Mr. Nice Guy??


i'm #*$&@ tired of being nice and not winning.. once, just once, i wouldn't mind being hated by everyone and winning a title.. where is the ruthlessness, where is the bloodthirsty passion?


this is not high school, we aren't educating people to grow up and become fine upstanding citizens.. this is professional sport where people are being paid to not just give their best, but to win!


ok i'm done.. must.. get.. coffee.. :rolleyes:

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Does someone pay Skoob per post or is it an ego thing?


TBD was so much nicer before he started haunting these confines...


No, he just has issues.. He's uh.. Special! Yeah, that's it! Has trouble remembering to take his meds every hour..

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I don't know why we have to continue to have this conversation. It won't happen! The way the tax code works Wilson will lose around 100million dollars in value if he sells before he dies. In fact he would lose money if he only sold a part of the team. So please- if your thinking about writing a cmment on ralph selling the team- don't. He is not (nor should he) foreit 100 million just because you don't like him.

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I don't know why we have to continue to have this conversation. It won't happen! The way the tax code works Wilson will lose around 100million dollars in value if he sells before he dies. In fact he would lose money if he only sold a part of the team. So please- if your thinking about writing a cmment on ralph selling the team- don't. He is not (nor should he) foreit 100 million just because you don't like him.



How about some estate planning then?? Is this too much to ask ahead of time??

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Wouldnt his daughter simply continue the franchise?


Highest bidder gets the team upon his death, admitted by Ralph himself. That is not planning, that's a auction. You don't plan an auction, you have one and see what happens.

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Wherever the Bills move, they WILL have to pay a relocation fee, which will compensate the NFL for losing a potential expansion site off-set by the gain of Buffalo as an expansion site. As you can imagine, the fee for moving to Los Angeles from Buffalo will be large.


The NFL could remove this barrier if it wanted to do so, but it's there until they do. This date back to the NFL's skermish with Al Davis.

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Skooby is the dumbest SOB walking the face of this Earth. Every time I read one of his posts, I feel ashamed to belong to the same species as this belligerent fool. Son nobody cares about your necrophilia so just put the keyboard down and step away. You are just mad because the Bills didn't adhere to your brainless draft ideology, which is stupid since I tried to tell you over and over that you might as well forget about your mongoloid draft ideas every time you posted one of them. So now you are going to go around threatening to exhume corpses in your anger that the rest of the world wasn't stupid enough to see your logic, or lack thereof. Do us all a favor and go kill yourself right now. The more gruesome, the better.

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Ralph is older than water and needs to protect his legacy. I have 0 faith in him making it past this season, seriously. This highest bidder stuff concerns me.


If this team moves after Ralph's death, I will personally dig his azz up and rebury him in love canal for a lifetime of festering iindignity. If any of you think I am joking, you don't know me.

While Ralph is not the best owner/manager in the world and certainly isn't my favorite person, I'd venture to guess he's done more good in the world than everyone who shares any DNA with you combined.

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Ralph is older than water and needs to protect his legacy. I have 0 faith in him making it past this season, seriously. This highest bidder stuff concerns me.


If this team moves after Ralph's death, I will personally dig his azz up and rebury him in love canal for a lifetime of festering iindignity. If any of you think I am joking, you don't know me.

Do you have a pool skimmer? I here he's being cremated and his ashes are going to be spread across Lake Michigan.

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Ralph is older than water and needs to protect his legacy. I have 0 faith in him making it past this season, seriously. This highest bidder stuff concerns me.


If this team moves after Ralph's death, I will personally dig his azz up and rebury him in love canal for a lifetime of festering iindignity. If any of you think I am joking, you don't know me.



Why do that to Love Canal? :rolleyes:

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Skooby is the dumbest SOB walking the face of this Earth. Every time I read one of his posts, I feel ashamed to belong to the same species as this belligerent fool. Son nobody cares about your necrophilia so just put the keyboard down and step away. You are just mad because the Bills didn't adhere to your brainless draft ideology, which is stupid since I tried to tell you over and over that you might as well forget about your mongoloid draft ideas every time you posted one of them. So now you are going to go around threatening to exhume corpses in your anger that the rest of the world wasn't stupid enough to see your logic, or lack thereof. Do us all a favor and go kill yourself right now. The more gruesome, the better.



Looks like they left you alone with odd uncle Stan too long.

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How about some estate planning then?? Is this too much to ask ahead of time??



Skooby, if you honestly believe he hasn't done any estate planning you are naive. You just dont like his estate plan- in fact, taking the highest bidder for his team is estate planning, as he is attempting to ensure his estate garner the highest value possible.


bladiebla, it would not be simple to leave the team to his daughter as estate tax would still be due, which in all likelihood would mean the team would have to be sold in order to pay the tax bill. The only way he can (temporarily) get around the estate tax would be to leave the team to his wife.

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