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It was a play of this, retard.



Oh no schitt, brainiac. Like no president has ever had his speeches written for him...


Just because the last one STILL mumbled and stumbled through his doesn't mean that you need to find an excuse as to why the current one is actually able to string two coherent sentences together.


Somebody's got the giggles!


Speaking of Giggles... :rolleyes:





Big Guy and I did the national radio address earlier today. Some of you might think that Big O just reads off a piece of paper, but he likes to use me just to practice. And since our weekly TV show airs this Wednesday, we thought this would be a good opportunity to work through some kinks we've been having lately.


Specifically, we just break out into giggling fits over some of the things the Administration folks have him saying. Like this morning, Big Guy was expected to record this with a straight-voice about legislation that required the federal government to pay for what it appropriated: "We need to adhere to the basic principle that new tax or entitlement policies should be paid for, so that government acts the same way any responsible family does in setting its budget."


I mean, really, who's writing this stuff?

Please, please somebody find me a wacko who is funny because he is trying to be. Anybody!



Your subscription to " The National Enquire" is due. Your renewal comes with a replacement tin foil hat, Gore to obama and signed copy of Sara Palins daughters autobiography. Pay up lemming. :lol:

heh. i'm entertained that this is even a subject of interest to anyone.


um, ah um, ah, um, ah, um, ah, um, ah. Where's my TOTUS? I need him!!


<telopromtobama> :lol:

Your subscription to " The National Enquire" is due. Your renewal comes with a replacement tin foil hat, Gore to obama and signed copy of Sara Palins daughters autobiography. Pay up lemming. :lol:

You're trying so hard that you're not even making sense anymore.


Its so funny watching you libs grasping onto "The Naked obama Wizards" small manhood with your lips. Stunning really.


I've made numerous shots at Bush over the last 8 years, but the defenders of the almighty obama crowd is quite unique. I'm looking forward to your slop over the next 4 years.


Talk about tea bagging :lol:


Slurp, slurp........

Its so funny watching you libs grasping onto "The Naked obama Wizards" small manhood with your lips. Stunning really.


I've made numerous shots at Bush over the last 8 years, but the defenders of the almighty obama crowd is quite unique. I'm looking forward to your slop over the next 4 years.


Talk about tea bagging :lol:


Slurp, slurp........

Fear leads to anger.

Anger leads to hate.

Hate leads to suffering.


Fear leads to anger.------and it should. We should vote both side out of office and start over. Term limits

Anger leads to hate-----tough one here, though if that drives the vote to oust the incumbant fools, so be it. If they want national health care they should have the same care. I doubt they'd vote for that. the elitists that they are.

Hate leads to suffering----I doubt it. Quite Michael Moore here, even Oliver Stoneesqe

heh. i'm entertained that this is even a subject of interest to anyone.


More interesting than the Palins, I'll give it that.



Which is not to say it's interesting, mind you.

Like no president has ever had his speeches written for him...


does it matter if the POTUS reads from sheets of paper or from the telepropmter?


No it doesn't. just another topic the losers can whine about.

does it matter if the POTUS reads from sheets of paper or from the telepropmter?


No it doesn't. just another topic the losers can whine about.


It matters that he can't make a complete sentence without either.

Much fun was made of Bush, Obama is worse.

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