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Leo Roth On The Bills Draft Offers A Different Perspective.

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What's with the media back there?

They seem to go out of their way so they can write a negative story.


Yeah, this team has sucked for a long time, so they should be held accountable...but writing something like that article is simply reaching.

All I know is that we finally have what looks like a great pass-rusher and have two great players anchoring the interior line.

Lords knows we needed a better Safety in there too.


Hopefully we'll be able to pick up some more key Free Agents.

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Let me know the next time Roth writes or says anything positive about the Bills. I listen to the D&C podcast with him and Maiorana, and I don't think he's ever been pleased with the team. Not that I am that often either, but you think you'd at least give them credit for addressing the lines in this draft.... The guy won't cut the Bills an ounce of slack.

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Well, what he fails to mention is that probably over half of all players drafted now are being put in roles they didn't play, or didn't primarily play in college....its just the way things in the NFL are...


So many players are put in different positions from their college positions that noone even bats an eye anymore when it happens...

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I agree, this is a dumb article. Going from CB to FS is a move to an *easier* position to play, as is going from center to guard. And the most recent conversion from safety to linebacker that I remember is Brian Urlacher...


Good draft Bills.

Not to mention if we do cut Ko Simpson then we'll have two FS who aren't pure FS's as let's not forget George Wilson started his career as a WR.

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