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John Edwards wife has breast cancer

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Hey, it wasn't ME that gave her cancer....bad things don't happen to good people.




You sir are a true POS. To all who want to try and turn this into a Edwards bashing thread, you too are off the mark and a POS. Also some of you numbnuts need to remember something. A lawyer doesn't award money to people. A jury of your piers does that. If your child is born with cerebral palsy because of medical negligence during child birth are you going to stand there and say "Oh well stevestojan happens?". Just because you are fortunate doesn't mean that everybody else is.


To the Kerry family my prayers are with you.

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Please try to retrieve your sense of humor...goodness..I'm just looking to get reactions.

Seriously...Melody's currently undergoing treatment for a precancerous mass.  It's pretty damned scary, and one of the reasons we didn't delay in getting married (being that husbands have far more legal rights than fiancees).  I sympathize with the Edwards clan...


Holy stevestojan. I just noticed this thread. Tom, sorry it took so long. Melody will be in my prayers, I really truely hope everything is okay.

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i missed Tom's post too.


i can say that my wife had a non-cancerous tumor before we were married. two in fact. at the base of her skull.


we decided to get married before the required surgeries for the same reason.

all is well now...but it was a pins and needles period of time.


i hope all goes well for the two of you!

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Did I ask you if you read the title of the thread?  I'm thinking that I asked you if you:

And because of this most recent post I don't think that you did.  Ya see Mick, Campy went off on so called compassionate conservatives in the name of W.  That is where he crossed the line and I had to chime in. You can continue to cut and paste and warp my posts in this thread however you want to, but I really think you should read the entire thread before you start chiming in next time.  If you had, you just might have browsed over post #70 where I publicly apologized to Campy instead of doing it through PM.  I'm not a kitty like that, and it was a misunderstanding.





Campy's post was in response to several shots at Edwards as a trial lawyer and the Democrats made by billsfanone and bill. I thought his reponse under the circumstances was measured, asking whether those posts were examples of compassionate conservatism. His post didn't inject politics into this thread, it was a reaction to the injection of politics by others.


You can't use Campy as an excuse for your insensitivity.

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this thread is the last straw for me. I will never return to this forum. My 26 year old brother died of cancer and was hospitalized for 5 months in sceaming agony. So f*ck you to all who made light of Mrs. Edwards situation. I have a sense of humor - but some things are just not funny.

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You sir are a true POS. To all who want to try and turn this into a Edwards bashing thread, you too are off the mark and a POS. Also some of you numbnuts need to remember something. A lawyer doesn't award money to people. A jury of your piers does that. If your child is born with cerebral palsy because of medical negligence during child birth are you going to stand there and say "Oh well stevestojan happens?". Just because you are fortunate doesn't mean that everybody else is.


To the Kerry family my prayers are with you.



If Mrs Edwards has the cancer, why would your prayers be directed at the Kerry family?


I hope everything works out okay for Mrs E.

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