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Anyone watching TWCS Draft coverage?

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I watched them Saturday night and loved the fact it was all Bills. Didn't have to wait for Bills coverge on ESPN. Bob Brinson, Bob Gaughan, Jeff Burris, even Ruben Brown and Eric Moulds. Are the on Sunday too?



TW is putting some serious effort into SportsNet. Had a chance to chat with Steve Arvan at the Joyce Symposium last Tuesday, and came away really impressed with the guy. I also tried to talk him into putting some of their programming online, but he's dead set against doing that, and I have to agree with his logic. He feels that his responsibility is to TWC subscribers, and why should they give that valuable content away for free?


(A lesson that newspapers learned far too late, or not at all, unfortunately ...)


Makes sense for them, but too bad for us. BTW -- Bob Brinson, or Jim?

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