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Sorry To Make This Post Because Probably

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First time posting in a while and last time till the season but I love that the Bills FINALLY went after the holes on this team. Congrats and get some more men tomorrow!! Other than DB who I don't pretend to know anything about....very happy


Yep, they are doing exactly what I wanted. Almost serendipitous.


Great day today!

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Don't be sorry...nice thoughts! And today is the day of the excessive threads. I made a new one just so I could post a disturbing picture of Al Davis.


Go Bills! :thumbsup:


I don't know but there is just something about hope I have for this team now. That's all I need ..ALL I need. Maybe the Sabres will go and figure out some way to get Boemeister(sp)?.....or some other NASTY Dmen. Come One Buffalo sports...If I can keep the faith, anyone can!! It's why we love this city right!?

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