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I'm Going to get REALLY Annoyed


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If the NFL/Lions use the full 10 minutes to announce the pick of Stafford. It's a done deal, just get up there and say it so we can move on.


Lighten up Francis, they usually announce them right away

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They did not last year, IIRC.



Hell, I'm already annoyed that they won't start until 4pm....


In my day they got up at the crack of dawn, and everyone ran through their picks in five minutes... sure, there was confusion and overlapping picks, but then came the whiskey drinkin' and the feats of strength... I'll never forget when Buster Ramsey wrestled George Halas... the loser got Richie Lucas....


(continues muttering to self in rocking chair, pulling shawl around shoulders, nipping at bottle of Ancient Age...)




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