/dev/null Posted April 24, 2009 Posted April 24, 2009 Here's what Zogby is asking... Some people believe Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Both the Bush and Obama administrations have said that an Iranian nuclear capability is unacceptable. Would you support or oppose a US attack on Iran to stop an Iranian nuclear weapon program after diplomacy had run its course, even if it meant a wider war in the Middle East? Strongly Support / Somewhat Support / Somewhat Oppose / Strongly Oppose Do you believe the War on Drugs has been effective or not effective in reducing drug use in this country- can we change "reducing drug use" to "reducing illegal drug use"? Effective / Not Effective / Not sure In general, do you believe that people are likely to change their political ideology as they learn new things and encounter new people, or do you believe that people are not likely to change their ideology even for these reasons? Likely / Not Likely / Not Sure Do you believe that President Obama's trip to Europe is likely to improve, worsen, or have no effect on the way America is viewed in Europe? Improve / Worsen / Have No Effect / Not Sure The federal government has set the poverty level for a family of four in the mainland United States as $21,200. Families of four with yearly income below this level are officially considered to be living in poverty and are often eligible for various forms of government assistance. Some believe that this amount is too low and that the cutoff for a family of four living in poverty should be higher than $21,200. Others believe that $21,200 is an appropriate cutoff, while others believe that $21,200 is too high. What do you believe Too Low / Appropriate / Too High / Not Sure Also had demographic questions like age, race, gender, state, etc
IDBillzFan Posted April 24, 2009 Posted April 24, 2009 Here's what Zogby is asking... Some people believe Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Both the Bush and Obama administrations have said that an Iranian nuclear capability is unacceptable. Would you support or oppose a US attack on Iran to stop an Iranian nuclear weapon program after diplomacy had run its course, even if it meant a wider war in the Middle East? Strongly Support / Somewhat Support / Somewhat Oppose / Strongly Oppose Of course they oppose this. Everyone knows as soon as we dismantle our nuclear weapons program, the world will follow suit because they like us now. We hug, we bow, we smile, we swap books, we shut down our defenses...and the next thing you know, unicorns are everywhere. People see this change coming. It's a beautiful thing.
swede316 Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 Happy Happy Joy Joy...Obama will render us nuclear weapons free....He should be impeached just for that! You cannot be serious. I'm sure China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and India will just waltz along. Idiot!
PastaJoe Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 Happy Happy Joy Joy...Obama will render us nuclear weapons free....He should be impeached just for that! You cannot be serious. I'm sure China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and India will just waltz along. Idiot! Yeah, because he said we would unilaterally eliminate our nukes.
StupidNation Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 When Iran becomes a threat to national security let me know... Sounds like they are doing the bidding of Israel, just like the situation of Iraq.
The Big Cat Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 Here's what Zogby is asking... Some people believe Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Both the Bush and Obama administrations have said that an Iranian nuclear capability is unacceptable. Would you support or oppose a US attack on Iran to stop an Iranian nuclear weapon program after diplomacy had run its course, even if it meant a wider war in the Middle East? Strongly Support / Somewhat Support / Somewhat Oppose / Strongly Oppose Do you believe the War on Drugs has been effective or not effective in reducing drug use in this country- can we change "reducing drug use" to "reducing illegal drug use"? Effective / Not Effective / Not sure In general, do you believe that people are likely to change their political ideology as they learn new things and encounter new people, or do you believe that people are not likely to change their ideology even for these reasons? Likely / Not Likely / Not Sure Do you believe that President Obama's trip to Europe is likely to improve, worsen, or have no effect on the way America is viewed in Europe? Improve / Worsen / Have No Effect / Not Sure The federal government has set the poverty level for a family of four in the mainland United States as $21,200. Families of four with yearly income below this level are officially considered to be living in poverty and are often eligible for various forms of government assistance. Some believe that this amount is too low and that the cutoff for a family of four living in poverty should be higher than $21,200. Others believe that $21,200 is an appropriate cutoff, while others believe that $21,200 is too high. What do you believe Too Low / Appropriate / Too High / Not Sure Also had demographic questions like age, race, gender, state, etc Were those your answers?
BillsFan-4-Ever Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 When Iran becomes a threat to national security let me know... Sounds like they are doing the bidding of Israel, just like the situation of Iraq. Aren't they on H-W-M-N-B-N'd Axis of Evil list and in the top 3.
The Big Cat Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 Yes I would have answered all of them the same way except for the "image abroad" question. Why did you answer what you did?
The Dean Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 I would have answered all of them the same way except for the "image abroad" question. Why did you answer what you did? Same here. I think the image of the USA abroad is already changing for the positive. Otherwise, I agree with /d/v's answers. As for the Iranian question, it is poorly worded and hard to answer. But, given the way it is asked, I have to go with Strongly Oppose. That doesn't mean circumstances won't arise that can change that answer...but without better context...no thanks. For the most part, though, it's a crappy poll, IMO.
/dev/null Posted May 1, 2009 Author Posted May 1, 2009 I would have answered all of them the same way except for the "image abroad" question. Why did you answer what you did? Actions speak louder than words It's going to take more than rhetorical self flagellation and a few kind words about the Europeans to mend fences.
The Dean Posted May 2, 2009 Posted May 2, 2009 Actions speak louder than wordsIt's going to take more than rhetorical self flagellation and a few kind words about the Europeans to mend fences. I guess it depends on how you want to interpret "the way America is viewed in Europe". I'd be willing to bet opinion polls already show a more favorable attitude toward the USA by Europeans, in general. While that's a very surface way to look at it, it looks to be a very surface question. If you want to talk about the willingness of Europeans to support US actions, and such...well, that's a much different question.
/dev/null Posted May 2, 2009 Author Posted May 2, 2009 Another new Zogby poll came out today. Up to date with Swine Fever... Thank you for agreeing to participate in this online survey about a variety of subjects. What state do you live in? State Virginia Are you registered to vote in the United States? Yes No Not sure How likely are you to vote in national elections? Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely Not sure In the 2008 presidential election, the candidates were Democrat Barack Obama, Republican John McCain, Independent Ralph Nader, Libertarian Bob Barr and Green Party Cynthia McKinney. For whom did you vote? Obama McCain Nader Barr McKinney Someone else Did not vote Not sure In which party are you either registered to vote or do you consider yourself to be a member ... Democratic Republican Independent/unenrolled/Unaffiliated Libertarian Constitution Green Natural Law Reform Other Not sure Did you receive the influenza vaccine for the current flu 2008-09 season ? Yes No Not sure Why didn't you get the flu shot? (Choose one) My doctor did not recommend it Lack of time to get vaccinated I never get flu Afraid of getting the flu from the vaccine I don't think the vaccine protects me against influenza infection Previous adverse effects from the vaccine I am afraid of needles Lack of time to get vaccinated I take necessary precautions to protect me against the flu Vaccine was not available when I wanted to get it Afraid of getting the flu from the vaccine I am allergic to eggs Didn't think it was necessary to get vaccinated Not sure Other-Specify If the swine flu vaccine was available today would you be vaccinated? Yes No Not sure Has a doctor ever told you that you have coronary heart disease or chronic disorders of the heart (heart failure, valve defects, etc) or stroke? Yes No Not sure Has a doctor ever told you that you have chronic disorders of the lung (asthma, emphysema, bronchiectasis, lung cancer etc) or diabetes or kidney dysfunction or immunodeficiency (AIDS, leukemia, lymphoma, etc)? Yes No Not sure Below are some symptoms for many illnesses. Please choose all the symptoms that you think indicate possible swine flu. (Choose all that apply.) Persistant cough Headache Body aches Fever, accompanied by chills and sweats Fatigue Diarrhea Rash Sore throat Runny nose Other/not sure Which of the following is most likely to indicate that someone may have the swine flu? (Choose only ONE.) Persistant cough, rash, fever, diarrhea Persistant cough, fever, body aches, headache Fever, headache, rash, runny nose Headache, diarrhea, fatigue, sore throat None/other/not sure Do you have any of the following symptoms? (Choose all that apply.) Persistant cough Headache - uh, does work count? Body aches - I get this sometimes when i have to move 200lb printers Fever, accompanied by chills and sweats Fatigue - See above about 200lb printers Diarrhea - Usually after I eat at McDonalds Rash Sore throat Runny nose None of the symptoms Other/not sure Do you work as a health care worker who has regular contacts with patients (doctors, nurses, PA, nurse assistants, etc) in a hospital? Yes No Not sure Do you work as a caregiver in nursing homes/day care centers/chronic-care facilities or take care of the sick/elderly at your home? Yes No Not sure Do you have a child/children living with you aged 6 months to 2 years or those who have chronic disorders of the pulmonary (including asthma) or cardiovascular systems or metabolic conditions (diabetes, enzyme deficiencies) or immunodeficiencies (AIDS, leukemia, lymphoma, etc) Yes No Not sure Have you stockpiled Tamiflu in your house in case of a possible flu pandemic? Yes No Not sure Is it your understanding that Tamiflu only reduces symptoms and conditions or reduces the death rate from the flu? Reduces Symptoms and conditions Reduces deaths Both Does not help Not sure When you get the flu, are you more likely to (Choose one) Get complete bed rest Continue mild physical activity Exercise to break a sweat to cure flu None of the above When you get the flu, which of the following, if any, do you usually take to relive your symptoms? (Choose one) Aspirin Tylenol/Acetaminophen Tylenol-flu Motrin /Advil-ibuprofen Something else How many times a day do you wash your hands? One Two Three Four Five or more Not sure Are you washing hands more since the Swine Flu? Yes No Not sure Are you currently following any of the precautions listed below to avoid coming into contact with the swine flu? (Choose all that apply) Carry hand wipes or a gel hand sanitizer Stop shaking hands Avoid making contact with your own eyes or nose Wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth Cough into your sleeve or shirt Nothing/not sure Have you cut back on any travel plans because of the current outbreak of swine flu? Yes No Not sure Have you cut back on going to restaurants or malls because of the current outbreak of swine flu? Yes No Not sure Who do you think should have the final responsibility for closing schools during flu outbreaks? School officials (principals/superintendents) Local public officials (mayors/council people) State officials (governors/legislators/state departments of education) Federal officials (HHS/CDC/legislators/president) Other/not sure Which one of the following groups do you believe should have priority receiving the flu shot? First responders (military, doctors, nurses, police, firefighters, healthcare workers, etc.) Seniors and children Those with serious illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, etc. First come/first serve - no priorities Other/not sure On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being not at all severe and 10 being the most severe, how severe do you think the threat from new swine flu also known as H1N1 flu is? Not at all severe 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Most severe Not sure If mandated by the public health officials, will you be willing to go into voluntary quarantine? Yes No Not sure If mandated by the public health officials, do you think it is ethical to place subjects including you into a mandatory quarantine? Yes No Not sure Do you think the government should close US-Mexico Border because of the swine flu? Yes, right now Yes, if the situation worsens and this is warranted by health officials No, never Not sure Do you think swine flu is related to eating pork? Yes No Not sure On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being not at all confident and 5 being very confident, what is your level of confidence in the government's ability to handle this potential crisis? Not at all confident - I've never been confident in the government's ability to find it's way out of a paper bag 2 3 4 Very confident Not sure Did Vice President Biden's remarks make you afraid to travel on public transportation? Yes No - The only thing Joe Biden makes me afraid of is the fact he is a heartbeat away from the football Not sure/Not aware of his remarks Do you believe that the current Swine Flu outbreak is the result of bioterrorism? Strongly believe Somewhat believe Somewhat disbelieve Strongly disbelieve Not Sure Have you stopped eating at Mexican Restaurants because of the Swine Flu outbreak? Yes No Don't eat at Mexican Restaurants/Not Sure Refused And demographic data....age, race, income, etc
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