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  LABillzFan said:
Did you know that 90% of all genetic material from pigs and birds is brought illegally into Mexico by Americans?


It's true.



Maybe they'll close the border.

  drinkTHEkoolaid said:
im not going to lie... i am a little worried about this


When people start dying outside of Mexico, then I'll be worried.


Until then...just curious...

  RayFinkle said:
The regular flu kills thousands every year, a fact that the media loves to gloss over....ahhh the media.

what worries me is this is NOT the regular influenzea and it seems scientists dont know much about thie strain as of yet... which is cause for concern

  drinkTHEkoolaid said:


1918 flu pandemic. Killed a hell of a lot of people. In numeric terms, probably killed more than the plague in the mid-14th century (in percentage terms, nowhere near that, of course). I know it was an H1N1 virus, like this one...but don't know if anyone ever managed to sequence it, though I know people have tried.


I also know that it will happen again someday...but I'll wait to label this "someday" when somebody outside of Mexico actually dies from it. Until then, this is just weird.

  DC Tom said:
1918 flu pandemic. Killed a hell of a lot of people. In numeric terms, probably killed more than the plague in the mid-14th century (in percentage terms, nowhere near that, of course). I know it was an H1N1 virus, like this one...but don't know if anyone ever managed to sequence it, though I know people have tried.


I also know that it will happen again someday...but I'll wait to label this "someday" when somebody outside of Mexico actually dies from it. Until then, this is just weird.


yea i know what it is that was my attempt at a "worried" face....


I got a swine flu shot years ago. I felt like a pig for a week.






  DC Tom said:
1918 flu pandemic. Killed a hell of a lot of people. In numeric terms, probably killed more than the plague in the mid-14th century (in percentage terms, nowhere near that, of course). I know it was an H1N1 virus, like this one...but don't know if anyone ever managed to sequence it, though I know people have tried.


I also know that it will happen again someday...but I'll wait to label this "someday" when somebody outside of Mexico actually dies from it. Until then, this is just weird.

First death from Swine Flu reported in Texas. http://www.wtopnews.com/?nid=345&sid=1655773

  RayFinkle said:
The regular flu kills thousands every year, a fact that the media loves to gloss over....ahhh the media.


Like the most recent strain of flu that killed something like 36K worldwide? I know what you mean... they love to report that we should be "concerned" but not "panicked." :rolleyes: But by all means right after the story that says don't panic, please run about 5 more stories about how this could have dire consequences on the world economy, it could wipe out thousands and thousands of people, etc...


Fuggin media... :lol:

  DC Tom said:
I call it H1N1...because it really has little more to do with pigs than any other flu virus.


Of course, we could all call it the "Spanish Flu" as well...roughly the same strain as 90 years ago, apparently.

Spanish flu? isn't that the stuff they give girls to make them horny?


Actually my grandfather died of it on December 24 1918. My dad was about 4 years old at the time. Devastating thing.

  DC Tom said:
When people start dying outside of Mexico, then I'll be worried.


Until then...just curious...


I'm sure it has nothing to do with the squalor and dirty environment some people live in in Mexico.



  BuffaloBill said:
There is too much "the sky is falling" from the media over this as of yet minor outbreak of flu.


It's like SARS. I don't take these things seriously because people were more likely to die from the flu than SARS. :rolleyes: Stirring the pot = ratings. :nana:



  KD in CT said:
Don't call it Swine Flu!!


Government responds to hurt feelings of pigs :lol:



That H1N1 Flu is really nasty.


I guess we should start calling the mad cow disease Happy Cow who's mildly distressed or cow that is suffering from depression.



  DC Tom said:
I call it H1N1...because it really has little more to do with pigs than any other flu virus.


Of course, we could all call it the "Spanish Flu" as well...roughly the same strain as 90 years ago, apparently.


Yeah, but then the makers of Spanish Fly would start to complain.

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