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A letter to President obama.

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Legally, he's of indeterminate status, pending a military hearing to determine what his status might be.


That's according to domestic law and the Geneva Convention.


So that means we can torture him?


Anyways, there re public statements and memo's galore publicly stating that this country does not torture. Waterboarding if its torture or not is illegal.

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I bet Obama is having a terribly difficult time debating whether he should release his college grades, in the interest of transparency, of course.


FWIW, I've been through SERE training and wasn't waterboarded. I did have many similar, unpleasant experiences though. It should be noted that I went through at least ten years later than the gentleman who penned the letter. I'm not sure what the current TTP are though.

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So that means we can torture him?


Anyways, there re public statements and memo's galore publicly stating that this country does not torture. Waterboarding if its torture or not is illegal.


You know, most people can't jump from A directly to F in a rational discussion; they have to go through B, C, D, and E. A select few, however, have the talent where they can jump from A directly to F.


Then there's you, who starts at A and jumps to a completely different !@#$ing alphabet. :thumbsup:

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On another note, I have my suspicions the letter is bogus but need to further investigate to be sure.


I suspect as well. Something about the letter just seems kind-of off.


Even though it might be factually correct - I've heard enough anecdotes about SERE and other similar training to not dismiss the possibility that they have done waterboarding as part of the training.

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And that's the crux of this matter. The United States of America deemed waterboarding "torture" ... until WE decided to do it.



So that means we can torture him?


Anyways, there re public statements and memo's galore publicly stating that this country does not torture. Waterboarding if its torture or not is illegal.


Seriously,can anyone tell if these are real people or computer generated moronic responses to keep the forum interesting?

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I have my suspicions the letter is bogus but need to further investigate to be sure.



Please do check it out. Let us know. I checked it out best I could. I took it from a radio web site that said it was sent in from one of its listeners.


I hope that the letter writters copy to the other three will get the publicity that it should. Though I doubt it.

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You know, most people can't jump from A directly to F in a rational discussion; they have to go through B, C, D, and E. A select few, however, have the talent where they can jump from A directly to F.


Then there's you, who starts at A and jumps to a completely different !@#$ing alphabet. :thumbsup:


You are off on a different planet. You pretend to be rational but in reality you are far from it. When stuck and unable to win the argument at hand you resort to name calling. Are you denying Bush said we don't torture? Are you denying there exist numerous military memo's saying we don't torture? Are you denying that not-torturing people has been a U.S. policy for the better half of a century? Are you denying what we did was illegal?


Stop with the name calling and come out with it. What is it exactly that you are denying?


A rational person when slapped in the head with undeniable facts acknowledges them and revises their opinion. You are not rational.

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You are off on a different planet. You pretend to be rational but in reality you are far from it. When stuck and unable to win the argument at hand you resort to name calling. Are you denying Bush said we don't torture? Are you denying there exist numerous military memo's saying we don't torture? Are you denying that not-torturing people has been a U.S. policy for the better half of a century? Are you denying what we did was illegal?


Stop with the name calling and come out with it. What is it exactly that you are denying?


A rational person when slapped in the head with undeniable facts acknowledges them and revises their opinion. You are not rational.


I pointed out the prisoners' status under the law. You turned that into "So that justifies torture?" You're not hitting me in the head with undeniable facts...you apparently can't even read. And you somehow think that's my fault. :thumbsup:

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I pointed out the prisoners' status under the law. You turned that into "So that justifies torture?" You're not hitting me in the head with undeniable facts...you apparently can't even read. And you somehow think that's my fault. :wallbash:

The best part is your explanations are incredibly dumbed down but conner's estrogen level is so high he still can't process the information.

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I pointed out the prisoners' status under the law. You turned that into "So that justifies torture?" You're not hitting me in the head with undeniable facts...you apparently can't even read. And you somehow think that's my fault. :wallbash:


:P Lets break this down one line at a time, we'll go slow for you...


So first, are you saying that this country does not have a long-standing public policy of not torturing?

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:wallbash: Lets break this down one line at a time, we'll go slow for you...


So first, are you saying that this country does not have a long-standing public policy of not torturing?

We do not torture POW's. that is correct.


However, these are not POW's. Why do you not understand that. These folks are considered non-statused under the Geneva Convention and are not subject to the same rights as a POW or criminal. They are npt subject to US or international law.

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We do not torture POW's. that is correct.


However, these are not POW's. Why do you not understand that. These folks are considered non-statused under the Geneva Convention and are not subject to the same rights as a POW or criminal. They are npt subject to US or international law.


I asked if we torture. Period. Do we torture anyone? Is it U.S. policy to torture?

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:P Lets break this down one line at a time, we'll go slow for you...


So first, are you saying that this country does not have a long-standing public policy of not torturing?


This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about! Nowhere did I even say anything that had anything to do with that! :wallbash: You are a very silly little boy.

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