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Starting a Kettleball Routine. Anyone Want to Join Me?


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A buddy of mine used to do this sort of routine and swore by it. I had completely forgotten about the concept until I saw this Weider spot on tv the other day. I went ahead and ordered one and am pretty excited about using it.


I wanted to see if anyone else was interested in getting one and then maybe keeping track of our progress in this thread as a form of support and encouragement.


Here's the one I just ordered: http://www.getpowerbell.com/

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Hubba-hubba :thumbsup:


So, you going on a popcorn diet? :beer:


Diets suck. I've always believed that if you work out properly, you wont' need to diet. Of course, I haven't put that much to the test since I've been in my 30s, but it sure worked great in my 20s!

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Here's how to stay in shape.


Eat less, ie, always leave the table hungry AND

Workout for an hour 5-6 days a week.


For more details on the former, count calories. The easiest way to do that as far as I know is an iPhone app called Lose it!.

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Diets suck. I've always believed that if you work out properly, you wont' need to diet. Of course, I haven't put that much to the test since I've been in my 30s, but it sure worked great in my 20s!


Fad diets suck, but proper eating is essential. It's a complete lifestyle change to live healthy that most people just don't want to commit to, so they always end up fat again. You can't eat a burger everyday, but once a week is fine if you're choosing smart the rest of the week. Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day and not 3 huge ones.


John Adams already said it, if you have an iphone or touch, download the lose it app. Use it and don't cheat for a good month, it will change how and what you eat and it will carry over after you stop using it. I thought I knew what I was ingesting before I tried it but I was wrong.


It's all about calories. Burn more then you consume and you'll lose weight (watch the calories from fat though, bad.) If you are weight training make certain you are getting a gram of protein per pound of body weight per day or your body will burn muscle instead of fat and you won't see major gains. If you can't swing that in your diet, think about taking a whey protein supplement.

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Diets suck. I've always believed that if you work out properly, you wont' need to diet. Of course, I haven't put that much to the test since I've been in my 30s, but it sure worked great in my 20s!

Guess you didn't get my Kettlecorn popcorn joke. :censored:


But, yeah, I don't believe in diets. Kegtapr is right on...it's more of a lifestyle change than anything. :thumbsup:

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