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How much influence will Buddy Nix have?


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Let me start off by saying that I was excited when I heard the Bills re-signed Buddy Nix as a scout. I was even more encouraged when I read that he ran the Chargers' drafts, considering how good they were. My question is, will he have a large say in who gets drafted? If so, I'm even more excited at what he could do with the multiple 1st rounders and early picks.

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Let me start off by saying that I was excited when I heard the Bills re-signed Buddy Nix as a scout. I was even more encouraged when I read that he ran the Chargers' drafts, considering how good they were. My question is, will he have a large say in who gets drafted? If so, I'm even more excited at what he could do with the multiple 1st rounders and early picks.


I'm sure SKOOB has in inside source that will answer this question for you :lol:

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I'm really happy that someone finally brought up Buddy Nix. I was reading on his Wikipedia page that many people around the NFL feel that Nix is a "top 5 talent evaluator in the NFL".


I think he will make a huge difference in the Bills draft. People worry about the LT hole vacated by Peters. Nix was extremely vocal in CHargers drafting of LT Marcus McNeil in the 2nd round of the 2006 draft.



Article with Nix talking about McNeil

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I'm really happy that someone finally brought up Buddy Nix. I was reading on his Wikipedia page that many people around the NFL feel that Nix is a "top 5 talent evaluator in the NFL".


I think he will make a huge difference in the Bills draft. People worry about the LT hole vacated by Peters. Nix was extremely vocal in CHargers drafting of LT Marcus McNeil in the 2nd round of the 2006 draft.



Article with Nix talking about McNeil


I loved McNeil back in 06 and was hoping the Bills drafted him. I never heard of his back problem, which can be a very severe problem, untill after the draft (I had just heard injuries were a concern with him). I therefore love Buddy Nix.

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I think that Modrak is supposed to have more input on this one, but I'm sure that he and Nix are working together. Nix was not brought in here to play the spectator role. They obviously saw his track record, looked at ours, and brought the guy in for improvement. :lol:

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VOR:Thanks for bringing up Nix.


Without knowing how much influence he will have....


knowing Nix will have input is the thread of hope I am hanging onto that the Bills will have a productive draft.


I'd really love to talk to him about his former days with the Bills, his time with the Chargers and what its like to return to the Bills organization at this point.


Where is Bills Babe when you need her?

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I hope it's more influence than Linda Bogdan.*


(* Ralph's daughter, now the 'Chief OL scout" about whom Bill Polian allegedly used the C-word, which allegedly led to his firing... And when Polian uses language like that, you've done something to deserve it. The meddlesome apple didn't fall too far from the meddlesome tree.)

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I hope it's more influence than Linda Bogdan.*


(* Ralph's daughter, now the 'Chief OL scout" about whom Bill Polian allegedly used the C-word, which allegedly led to his firing... And when Polian uses language like that, you've done something to deserve it. The meddlesome apple didn't fall too far from the meddlesome tree.)


makes you wonder why, if shes got so much influence with the team (not that its a whole lot), and seems to be actually interested in the team, that Wilson doesn't just leave her the team when he dies...not that it would be a good thing, I really don't know..but it would end all this "whose going to buy the team" crap we always hear

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