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Bills are bottoming out

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Because for some people, in a sick way, they want others to try and feel as miserably as they do about things.



I can't speak for Badobilz, but anyone who has lived and died with this team for most of their lives has every right to feel pessimistic about what has been going on with this franchise, for the last few years. Just as those who want to look for a silver lining have a right to see their silver lining where they choose. Even the most optimistic fan would have to admit, however, that the franchise is on pretty shaky ground right now. We have all done our time as Bills fans, and I suspect, have been optimistic more often than not. Sometimes, though, you need to share what you are seeing with people that care about the same things. I don't agree with everything Badobilz has to say, point for point, but I do agree with the overall point, that this team is at a very low point in its' existence right now. For me, the uncertainty of that existence is only making the negative feelings worse. There is nothing sick about it. Just as their is nothing sick about you seeing the proverbial "glass half full". I don't think anyone is trying to say "I told you so"...I think some are just truly discouraged by the perceived lack of a plan, toward turning this team into a winner. For every positive move the team makes, they seem to be backed into taking another step back, normally for monetary reasons.

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Thanks. This board definitely needed some more Bills suck posts. Truly a very productive post. :rolleyes:


The crazy thing about all this is the players on the team could care less what some Joe Schomo posts on a message board. So despite all the many negative things you believe are wrong with the team, they are completely meaningless. But thanks for trying to pass around some more words of negativity. And you can brag on this message board if the Bills do suck as much as you say they do. Awesome. Enjoy your offseason.


P.S. I would have loved to heard your thoughts about the 3-13 Falcons before last year.

BADOL's post is a lot more productive than yours. He made actual statements related to the direction of the team and the decisions of the front office, whereas you, apparently, just like to criticize other posters.

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First of all, they are guided by the lame duck Dick Jauron, arguably the worst long tenured head coach in the Super Bowl era. This alone would be cause for concern because everyone knows that he can't continue to do what he has been doing and keep his job. Unfortunately for him and us, he has been doing his best and it isn't even close to enough. Expect Jauron to try to be more aggressive and for the results to be worse because he isn't capable of coaching that brand of football.


Second, they have a fragile, physically limited starting QB, a very bad backup situation and nobody in development. Edwards will be hurt early in the season.

He will be hurt early because he has arguably the worst OL in the NFL in front of him. Seriously, look around the league and find a worse collection of OL. When Langston Walker is your best OL you have a serious concern.




The 4 best DL are all well on the backsides of their careers. Stroud, Schobel, Kelsay and Denney.....this unit was poor last year and is really poised for a big fallout. They all really are at the point in their careers where they should be backups or at best in a rotation with players of comparable or better talent. There is not a lot in the cupboard behind these guys either.


TO. I saw Dave McBride here talking about Owens as the best player on this team. That's not saying much, but even so, he's not. He's very old for a wr and has had declining production. I fully expect him to be nicked up in or before camp and nagged by injuries like you would expect from a player who is that old. Perhaps the key point though is that his hands are failing him. Anyone who remembers James Lofton as a Bill should remember that when the Bills let Lofton go he could still do everything he always could.......except catch the football consistently. The hands go first and TO lead the NFL in dropped passes last year.


The linebacker position is very slow and unathletic. Mitchell makes big plays, but he's not a very good all around player. Poz is a the opposite, he's solid but makes no plays. Who even knows who the other starter will be, but chances are it's not going to be a game changer and the backups are little more than special teamers.


The back of the secondary. There is no capable free safety on this roster. Unless you count Whitner as a free safety......which is a position he is worse suited for than SS.......holyshitt what a mess is brewing back there.


Perhaps the biggest sign of an implosion is the radical moves being made by and attributed to Russ Brandon. There appears to be an effort to add by subtraction as if the reason the organization has failed to win is because of a few guys who just aren't buying into the wonderful system in place. This situation is very reminiscent of what the Lions did last offseason.


I know a lot of you are counting on the draft and the June 1st releases to bolster this roster. Unfortunately the draft never supplies the kind of immediate help that a roster like this needs to get better now. Even the top picks will not lead this team. Not that this will keep the Bills from drafting for need instead of taking the best available player......that's what they do and it's the main reason they are so lacking in difference makers. Also, there won't be any June 1st cuts. I just mentioned this because for some reason people don't realize that June 1st ceased to be a key date about a decade ago and isn't even relevant at all since the last cba.


Lastly, a tough schedule in a tough division filled with teams run by instinctive, successful career football men.


I'd love to be wrong about this, but a year from now people will be wondering how any of us could have thought this team could be anything more than horrible. If Edwards goes down, and he will, this team is headed for 2-4 wins. The days of the team winning a handful of games by playing ultra conservative Jauron ball and taking advantage of young teams who are trying to get better are gone.


sad, but SO true

I hope it ain't so

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BADOL's post is a lot more productive than yours. He made actual statements related to the direction of the team and the decisions of the front office, whereas you, apparently, just like to criticize other posters.



How does whining about the moves on a message board help anything? All those statements were his opinions. We, as fans, are absolutely powerless to change any of that. Again, I would have loved to see Falcons and Fins message boards last year at this time.


Look, I don't mean to question anyone's fandom. And trust me, there is no one who takes Bills losses harder than me. But I just am so sick of all this negative stuff that everyone feels the need to post over and over again. There's a counseling theory called brief solution focused therapy. Basically, it says that you should focus on solving the problem instead of worrying about what caused the problem. too many people are just worried about things that are all ready done - Whitner pick, Jauron, Peters trade- instead of worrying about possible solutions - the draft, any possible fa depth signings, Trent's chemistry with TO.


All I know is that this board lately is crushing my enthusiasm as a Bills' fan more than any move the team has made. So I probably will find some other things to do with my time than just read people's Bills suck posts. Here's to a good draft and a great season. i'll save for whining until after a real game is played. :rolleyes:

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I can't speak for Badobilz, but anyone who has lived and died with this team for most of their lives has every right to feel pessimistic about what has been going on with this franchise, for the last few years. Just as those who want to look for a silver lining have a right to see their silver lining where they choose. Even the most optimistic fan would have to admit, however, that the franchise is on pretty shaky ground right now. We have all done our time as Bills fans, and I suspect, have been optimistic more often than not. Sometimes, though, you need to share what you are seeing with people that care about the same things. I don't agree with everything Badobilz has to say, point for point, but I do agree with the overall point, that this team is at a very low point in its' existence right now. For me, the uncertainty of that existence is only making the negative feelings worse. There is nothing sick about it. Just as their is nothing sick about you seeing the proverbial "glass half full". I don't think anyone is trying to say "I told you so"...I think some are just truly discouraged by the perceived lack of a plan, toward turning this team into a winner. For every positive move the team makes, they seem to be backed into taking another step back, normally for monetary reasons.



Fair enough and I respect your opinion. But this negative energy has just been killing the Bills fan in me.

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Fair enough and I respect your opinion. But this negative energy has just been killing the Bills fan in me.



The Bills ownership/management has been killing the Bills fan in me! :rolleyes: Like you said yourself, we are all just a bunch of Joe Schmoes' hacking out posts about the Bills...we have little control over anything that happens.


Believe me, I have really been trying hard not to turn to the dark side..but it is getting tough for me. I envy you young bucks who have some spark left... I suspect, when August rolls around, I will be chomping at the bit for Bills football to start up again.

Right now, I am not impressed with what I am seeing...maybe though, they will do something out of character (they signed T.O. right?) this weekend and make me forget some of this...a defensive end that reminds me of Bruce Smith would cheer me up some...GO BILLS!

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How does whining about the moves on a message board help anything? All those statements were his opinions. We, as fans, are absolutely powerless to change any of that. Again, I would have loved to see Falcons and Fins message boards last year at this time.

Of course his statements were his opinions! What do you think a message board is for, exactly? It's certainly not to change the direction of the team.


If being positive about the team works for you, then great. But I don't think it's reasonable after the last 10 years to expect most or even many Bills fans to take that attitude.

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Look man. We know we stand on completely different ends of the Jauron viewpoint. You think he is one of the worst coaches ever. I've never said Jauron was a great coach, but he is not nearly as bad as fans want to make him out to be. For the most part, I think coaching in the NFL is completely overrated and having a great QB can make coaches. Jauron's never had an average QB. BB had the same exact winning % as DJ does right now before Brady.


That's an interesting statement you make. IIRC, on this very message board, in one of the Cutler threads, a certain poster said Shanahan had the ability to make average players perform better. You know who said that?


You did.


You made that statement trying to prove Cutler was overrated.


If QB's make the coach, then how does BB take a QB that has not started a game since HS, plug said QB into his team, and produce a winning record?


How does BB, as HC of the Browns, take Vinny Testaverde (considered a bad QB at the time), plug him into his team, and not only reaches the playoffs, but the Vinny led Browns actually won a playoff game?


How does Dan Reeves, Bill Parcels, Don Shula, and Mike Holmgren lead more than 1 team to the SB?


How does Brian Billick win a SB with Trent Dilfer as a QB?


How did Joe Gibbs win three SB with 3 different QB's, two of them being Doug Williams and Mark Rypien?


How do coaches like Shanahan, Fisher, etc ... make the playoffs with different QB's?


How did Bill Cowher get to 2 SB with 2 different QB's?


Why did Coughlin admit he had to change, and not his QB, when the Giants won the SB two years ago?


Explain your Shanahan/Cutler statement.


(I can provide many more examples if you want.)


I believe a HC has a far bigger impact than you want to admit.


I've said that I think Trent Edwards is the best QB Jauron has ever had to open a season with (as sad as that may be). If Jauron & the Bills suck this season, I will offer up no more excuses and freely admit how terrible he was. However, if the Bills have a winning season, you will admit you were wrong. Deal?


No deal. I have said before on this board that one winning season proves nothing, and will not change my opinion about him.


Prior to the 2008 season, I listed 3 things Dick Jauron needed to accomplish before I would consider changing my opinion of him.


1. His team needs to beat the better teams (teams over .500 at the end of the year) consistently.

2. He needs to win a playoff game.

3. He needs to accomplish 1 and 2 for more than 1 year.


I am still waiting for him to accomplish #1.


I firmly believe Dick Jauron is terrible HC. We Bills fans have seen incompetent coaching for so long, we have forgotten what good coaching looks like.


I am sorry if my overly pessimistic view bothers you. But like many others on here, that view will change once the Bills start winning.

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How does whining about the moves on a message board help anything? All those statements were his opinions. We, as fans, are absolutely powerless to change any of that. Again, I would have loved to see Falcons and Fins message boards last year at this time.


Look, I don't mean to question anyone's fandom. And trust me, there is no one who takes Bills losses harder than me. But I just am so sick of all this negative stuff that everyone feels the need to post over and over again. There's a counseling theory called brief solution focused therapy. Basically, it says that you should focus on solving the problem instead of worrying about what caused the problem. too many people are just worried about things that are all ready done - Whitner pick, Jauron, Peters trade- instead of worrying about possible solutions - the draft, any possible fa depth signings, Trent's chemistry with TO.


All I know is that this board lately is crushing my enthusiasm as a Bills' fan more than any move the team has made. So I probably will find some other things to do with my time than just read people's Bills suck posts. Here's to a good draft and a great season. i'll save for whining until after a real game is played. :rolleyes:


Couldn't have said that any better.

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Your post makes many valid points,but most of them are arguable. I know you won't agree,but if somebody had the time and patience,a good argument stating the other side of most of your points can be made. For whatever reason you CHOOSE to see the glass as half empty in every point. You see a LB corp that's very slow and unathletic,I see a LB group that's 1 player away from being damn good. You see the worst OL in the NFL,I see an OL that's definitely in transition but with a good chance to be solid by the season opener. I could go on,but I've made my point. My question to you is,Why do you put yourself thru the agony of rooting with your heart and soul for a team when you have such a downer attitude about the whole situation? Obviously,you have a right to feel and do as you wish. I just don't get it.

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Your post makes many valid points,but most of them are arguable. I know you won't agree,but if somebody had the time and patience,a good argument stating the other side of your points can be made. For whatever reason you CHOOSE to see the glass as half empty in every point. You see a LB corp that's very slow and unathletic,I see a LB group that's 1 player away from being damn good. You see the worst OL in the NFL,I see an OL that's definitely in transition but with a good chance to be solid by the season opener. I could go on,but I've made my point. My question to you is,Why do you put yourself thru the agony of rooting with your heart and soul for a team when you have such a downer attitude about the whole situation? Obviously,you have a right to feel and do as you wish. I just don't get it.



Do you have time just to explain this?

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Do you have time just to explain this?

Sure. There's plenty of ways this could still work out. On the R side we could have have Walker and Butler,C would be Hangartner,LG Kendall Simmons,LT Bell or draft pick. Or Walker could play LT,Chambers RT,Butler and Hangartner at G's and a draft pick at C. There are top notch talents in the draft,still a few FA's and Bell may be ready to contribute. There are many combinations possible.

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I have to agree with Badolbilz (sp?) this is a low point in Bills history. I have been a fan for a number of years and have always had hope that "my" team could compete. I don't feel that way now. We develop players and then let them go when they are in their prime. We pay players with little talent huge contracts. We have a coach that can't win. We play home games in a different country?

Before you hit me with being a negative nancy or "why do you watch them" or these post aren't productive let me point out that we fans have an impact on what this front office does. This is the first time that I have made a post like this in my 10 year of coming to this board (way back to the D&C days).


Things have gotten bad, we have become a joke, it needs to be said.


I hope the Bills play well next year. I always will, but seriously we will be lucky to get to .500 much less go to the Super Bowl.

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ho w anyone can look at the events of this past off-season and expect any more than 5 wins is beyond me. and it all starts at the top:





you pretty much hit the nail on the head, how that idiot made the hall of fame is beyond me

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I agree with a lot of that stuff Badolbills. When we have an acting GM who is in way over his head like this, disaster will be created. As of now I see a 4-12. or 5-11 record if they get lucky. Sadly, they will likely not get a football man who has an idea on how to build a team, so this year wont be bottoming out.

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I love your attitude.. makes me wanna :rolleyes:


all this, and 70,000 stupid WNYers will still show up for every game. ralph wilson is the smartest guy in the world with the most blindly loyal fans in the world. ralph has no intention of competing for the title. he just knows how to take the fans money. he is a brilliant business guy . he knows he doesn't need jason peters, or pat williams, or nate clements, or angelo crowell or 10 win teams to fill the stadium. people show up anyway, just for the tailgate... i wish i was ralph wilson.. he has the best franchise in the league... all he has to do is put a team on the field , throw a TO out there to hook the fans, and wa la, $ start rolling in... amazing..

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Again, the homeless guy who coached NE was 41-55 (43% winning %) before Brady. Dick Jauron's winning 43%. Additionally, Jeff Fisher has had 8 non-winning seasons out of 15. And Fisher, IMO, is the best head coach in football.


But we obviously know Jauron is the worst coach ever and would suck even if he had Tom Brady or Steve McNair. And the brilliant minds of Belichick & Fisher would have had the same exact success with the likes of Jim Miller, Cade McNown, and JP Losman. :rolleyes:


There are things to point to when comparing Belichick to Jauron other than superbowl wins. Belichick was a great defensive coordinator. Jauron employs a defensive system that is weak and stupid, and he does it with small players. Belichick drafts linemen with his early picks. Jauron seems to favor defensive backs, and then throws them in this dumb cover-2 where they are far away from the ball. What's worse is that even if he did have a clue on draft day (which I very strongly doubt), it is said that 90 year old Mr. Wilson has the final say. How far is this going to bring a team?


Btw, Badol is more analytical than negative. He has gone to every home game for many years and puts his money where his mouth is. Others come from across America and even other countries to see the Bills. It gets expensive, but Bills Fans are a very loyal bunch. We at least deserve a playoff spot every now and then rather than ongoing idiocy from Bills management.

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First of all, they are guided by the lame duck Dick Jauron, arguably the worst long tenured head coach in the Super Bowl era. This alone would be cause for concern because everyone knows that he can't continue to do what he has been doing and keep his job. Unfortunately for him and us, he has been doing his best and it isn't even close to enough. Expect Jauron to try to be more aggressive and for the results to be worse because he isn't capable of coaching that brand of football.


Second, they have a fragile, physically limited starting QB, a very bad backup situation and nobody in development. Edwards will be hurt early in the season.


He will be hurt early because he has arguably the worst OL in the NFL in front of him. Seriously, look around the league and find a worse collection of OL. When Langston Walker is your best OL you have a serious concern.




The 4 best DL are all well on the backsides of their careers. Stroud, Schobel, Kelsay and Denney.....this unit was poor last year and is really poised for a big fallout. They all really are at the point in their careers where they should be backups or at best in a rotation with players of comparable or better talent. There is not a lot in the cupboard behind these guys either.


TO. I saw Dave McBride here talking about Owens as the best player on this team. That's not saying much, but even so, he's not. He's very old for a wr and has had declining production. I fully expect him to be nicked up in or before camp and nagged by injuries like you would expect from a player who is that old. Perhaps the key point though is that his hands are failing him. Anyone who remembers James Lofton as a Bill should remember that when the Bills let Lofton go he could still do everything he always could.......except catch the football consistently. The hands go first and TO lead the NFL in dropped passes last year.


The linebacker position is very slow and unathletic. Mitchell makes big plays, but he's not a very good all around player. Poz is a the opposite, he's solid but makes no plays. Who even knows who the other starter will be, but chances are it's not going to be a game changer and the backups are little more than special teamers.


The back of the secondary. There is no capable free safety on this roster. Unless you count Whitner as a free safety......which is a position he is worse suited for than SS.......holyshitt what a mess is brewing back there.


Perhaps the biggest sign of an implosion is the radical moves being made by and attributed to Russ Brandon. There appears to be an effort to add by subtraction as if the reason the organization has failed to win is because of a few guys who just aren't buying into the wonderful system in place. This situation is very reminiscent of what the Lions did last offseason.


I know a lot of you are counting on the draft and the June 1st releases to bolster this roster. Unfortunately the draft never supplies the kind of immediate help that a roster like this needs to get better now. Even the top picks will not lead this team. Not that this will keep the Bills from drafting for need instead of taking the best available player......that's what they do and it's the main reason they are so lacking in difference makers. Also, there won't be any June 1st cuts. I just mentioned this because for some reason people don't realize that June 1st ceased to be a key date about a decade ago and isn't even relevant at all since the last cba.


Lastly, a tough schedule in a tough division filled with teams run by instinctive, successful career football men.


I'd love to be wrong about this, but a year from now people will be wondering how any of us could have thought this team could be anything more than horrible. If Edwards goes down, and he will, this team is headed for 2-4 wins. The days of the team winning a handful of games by playing ultra conservative Jauron ball and taking advantage of young teams who are trying to get better are gone.

You hit a homerun. It's a depressing look at the upcoming season but I agree with everything you said.

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