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I Guess Ms. USA

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Gay is "morally depraved?"




How is it "morally depraved" to love someone of the same sex?


Because it's against the natural law to have sexual relations. Because people deny the natural law, which is the same thing as denying sunlight, people can't understand the outrage of breaking the natural law.


What moral is compromised? Are you saying that love between opposite sex peoples is de facto moral?


Not love, but sexual acts. Faggot H (If you don't like that, stop ridiculing religious figures)


And here's a newsflash about your kids (and mine): They won't be affected by it if gay people marry either. My daughter is (likely--who knows) straight and yet knows and has been exposed to many gay people. Somehow she didn't get "the gay" on her even though we have a gay couple as immediate next door neighbors and one of her friends has 2 moms, and she's had homosexual coaches and teachers.


And then you woke up. That's the homosexual lie perpetrated on other people. Sexuality is not neutral like discussions on neutrons or gravity. Sexuality, especially in a culture which is devoid of intelligence generally speaking, is an extremely delicate discussion. Throw in the cultural issues of then using the gov't to enforce these beliefs on others or be sued for discrimination and VOILA it's not just about Adam and Steve, but other people.


An evangelical couple was sued by a homosexual who would not be their photographers at their "wedding". Guess what? The state forced them to work with the couple. Schools are having "diversity" days, colleges have entire offices funded by the state for diversity. You are a moron.

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Really? So why are you sexually attracted to the type of woman/man you are? Go ahead and explain it for the rest of the class.


Because it's against the natural law to have sexual relations. Because people deny the natural law, which is the same thing as denying sunlight, people can't understand the outrage of breaking the natural law.

"Natural Law"? :oops:


Because homosexuality doesn't exist in nature? Please tell me you're not going to pretend to understand "Nature" when you're obviously one of those Creationist idiots who ignores science when it comes to Evolution but pretends that it's on their side in this particular instance.

Not love, but sexual acts. Faggot H (If you don't like that, stop ridiculing religious figures)

Why are "religious figures" off limits?

And then you woke up. That's the homosexual lie perpetrated on other people. Sexuality is not neutral like discussions on neutrons or gravity. Sexuality, especially in a culture which is devoid of intelligence generally speaking, is an extremely delicate discussion. Throw in the cultural issues of then using the gov't to enforce these beliefs on others or be sued for discrimination and VOILA it's not just about Adam and Steve, but other people.

The reason the government has to "enforce" beliefs is because people like you deny the minority the same rights you enjoy. Now go sloganeer some more stuff about America being "Free" while you discriminate against adults who choose to live their lives in ways that aren't to your liking.


A term like: "homosexual lie" and the ignorance that you perpetuate is eerily similar to the denial of rights throughout human history to every group that is different than the majority. It's funny how people of your political ideal look down on places like Iran but use exactly the same tactics...

An evangelical couple was sued by a homosexual who would not be their photographers at their "wedding". Guess what? The state forced them to work with the couple. Schools are having "diversity" days, colleges have entire offices funded by the state for diversity. You are a moron.

Welcome to what happens when people are denied basic decency by the ignorant majority. The pendulum tends to swing the other way just as far.

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Because it's against the natural law to have sexual relations. Because people deny the natural law, which is the same thing as denying sunlight, people can't understand the outrage of breaking the natural law.


Not love, but sexual acts. Faggot H (If you don't like that, stop ridiculing religious figures)


Christ man, get a grip. What is this "natural law" of which you speak and where can I find its formulation? Do you proceed through life based on natural law, ie, not using a car, eating processed foods, taking medicine, masturbating, etc. Oh Jesus, is the Internet natural?


And then you woke up. That's the homosexual lie perpetrated on other people. Sexuality is not neutral like discussions on neutrons or gravity. Sexuality, especially in a culture which is devoid of intelligence generally speaking, is an extremely delicate discussion. Throw in the cultural issues of then using the gov't to enforce these beliefs on others or be sued for discrimination and VOILA it's not just about Adam and Steve, but other people.


An evangelical couple was sued by a homosexual who would not be their photographers at their "wedding". Guess what? The state forced them to work with the couple. Schools are having "diversity" days, colleges have entire offices funded by the state for diversity. You are a moron.


That case would be a cinch to appeal--some idiotic commission went AWOL in trying to force the photographers to act. It happens--there are dumb courts and commissions at all levels of government.


As to the state funding "gay day" and "black day," I think they are both equally wastes of my money and yet still see not the slightest harm in allowing 2 people of the same sex to marry. Who gives a sh--?

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That's because you've lost your mind. It makes apathy more understandable.









Because it's against the natural law to have sexual relations. Because people deny the natural law, which is the same thing as denying sunlight, people can't understand the outrage of breaking the natural law.




Not love, but sexual acts. Faggot H (If you don't like that, stop ridiculing religious figures)




And then you woke up. That's the homosexual lie perpetrated on other people. Sexuality is not neutral like discussions on neutrons or gravity. Sexuality, especially in a culture which is devoid of intelligence generally speaking, is an extremely delicate discussion. Throw in the cultural issues of then using the gov't to enforce these beliefs on others or be sued for discrimination and VOILA it's not just about Adam and Steve, but other people.


An evangelical couple was sued by a homosexual who would not be their photographers at their "wedding". Guess what? The state forced them to work with the couple. Schools are having "diversity" days, colleges have entire offices funded by the state for diversity. You are a moron.


Do you have a link for that statement?





Really? So why are you sexually attracted to the type of woman/man you are? Go ahead and explain it for the rest of the class.



"Natural Law"? :oops:


Because homosexuality doesn't exist in nature? Please tell me you're not going to pretend to understand "Nature" when you're obviously one of those Creationist idiots who ignores science when it comes to Evolution but pretends that it's on their side in this particular instance.


Why are "religious figures" off limits?


The reason the government has to "enforce" beliefs is because people like you deny the minority the same rights you enjoy. Now go sloganeer some more stuff about America being "Free" while you discriminate against adults who choose to live their lives in ways that aren't to your liking.


A term like: "homosexual lie" and the ignorance that you perpetuate is eerily similar to the denial of rights throughout human history to every group that is different than the majority. It's funny how people of your political ideal look down on places like Iran but use exactly the same tactics...


Welcome to what happens when people are denied basic decency by the ignorant majority. The pendulum tends to swing the other way just as far.


Ya know AD when you and I agree you write things very well!

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I don't care what he said, I care that he's supposed to be an impartial judge who used a setup question to try and humiliate a contestant based on her political beliefs.


If you don't see anything wrong with that, I don't know what to say.



Perez is obviously an a-hole. They come in all shapes and sizes and gays are not exempt. I thought her answer was a little awkward and she could have handled it better, but the idiot who asked the question given his response on u-tube showed that he should not ever be considered to be a judge.


I would have had the same reaction of the the question was the opposite and he reacted similarly on the right.

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Perez is obviously an a-hole. They come in all shapes and sizes and gays are not exempt. I thought her answer was a little awkward and she could have handled it better, but the idiot who asked the question given his response on u-tube showed that he should not ever be considered to be a judge.


But here's the thing: THAT'S WHO PEREZ HILTON IS. He's a character.


If you've never heard of him, imagine if the judges picked Howard Stern to be a judge. You get outrageousness when you invite a judge like that. It's what the pageant wanted or would not have invited him.

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Here ya go Stupid


In April, New Mexico's Human Rights Commission ruled that Huguenin, owner of Elane Photography, violated the Human Rights Act by discriminating against potential clients on the basis of sexual orientation.


In its ruling, the Commission deemed Elane Photography a public accommodation, much like a restaurant or store.


The Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative Christian law practice which combats LGBT rights nationwide, defended Huguenin in the suit, claiming the Commission overlooked Huguenin's religious protections, which are guaranteed under the US Constitution. In other words, ADF maintains that Huguenin's anti-gay religious beliefs are sufficient to excuse her from servicing LGBT clientele.




Let's change that just a bit;


In April, New Mexico's Human Rights Commission ruled that Huguenin, owner of Elane Photography, violated the Human Rights Act by discriminating against potential clients on the basis of color.


In its ruling, the Commission deemed Elane Photography a public accommodation, much like a restaurant or store.


The Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative Christian law practice which combats NAACP rights nationwide, defended Huguenin in the suit, claiming the Commission overlooked Huguenin's religious protections, which are guaranteed under the US Constitution. In other words, ADF maintains that Huguenin's anti-black religious beliefs are sufficient to excuse her from servicing NAACP clientele.




My question for the couple having the wedding is; why would you want a photographer who isn't committed to taking the best pictures for you?

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But here's the thing: THAT'S WHO PEREZ HILTON IS. He's a character.


If you've never heard of him, imagine if the judges picked Howard Stern to be a judge. You get outrageousness when you invite a judge like that. It's what the pageant wanted or would not have invited him.

Never heard him, but if what you say is true than that is on the pageant...

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Here ya go Stupid


In April, New Mexico's Human Rights Commission ruled that Huguenin, owner of Elane Photography, violated the Human Rights Act by discriminating against potential clients on the basis of sexual orientation.


In its ruling, the Commission deemed Elane Photography a public accommodation, much like a restaurant or store.


The Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative Christian law practice which combats LGBT rights nationwide, defended Huguenin in the suit, claiming the Commission overlooked Huguenin's religious protections, which are guaranteed under the US Constitution. In other words, ADF maintains that Huguenin's anti-gay religious beliefs are sufficient to excuse her from servicing LGBT clientele.




Let's change that just a bit;


In April, New Mexico's Human Rights Commission ruled that Huguenin, owner of Elane Photography, violated the Human Rights Act by discriminating against potential clients on the basis of color.


In its ruling, the Commission deemed Elane Photography a public accommodation, much like a restaurant or store.


The Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative Christian law practice which combats NAACP rights nationwide, defended Huguenin in the suit, claiming the Commission overlooked Huguenin's religious protections, which are guaranteed under the US Constitution. In other words, ADF maintains that Huguenin's anti-black religious beliefs are sufficient to excuse her from servicing NAACP clientele.



My question for the couple having the wedding is; why would you want a photographer who isn't committed to taking the best pictures for you?


Reasonable question, but I have had brides call me up an hire me on the spot without meeting me...What was the ruling?


However, if that logic were applied we would still have segregated schools and establishments, your logic really doesn't work if you think about it... authority needs to be challenged.


Trying to frame discrimination and hate as protected under religious freedom is akin the sanctifying cross burning.

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You should care if you're gay and not permitted to marry someone who is the same gender as you. And that would include Perez Hilton, an openly gay celebrity who, in all likelihood, had a chance to further his cause on a national stage until the answer he received wasn't the answer he wanted. On the other hand, it could have WELL been the answer Perez wanted precisely because of the debate it has stirred.


But just because you don't care doesn't mean the rest of the world shouldn't care.


Didn't you just call me as a leftist? Yet it's YOU that's defending a pro gay issue :rolleyes::lol:


Care? You talking to me. I have two gay nephews and a gay cousin. I care but do it in the correct place and time.


Its a Beauty contest and nothing more. It's not a political arena.


What's next.... questions on abortion, religion, inter racial marriages?

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Didn't you just call me as a leftist? Yet it's YOU that's defending a pro gay issue :rolleyes::lol:


Care? You talking to me. I have two gay nephews and a gay cousin. I care but do it in the correct place and time.


Its a Beauty contest and nothing more. It's not a political arena.


What's next.... questions on abortion, religion, inter racial marriages?



I agree the whole deal was stupid and not the place to raise the question, but even then, both the question and the answeree's response could have been handled better. Finally, the clown that asked to question should have not even been allowed to be part of the pageant. In a nut shell, I am less offended by the question, thought contestant's response was lame even though I disagree, but the judge's utube post was outrageous and disrespectful... once again, what an a-hole.

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