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Tales from the most ethical Congress ever

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I loved this:


Murtha wouldn't comment for our report. He did recently tell a home state newspaper that he's only trying to bring home the bacon.


"If I'm corrupt," said the congressman, "It's because I take care of my district."

Here's more on how Murtha takes taxpayer's money for his own airport.


Inside the terminal on a recent weekday, four passengers lined up to board a flight, outnumbered by seven security staff members and supervisors, all suited up in gloves and uniforms to screen six pieces of luggage. For three hours that day, no commercial or private planes took off or landed. Three commercial flights leave the airport on weekdays, all bound for Dulles International Airport near Washington, D.C.

But Murtha isn't going anywhere fast. You call your own people racist rednecks and still win your seat? Well, you keep doing what you're doing, you keep getting what you're getting, PA.

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Feinswine has been crooked and an idiot for years.


They didn't know what CBRE was doing? He's the B in CBRE for cripes sake.


She expanded Death Valley NP, taking away a mine for iridium, needed for fighter planes. The next biggest source is a mine in Indonesia, where her hubby is heavily invested.


When she was mayor of SF, Richard Ramierez , the Hillside Strangler, had moved up to SF. They were hot on his trail. He had sneakers that were prototypes, with only about 100 pairs sold and a unique tread pattern. They had ruled out or tracked down 50 pairs when she blabbed this point in a press conference. Ramirez hears it and tossed them off the Golden Gate Bridge. They caught him about a year later. They had to order cops to the detail to protect her because they couldn't get anyone to volunteer.

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Is this money laundering?


The government gives billions to bail out GM, Citi, Chase, and in turn, these companies give money to lawmakers and members of Obama's administration to flavor curry.


Has Chicago moved to DC?


I really hope that's a rhetorical question. On a serious note it is now time that we kick every one of these dumb mother !@#$ers out of their phoney baloney jobs and start over. And that's both sides of the aisle. These people make me sick.

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I don't know what you consider me, but I only defend Obama. Every other democrat can go !@#$ themselves, because I probably hate them also. I really have trouble thinking of any dems that I like all that much.


So what is this man crush for Obama all about then?

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