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What kind of precedent will the Bills caving into Peters set

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The Bills didn't cave into Peters, caving in would have been to give him what he asked for and wasn't even close to deserving of. They did the only right thing, get rid of his whiny, fat lazy ass and get the most they could for him. One of the few good moves this FO has made in the last few years. I didn't think I would say it in the near future, but Good Job Russ and the rest of the FO on this move. Good bye, good riddance lazy ass Peters.

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If I remember correctly, when JP started missing voluntaries last year, the team asked that he simply show up to work and negotiations would begin immediately.

I don't believe he'd have been any better this year than last year and maybe worse (at least out of game shape again).

I wouldn't mind seeing Langston on the left, seems like he did alright, and Demetrius on right.

Football is a team sport, show you give a :( about your team who depends on you and you get paid (see LE/MS).

As with McGahee, the Bills made the right choice on this one.

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I think it's a good point, although I agree with most posters here who say it's not the Bills who caved.


Basically, JP (despite his stats last year) is a good player at a demanding, high-profile, high-pay position. Was he going to be underpaid this year? Yes. Did he deserve to be the highest-paid LT? Not based on his performance last year, but we all know that contracts are not given out based solely on the previous year's performance. The contracts given to Dockery and Walker (and countless others throughout the NFL) bear this out.


The fact of the matter is that JP wanted to be the highest-paid LT. There were only three outcomes possible: we pay him what he wanted, someone else pays him what he wanted, or he holds out -- until he either gets what he wanted, or someone else gives him what he wanted. That's the benefit of being very good (or at least perceived to be very good by a lot of NFL people) at a coveted position in the NFL.


It wouldn't work for someone who isn't that good, or someone at a position that isn't as coveted. So basically, JP was going to get what he wanted, sooner or later. The real question was, who was going to give it to him? The Bills, or someone else?


I think the message sent by the Bills FO is this: show up, put in the effort, be a team guy and all that crap, and we'll be glad to sit down and discuss what you want and what you're worth. Don't do that, and we'll make you honor your contract, unless you put up such a hissy fit that we start finding out if anyone else thinks you're worth it.


It's not the best situation or outcome, but it's not the worst, either.

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