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Official NBA playoffs thread....

Special K

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What's my boy supposed to do? Stupid kid was practially standing on the floor. Someone should have thrown a beer at his father.



If I were that kid, and a Magic fan, I would appreciate that I would be part of NBA history, forever...but I am sure this d-bag fahther is looking for $omething el$e. Were his feelings so hurt, that he needs an apology?


I am always kind of surprised by how close fans can get in the NBA, it is kind of surprising there aren't more fan/player incidents. The closest I ever sat for an NBA game was 5th row, for a Suns/Knicks game at MSG. We were right behind Donald and Marla Trump. Sir Charles and Charles Oakley got into a shoving mathch, and Barkley got ejected. As he was walking off the court, some knucklehead close by, tossed a mustard covered pretzal at Barkley, hit him on the neck. He came charging into the stands, but was held back by security. Like your plastic cup, for a second, I swore, Barkley thought I was the one who tossed it, and was coming at me. He made eye contact. Nothing happened. It makes a great story, many years later. I absolutely hate the Knicks, but I had some great times going to games at the Garden. If I had gotten smacked by Sir Charles, I would still be laughing about it today...provided it I didn't actually get hurt...


I am not saying that this was an "incident", because I seriously doubt Davis hit the kid intentionally... being that close, it is like getting hit with a pop-fly at a baseball game...shake it off, get over it, and enjoy your 15 minutes of fame...

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Jeez...you knew this was coming:



Later Monday, Provetti told the Sentinel neither the Celtics nor the NBA responded, adding he won't be waiting around for that call.


"In the scheme of things, I still think he shouldn't have went on the sideline, but obviously nothing is going to come of it," Provetti told the newspaper. "And it's better to forget about it and not incite it anymore."


Well either this dbag came to his senses and realized how ridiculous his "demand" was OR the NBA/Celtics/Magic came through with a little something to hush him up.


I'd like to say that his actions were due to high emotions after the loss and not thinking clearly and that he came to this conclusion on his own, but I'm guessing he had some incentive.


And I'm glad this story appears to be dying before it gets legs. Otherwise, one day when courtside seats are 15 feet off the sideline, we can all think back to the day the whiny father complained his son was brutalized by a "raging animal with no regard for fans' personal safety."

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Holy shite....did Orlando choke that away or what?? This was their chance. They had their foot on Boston's throat and just couldn't finish it. Up 3-2 going back to Florida could have closed this deal.


Not dead yet...but man what a blown chance.



PS - Great job allowing Ray Ray to get the inbounds...

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Holy shite....did Orlando choke that away or what?? This was their chance. They had their foot on Boston's throat and just couldn't finish it. Up 3-2 going back to Florida could have closed this deal.


Not dead yet...but man what a blown chance.



PS - Great job allowing Ray Ray to get the inbounds...



What a freakin' disaster.


You just can't lose that game. I'm speechless......the Magic were answering every push the Celts made for 3 1/2 quarters, but that's just not good enough.


This series should have been over today for Boston, but in effect, this series could be all but over for Orlando.


Inexcusable to play that well and just give it away.


I hope this doesn't cause them to tank Game 6, because anything can happen in a Game 7....I hope the Magic can get it there.

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What a freakin' disaster.


You just can't lose that game. I'm speechless......the Magic were answering every push the Celts made for 3 1/2 quarters, but that's just not good enough.


This series should have been over today for Boston, but in effect, this series could be all but over for Orlando.


Inexcusable to play that well and just give it away.


I hope this doesn't cause them to tank Game 6, because anything can happen in a Game 7....I hope the Magic can get it there.



Well, I am happy as hell the Celtics won, but I hate that a very bad call by the officials helped them nail it down. I can't see any fathomable way that shot by Rondo hit the rim. The only thing it grazed was the bottom of the net. What bothers me most, is not so much that it was a bad call, but that they had it right the first time, but stopped play, to overturn it. The NBA could learn something from the NFL there.


That said, I just don't know what came over the Magic. They did pretty much everything right all night, but then just started gunning up horrible shots, when they had no reason to. The Celtics were as on the ropes as they ever have been in the playoffs this year. Starburry really came through for them, for the first time since they got him. His burst seem to ignite the Celtics offensively (Big Baby came alive, and struggling Ray Allan nailed the go ahead 3 pointer!), but the it was the Magic who took stopped themselves offensively, down the stretch.


Dwight Howard, in his own laid back way, called out Stan Van in the post game press conference. He said something to the effect of "The coaches have to be aware of who is out there... your post up guy (him) can't go with only 10 shots in a game". Gotta say I agree with Howard, but he needs to be more vocal, during the game...it was just so strange. The Magic were hitting everything, but then started to play the half court game (helping the Celtics). That might not have been so bad (take time off the clock) but their shot selection was puzzling. That is exactly what you have Howard for, to post up, draw fouls, and make easy baskets!


Game 6, Thursday night....the Magic are going to come out swinging...

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That said, I just don't know what came over the Magic. They did pretty much everything right all night, but then just started gunning up horrible shots, when they had no reason to. The Celtics were as on the ropes as they ever have been in the playoffs this year.




Game 6, Thursday night....the Magic are going to come out swinging...


The player on the Magic roster best suited to close out that game was on the sideline in a suit.(Jameer Nelson)


The last 5 minutes of the 3rd quarter is where the Magic truly blew the game....with Rondo and Perkins out with foul trouble, the Celts couldn't buy a bucket and the Magic missed shot after shot and blew their chance to extend their lead from 12 points to 20. I just knew that would come back to haunt them. The game would have played out more like Game 1 of the series if they were able to build that bigger lead.


The one thing the Magic lack is the same thing that is the Celtics strength....mental toughness & sheer will to not lose.

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Dwight Howard, in his own laid back way, called out Stan Van in the post game press conference. He said something to the effect of "The coaches have to be aware of who is out there... your post up guy (him) can't go with only 10 shots in a game". Gotta say I agree with Howard, but he needs to be more vocal, during the game...it was just so strange. The Magic were hitting everything, but then started to play the half court game (helping the Celtics). That might not have been so bad (take time off the clock) but their shot selection was puzzling. That is exactly what you have Howard for, to post up, draw fouls, and make easy baskets!

It's the second time he's done this recently...and he's dead right. I thinks Van Gundy gets too infatuated with 3-pt shooters. The offense should run through Howard and he should touch the ball every possession. There is no one in this league who can guard him effectively one-on-one. Now, it would be nice if he could add a little 10-footer to his game, but when he catches the ball anywhere near the block, he either scores or gets fouled.


And here is the worst part...the Celtics are DYING at PF and C. Davis, Perkins....uh? Mikki Moore? Scalabrine is the only guy left on the roster with any size and he weighs like 230. No KG, no Powe. Howard should be fouling both Davis and Perkins out of the game. In the Sixers series, Dalembert, Ratliff and Evans were being platooned and fouling Howard like 15 times per game. The Celtics are so paper thin up front and Orlando seems content to launch away from outside. Makes no sense to me at all.


You get Davis in foul trouble...now they lose a scorer. You get Perkins in foul trouble, now Moore has to come in. You get Moore in foul trouble, no one is left to guard the paint.

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Man, Pierce has missed some big FTs down the stretch this post-season.


Hopefully, in Game 7, Ray Allen decides to show up, and the Celtics aren't over the limit a couple of minutes into the 4th qtr,



Part of Pierce's problem, and the whole Celtics team offensively, has been the inability to stay out of foul trouble. They just can't seem to get in any rhythm, offensively, for long stretches, because they have unusual lineups on the court. PP has missed some big ones, but he has made some huge ones as well. I would like to see him take it to the net a little more. When he has, good things have usually happened. The Celtics just did not draw any fouls tonight, because they were settling for one too many bad jump shots. Ray doesn't seem to get in the flow, because he requires a more disciplined offense than what the Celtics have been running...but I give the Magic credit for that.


Another great series. They say the better team normally wins a 7 game series. That should fare well for the Magic in game 7. But, then, they also warn to "never underestimate the heart of a champion." I really hope the Celtics pull it out Sunday.


btw- how bout them Rockets!!!!

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Congrats to the Magic...I had a feeling this was going 7. Ugly game, the kind the Celtics usually win...



I'm glad about the win, but I'm happier that Dwight got back to playing the way he's supposed to play.


Its not about "touches" in the post....as I said earlier that has been mainly ineffective the whole series.


Its about moving without the ball, running the floor, working for better position, and crashing the boards.


That's what has made him so successful all year, and he got away from it in this series.


I'm also impressed that they were able to put the debacles that were Game 4 and 5 behind them--I wasn't sure if they could do that.


The crowd(including me) did our job in the 4th.....man was it loud...I hope you could tell how loud it was on TV.


The Magic have won one in Boston(should have been 2!!), so its anybody's game.


I can't wait for Sunday..... :worthy:

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