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2000's Bills = the Kansas City Royals


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If you look at the Bills during the past 8-10 years, we have basically become what the Kansas City Royals are to baseball. Ya, we were once fashionable and our stadium was once considered nice but times have changed and the big money spending of others has passed us by. Just like KC, we had out glory days, when championship aspirations were the norm but today, we are merely a farm system for other teams. We draft and develop some talent, draft and misdevelop a whole lot more, and if they do become something we lose it when they want big money (see

Antoine Winfield amongst others) and let other teams compete for championships, while we sit around and hope things will be better next year. Next years will eventually be a team with a brand new name, a new stadium on the drawing and a new city, while we all sit around reminiscing about Jim Kelly and the old glory days.


Several years ago, we pull off an absolute coupe, signing an undrafted free agent, tight end, convert him to an O-linemen. Then we develop him into a truly talented and athletic left tackle, the Rolls-Royce of offensive linesmen, and we piss it away through cheap attitudes. The team already wasted lots of money on guys named, Kelsey, Schobel, Johnson and Williams and they can’t rush the passer but we can’t spend some on a guy who protects the passer. We screwed the future because we allowed things to fester. Last year, certainly Peters had a bad year but that was in part because he held out and wasn’t in ood football shape. By the middle of the year, we could have locked him up with a stronger deal but we waited and allowed free agency to create another landmark contract. The situation became untenable and now we have draft picks! Those picks are sure gonna help us protect an awful good looking young quarterback! Hell, now the team is screwing over another gem, in Fred Jackson. Will they ever learn to take care of their own?


I was originally gonna compare us to the Milwaukee Brewers but hey they made the playoffs last year and they have a brand new, state of the art, stadium, which means they are light years ahead of us.

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Don't look now, but the Royals may have a pitching staff in that AL Central.


Being a small market doesn't equate to having no chance. There are plenty of teams who can, but they are great at developing talent with Peters as a fine example. Unfortunately, you're correct in pointing out that Buffalo either has poor scouts, or the people/person who has final say just plain stinks.


In time, the Bills will be a memory. Phil Lind has been talking a storm about wanting 2-3 games in the near future. If that isn't disconcerting, I don't know what is.


I'll be there in September, although if this season doesn't produce a winner, that's 10 straight seasons without a playoff appearance. And in only one year did the Bills have a record above .500. Not good enough, and remarkably some people are still optimistic.

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