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I asked this before, BF, and I never got an answer.


Please outline Bush's economic plan and explain to me why it doesn't work.



One of the problems I have with it, is it's backloaded. The relief is needed now. The plan is supposed to create new jobs with a trickle down effect? America is still losing jobs. Unemployment is close to an all time high. While the rich can sit on their tax breaks, working families are forced to spend them right away. This isn't going to create a trickle down effect. The working class families need relief NOW. Not several years down the road.


I could go on and on, but I really don't have the time. Maybe I will post some figures tonight for you Paco.

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One of the problems I have with it, is it's backloaded.  The relief is needed now.  The plan is supposed to create new jobs with a trickle down effect?  America is still losing jobs.  Unemployment is close to an all time high.  While the rich can sit on their tax breaks, working families are forced to spend them right away.  This isn't going to create a trickle down effect.  The working class families need relief NOW.  Not several years down the road.


I could go on and on, but I really don't have the time.  Maybe I will post some figures tonight for you Paco.


You need better information, dude. You are so far off it's actually sad.

We prove it as a society everytime something tragic happens.  We're REALLY good people.  It's too bad our government isn't a reflection of that.


Are we? If the only time we show that we're good people is during a tragedy, does that really even count? What about the rest of the time?


Communications and media companies are deregulated, and they become a conglomeration of 6 or so entities more concerned with self-promotion (Thank you for watching ABC, on your way to Disneyland, why not listen to ESPNradio?) and pushing their own agendas than they are with being the "watchdog of justice."


Environmental pollution controls are loosened, and the result is that the polluters make more money and continue to trash the environment.


To a man, I would really like to believe most people on this planet are decent, good, and honest. Regretably, peoples' actions oftentimes seem to run contrary to that.

I was wondering how you consistently make yourself sound like an idiot, then I figured it out, you throw out opinions without any thought and absolutely nothing to back up what you are saying.  What makes you think less Americans would die under Kerry?  Please elaborate.



Oh I think plenty more Americans would die under Kerry. Why? We are now in a position where we can't pull out of Iraq thanks to Bush.

Nevermind the fact that he's against stem cell research when it could obviously be benificial.  Yep, vote for 'Dubbya, he's just SWELL!!!!


you're out of your element talking about stem cell research...private companies could feel free to fund their own stem cell research if they wanted, however since the federally funded lines aren't really making great progress, they'd rather sit it out...as soon as things start look promising, you can bet your ass they'd all be jumping over each other to fund their own research

i'm all for stem cell research BUT i'm not ready to use taxpayers money on additional lines until they figure out what to do with the current ones...the media overblows stem cell research potential and neglects to mention the massive cancers that occur due to not being able to control or understand the cellular pathways

One of the problems I have with it, is it's backloaded.  The relief is needed now.  The plan is supposed to create new jobs with a trickle down effect?  America is still losing jobs.  Unemployment is close to an all time high.  While the rich can sit on their tax breaks, working families are forced to spend them right away.  This isn't going to create a trickle down effect.  The working class families need relief NOW.  Not several years down the road.


I could go on and on, but I really don't have the time.  Maybe I will post some figures tonight for you Paco.


You are so far out of the park on this I'm afraid if you try to find some figures to support this thinking you may end up hurting yourself.


Unemployment is NOT at an all time high. Did you know it's actually at the same level, if not lower, than it was when Clinton was president? Did you know that? Did you know we've gained over a million jobs in the past year? OVER A MILLION? We're not "still losing jobs."


The working class families need relief? So you think the best way to do that is to take more money from the rich and give it to people who won't get off their ass and take personal accountability for their lives?


You need to get out of Indiana more often.

You need better information, dude.  You are so far off it's actually sad.



I'm not going to even debate this anymore. Politics is pointless to debate with anyone. Either you are on this side or that side, and no matter what someone puts out there for you (not you Darin, just people in general) it's going to be wrong in the eyes of the person on the other side of the fence.


Enjoy your day folks.

I'm not going to even debate this anymore.  Politics is pointless to debate with anyone.  Either you are on this side or that side, and no matter what someone puts out there for you (not you Darin, just people in general) it's going to be wrong in the eyes of the person on the other side of the fence.


Enjoy your day folks.



Glad you started this thread...

I'm not going to even debate this anymore.  Politics is pointless to debate with anyone.  Either you are on this side or that side, and no matter what someone puts out there for you (not you Darin, just people in general) it's going to be wrong in the eyes of the person on the other side of the fence.


Enjoy your day folks.



The problem is that you don't know what you're talking about and are getting owned big time.

While the rich can sit on their tax breaks, working families are forced to spend them right away. This isn't going to create a trickle down effect. The working class families need relief NOW


Have you looked at your tax return lately and compared it to 1998 or so? You have a lot more money in your pockets at the end of the year.


Give me a reason why someone who earns $250,000 at their small business that they took a risk to start shouldn't get a 5% tax cut when the rest of the country gets a 5% tax cut? Please explain this.


The middle class families got relief, a hell of a lot more than they would have without Bush in office.


now it's time to stop all the *&$ spending.

I'm not going to even debate this anymore.  Politics is pointless to debate with anyone.  Either you are on this side or that side, and no matter what someone puts out there for you (not you Darin, just people in general) it's going to be wrong in the eyes of the person on the other side of the fence.


Enjoy your day folks.


The truth of the matter is, there will always be a right and a wrong side, BF. Quite simply, if you're going to make an idle comment then you need to be prepared to argue your case. You can't just make a statement and expect people to just randomly agree with you. Most everyone here has simply argued their position against yours.


You don't want to present your case anymore so you split?


Make your case and be prepared to defend it, or shut up. But don't present your case, say it's pointless to debate and then walk away.

The truth of the matter is, there will always be a right and a wrong side, BF. Quite simply, if you're going to make an idle comment then you need to be prepared to argue your case. You can't just make a statement and expect people to just randomly agree with you. Most everyone here has simply argued their position against yours.


You don't want to present your case anymore so you split?


Make your case and be prepared to defend it, or shut up. But don't present your case, say it's pointless to debate and then walk away.



What I'm saying is, no matter what I say there will be some that would agree with me, and some that would disagree with me. This would be in general, not focusing on this topic for a minute. If you are a Bush supporter you won't hear a word someone like myself is saying, if you are a Kerry supporter you won't hear a word a Bush supporter is saying. That's just politics.


No harm done here, I'm just not going to discuss something when it's not getting anyone anywhere.


Arguing politics is pointless, but here is my take on the election.... :) what do people want for tax breaks? 3% tax bracket for people making under $30K, with $1000 tax credit....

What I'm saying is, no matter what I say there will be some that would agree with me, and some that would disagree with me.  This would be in general, not focusing on this topic for a minute.  If you are a Bush supporter you won't hear a word someone like myself is saying, if you are a Kerry supporter you won't hear a word a Bush supporter is saying.  That's just politics.


No harm done here, I'm just not going to discuss something when it's not getting anyone anywhere.



what i'm saying is you don't have enough facts to back yourself up

Oh I think plenty more Americans would die under Kerry.  Why?  We are now in a position where we can't pull out of Iraq thanks to Bush.





BF, to a large degree "pulling out" is what has gotten us into this situation in the first place. Our enemy is an ideology who's primary goal is to establish a Fundamentalist Pan-Islamic Caliphate through out the middle east, with the intention of expanding it globally. To do this, American influence must be removed from the middle east, as an interim goal is to topple the Saudi Royal family and convert Saudi Arabia to a Taliban-like theocracy. the americans are not going to allow that for strategic reasons. We were attacked on 9/11 because we have consistently shown a propensity for running for cover. The attack was planned under the Clinton administration and actually would have been executed much earlier save for logistical and operational issues within the execution cells. AQ never expected the response it got. They expected a half dozen cruise missiles lobbed basically into no where.



BF, to a large degree "pulling out" is what has gotten us into this situation in the first place. Our enemy is an ideology who's primary goal is to establish a Fundamentalist Pan-Islamic Caliphate through out the middle east, with the intention of expanding it globally. To do this, American influence must be removed from the middle east, as an interim goal is to topple the Saudi Royal family and convert Saudi Arabia to a Taliban-like theocracy. the americans are not going to allow that for strategic reasons. We were attacked on 9/11 because we have consistently shown a propensity for running for cover. The attack was planned under the Clinton administration and actually would have been executed much earlier save for logistical and operational issues within the execution cells. AQ never expected the response it got. They expected a half dozen cruise missiles lobbed basically into no where.



I don't disagree with you. The only point I'm trying to make is that we should never have been in Iraq to begin with. Now that we are there we got more then we were looking for. We are in a situation where we may never be able to leave there. That's tons of money and tons of lives easily lost.

Unemployment is close to an all time high.


You canNOT be serious. Do some friggin' research before you come up with something that obviously wrong, OK?



everyone who remembers 1990-1994... and 1975-1986.... and....



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