HelloNewman Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 I just do not understand this country we are in.....I am all for democracy and free election and I am happy to be an American but I do not understand why this country has this huge love affair with him. All I can remember since he was president is the following: -2.18/gallon for gas with oil going above 50.00/barrell -The national debt is back with a fury -it is tougher to find a job these days...nobody's hiring -1000+ plus soldiers dead in Iraq- and still climbing (these are someone's children) -inflation skyrocketing out of control....been to the food store lately? - Osama bin Laden still not captured - economy is swirling the bowl I am grateful to get my 600.00 rebate check in the mail and I am glad my taxes are being lowered but I hope the american people did not vote for GW because of taxes. I am bothered by the fact he used the "terrorism" word to scare people into reelecting him as opposed to telling us what he can do to get us back on track and how to solve the problems we are in. I just do not understand why people love him so much.....I congratulate him on getting re-elected...however I hope people did not vote for him because of his party affiliation.....please educate me why he is so wonderful to so many people? "Because Kerry sucks" is not an answer I am looking for.....I am not asking to be flamed...just need an intelligent explanation....thank you.
_BiB_ Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 I based my vote on National Defense. Simply put, the Bush "Team" understands the issues, what needs to be done and has the resolve to go through with it, even though they know it is not the popular choice. This really hamstrung them during the campaign, because the logical choices and approaches to Homeland Security, homeland Defense and the prosecution of the Global War on Terror, and the couterproliferation of WMD very rarely, if ever, make attractive soundbites. I could discuss how some of these things work, and you'd probably be horrified at my callousness. The Kerry "Team" was going to politicize the Global War on Terror and homeland Defense, knowingly and deliberately initiating programs that appeal to voters, and the International community-but detrimental to the strategic goals of the war.
sweet baboo Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 it's not so much a lovefest for bush as it is a massive funeral for the democrats anything above the level of misery they're projecting seems positive
ubhockey Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 Answers: More jobs have been created through small businesses than jobs lost in the last four years. Plus, factor in 9/11 and Bush is doing VERY well with jobs. Economy is on the up. It will continue to grow and most experts predict it is President Bush's stable and consistant leadership that is helping it expand. National debt is up because we were cutting corners when it came to protecting our country. The War on Terror is a neccessity. But the debt will fall. Oil and gas prices are not Bush's fault. 1000+ dead soldiers -- tragic as it may be -- is a lot better than 3000+ innocent cilivians. Osama will be captured, but he isn't a threat living the rest of his life from some cave in some third world country. He can't even come out for air without being spotted. And again, the economy is expanding and going well. I think the question should be, why vote for Kerry? And don't say because Bush did this, or Bush did that... What was Kerry gonna do?
flomoe Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 One major reason that I voted for Bush and have the love for him that I do is that I honestly feel that Liberalism has divided this country and has more to do with it's downward spiral than any one person could be held accountable for. GB is the man in charge but the big picture says that the peace and love, punish the rich, give to the poor, freedom of speechers and gay loving underbelly of this country has more to do with our division and lack of respect on the worldwide scale than what the President could ever do. Just my opinion but I feel that this country has been spinning downward for the last 15 years and Liberalism has everything to do with that and not who sits in the Oval office!!
WWVaBeach Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 Answers: More jobs have been created through small businesses than jobs lost in the last four years. Plus, factor in 9/11 and Bush is doing VERY well with jobs. Economy is on the up. It will continue to grow and most experts predict it is President Bush's stable and consistant leadership that is helping it expand. National debt is up because we were cutting corners when it came to protecting our country. The War on Terror is a neccessity. But the debt will fall. Oil and gas prices are not Bush's fault. 1000+ dead soldiers -- tragic as it may be -- is a lot better than 3000+ innocent cilivians. Osama will be captured, but he isn't a threat living the rest of his life from some cave in some third world country. He can't even come out for air without being spotted. And again, the economy is expanding and going well. I think the question should be, why vote for Kerry? And don't say because Bush did this, or Bush did that... What was Kerry gonna do? 99662[/snapback] Great response...wish I woulda said it.
Rich in Ohio Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 I just do not understand this country we are in.....I am all for democracy and free election and I am happy to be an American but I do not understand why this country has this huge love affair with him. All I can remember since he was president is the following: -2.18/gallon for gas with oil going above 50.00/barrell -The national debt is back with a fury -it is tougher to find a job these days...nobody's hiring -1000+ plus soldiers dead in Iraq- and still climbing (these are someone's children) -inflation skyrocketing out of control....been to the food store lately? - Osama bin Laden still not captured - economy is swirling the bowl I am grateful to get my 600.00 rebate check in the mail and I am glad my taxes are being lowered but I hope the american people did not vote for GW because of taxes. I am bothered by the fact he used the "terrorism" word to scare people into reelecting him as opposed to telling us what he can do to get us back on track and how to solve the problems we are in. I just do not understand why people love him so much.....I congratulate him on getting re-elected...however I hope people did not vote for him because of his party affiliation.....please educate me why he is so wonderful to so many people? "Because Kerry sucks" is not an answer I am looking for.....I am not asking to be flamed...just need an intelligent explanation....thank you. 99639[/snapback] I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but somebody has to: first of all, i do not see America having a love affair with GWB, just a decent amount of respect. Did you notice that the biggest exit polling factor was for those who voted for GWB? It was based on moral issues..in other words...charactor counts. Now to a few of your points: gas prices: well just wait and see what happens to them now I think you will be surprised. national debt: I agree with you the debt reduction should be made a priority the next 4 years. This is the one area that I have had problems with GWB. Finding a job: This is a stupid argument. It of course depends on your skills. To say that nobody is hiring is iresponsible. Try harder is my advise, unemployment i at historic lows...there is plenty of work. 1000 dead soldiers: God Bless them we are at war, and they are our warriors. They deserve our gratetude, and the American people have already said their peice yesterday. If GWB was going to get fired, it would have been on this issue overwhelmingly. he did not, and their service to our country is to be admired. inflation: What, again inflation has been at historic lows during GWB's entire term. Of course soom items are up while others are down. Nothing stays the same. Food prices increasing are basically do to mother nature and the hurricanes. Sorry can't blame GWB for that. UBL: It is just a matter of time. The fact that he could not effect our election by virtue of an attack, speaks volumes. He will be caught or killed....just a matter of time. Economy: please don't get caught up in the main stream media rhetoric. The econmy has added nearly 2million jobs in the past 13 months and I just heard this morning that another 150k to 200k are expected to be added this month. Outsorcing was a bundoggle, and things are generally good. Again if it was not, GWB would have been fired...this is the normal way of things. Look just because the media says that a cat is a dog 4000 times, does not make a cat a dog. The American people got it this election, and I do not expect that they will be able to be fooled like they have in the past by the liberal media. there is simply too much information available, and people are figuring out where to get it.
Paco Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 You're about a day late looking for this info, aren't you stevestojan? -2.18/gallon for gas with oil going above 50.00/barrell (If the left would let us drill for oil in Alaska and stop worrying about the caribou, this would be less of an issue. We need to reduce our depency on foreign oil. Environmental left keep us from digging locally. And that doesn't even touch on how it would help the economy in Alaska. I suspect Darin can fill you in on this better than myself.) -The national debt is back with a fury (The national debt is high in terms of a raw number, but it is not near as bad as it has been during, say, WWII. The percentage of the debt as it relates to economic trends is manageable. Remember, we're at war. It's no wonder the debt would increase.) -it is tougher to find a job these days...nobody's hiring. (Go to Monsters.com and tell me people aren't hiring. Jobs are there. You have to go find them. Stop waiting for the government to take responsiblity for your life.) -1000+ plus soldiers dead in Iraq- these are someone's children) and still climbing (You may as well get comfortable because this number is only going up. If you are not aware of what and who we are fighting in Iraq at this point, then you probably don't want to know. We may be there because of bad information, but a free, pro-American Iraq is good for the future of the Middle East and the entire world. Look at a map. Find Iraq. Find Afghanistan. Do the math.) -inflation skyrocketing out of control....been to the food store lately? (I have no idea what makes you say this because there is no discernable inflation and it most certainly is not skyrocketing out of control.) - Osama bin Laden still not captured (Yes...that will end the war on terror. There's an old saying; time and pressure make a diamond. Sometimes you need both to be successful. Afghanistan is a free country which recently held their own elections. If you prefer to keep staring at a guy in cave as a barometer for success, no one will be able to stop you from overlooking the good that is happening there right now. And what's the last thing you heard from OBL? Stop coming after us and we'll stop coming after you. Yeah, got it. Thanks for the warning.) - economy is swirling the bowl (Given the fact that our economy went completely into the crapper after 9/11, and that hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost as a result...and that major transportation companies got pummeled...airlines shut down, imports and exports put on hold, some would argue that the economy is doing better than expected.) The alternative was John Kerry. Given that he was your candidate, apparently, there's likely no need for me to explain where he was at fault in terms of how he would approach any of this issues.
SilverNRed Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 If all issues were weighted equally, I probably would have voted for the Libertarians. But all issues are NOT weighted equally and winning the War on Terror is so much more important than anything else. I know Bush will do everything he can to win in Iraq (which means we will win in Iraq. Kerry said he would but he'd always have an 'out' if things didn't go so well - he could just say it wasn't his war or it wasn't a war that could be won or whatever. I voted for a Commander in Chief. Also, the economy is going in the right direction. Yes, the national debt is a bigger number than it's ever been but it is not at an all-time high when you consider inflation and amount of money our country is making. I suspect that Bush supposedly losing the most jobs since Hoover (?) talk could also be diffused if you considered the relative size of the country and economy during the two terms. So, in summary, I thought Bush had the best combination of sincerity and the right ideas on the big issues.
boomerjamhead Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 For reasons that folks like you fail to understand.
VABills Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 -it is tougher to find a job these days...nobody's hiring 99639[/snapback] I am going to ignore the rest, but I posted that my company is/was hiring about 30 folks very quickly. In the past month we have added at least 15 and will add at least 15 within 2-4 months. There are plenty of jobs in the DC area, I get calls all the time. Now if you are a HS grad with no college or other training, who has worked on a conveyor belt then you're going to have a rough time. Especially if you haven't learned any other skills.
scribo Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 Those who doubt Pres. Bush's ability to be commander-in-chief should ask those serving under him: Armed forces personnel in Bush's corner
stuckincincy Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 What lovefest? All that happened was the temporary end of the Democratic hatefest. So easy to understand. Democratic platform: Kerry = Not Bush. Bush evil. Bush stupid. Bush speak no French. Republican platform: Problems exist, let's try to resolve them. Miscalculation by Democrats: (times 2 if you include Gore): Americans like America. In times of trouble, we band in unity, and resist naysayers.
BuffalOhio Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 One major reason that I voted for Bush and have the love for him that I do is that I honestly feel that Liberalism has divided this country and has more to do with it's downward spiral than any one person could be held accountable for. GB is the man in charge but the big picture says that the peace and love, punish the rich, give to the poor, freedom of speechers and gay loving underbelly of this country has more to do with our division and lack of respect on the worldwide scale than what the President could ever do. Just my opinion but I feel that this country has been spinning downward for the last 15 years and Liberalism has everything to do with that and not who sits in the Oval office!! 99667[/snapback] Right on, Flomoe; right on indeed!!!!
KD in CA Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 I am going to ignore the rest, but I posted that my company is/was hiring about 30 folks very quickly. In the past month we have added at least 15 and will add at least 15 within 2-4 months. There are plenty of jobs in the DC area, I get calls all the time. Now if you are a HS grad with no college or other training, who has worked on a conveyor belt then you're going to have a rough time. Especially if you haven't learned any other skills. 99736[/snapback] I just finsihed a 2005 budget meeting with our CEO and VP Sales. We will have ten open positions (15% expansion) between now and the end of the year.
gmac17 Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 KD - I still need a job because of this g*$damned president of ours!!! Have any openings for a Twobillsdrive monitor?
VABills Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 I just finsihed a 2005 budget meeting with our CEO and VP Sales. We will have ten open positions (15% expansion) between now and the end of the year. 99973[/snapback] Yup and I activity asked folks here if they were interested, but noone. Means either they had jobs, or were not interested in actually working and wanted the governent to pay their way.
PastaJoe Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 I just do not understand why people love him so much.....I congratulate him on getting re-elected...however I hope people did not vote for him because of his party affiliation.....please educate me why he is so wonderful to so many people? Because he's for an amendment prohibiting gay marriage, the number one issue threatening America.
Brandon Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 Because he's for an amendment prohibiting gay marriage, the number one issue threatening America. 100030[/snapback] And the arrogance of the Democratic party in ignoring the importance of issues such as this to many voters in America's heartland (and even ridiculing those who feel strongly about it) is part of the reason your party lost badly last night.
Alaska Darin Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 And the arrogance of the Democratic party in ignoring the importance of issues such as this to many voters in America's heartland (and even ridiculing those who feel strongly about it) is part of the reason your party lost badly last night. 100039[/snapback] Joe's opinion is based in ideology, not reality. He is a liberal, after all.
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