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Super Bowl Logos you DO like

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With the hideousness of this years' Super Bowl logo, let's look for ones we do like:




My top 5:

XXX - love the southwest motif

XXXVII - good color scheme, lighthouse

XXVII - Good use of Roses from Rose Bowl site

XXVIII - Peachy

XXXIX - like the bridge


Honorable Mention - XXXI - like the New Orleans look

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I agree with XXV.


I also like:


XIV (1979 in Pasadena) No specific reasy, just really like it.


XVI (1981 in Pontiac... I had a commemorative poster of that SB and surrounding the Lombardi Trophy they had old hood ornaments from the golden age of automobiles. Verrrry classy if you ask me)


Somewhere around 1992, it all got away from 'em and the logos got REALLY outta hand (except for 2001 for obvious reasons it was redeveloped and actually looks great!)


XXXII looks like the SB was held in Las Vegas with it's "slot machine" motif.

XXXIV and XXXV look like it's some kind of renaissance festival is going on in conjuction with the game.

XXXVII has me craving fish sticks for some reason

XLII looks like the sliding door on a minivan


oh yeah and back in 78 SB XIII is Ubercheesy!! Love it!!! I feel like I'm getting ready to watch Battle of the Network Stars!!!!

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