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RB Travis Henry is facing a mandatory 10 years to life

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The government said Henry trafficked cocaine between Colorado and Montana and that one of his associates had delivered six pounds of cocaine to Billings on prior occasions.

Wow. That guy is up that creek without a paddle. I guess this will get him out of paying CS for a majority of his life. Sad story though. He was a good RB, but an immature and irresponsible human being.

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what a horrible shame.

although it's better for everyone that he be locked up



How so? Did you think the streets were going to be free of coke because of his arrest? The war against drugs is a futile joke.

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Wow. He's going away for a long time. That sucks. Millionaire athlete throws his life away. With him in jail and out of money, what happens to his 50 kids?


Nothing changes, his 50 kids are still going to be supported by our taxes. :rolleyes:

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Nothing changes, his 50 kids are still going to be supported by our taxes. :rolleyes:


Amen to that...


So Henry funds a coke deal and gets a min. of ten years, while J. Lewis funds a coke deal and got what.. 3 months? The jail time btw was posponed until after the football season was over. What gives?

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Wow. He's going away for a long time. That sucks. Millionaire athlete throws his life away. With him in jail and out of money, what happens to his 50 kids?


It's a really sad tale.


Under a plea deal filed with the court Tuesday, the 30-year-old Henry will admit to conspiracy to possess at least 11 pounds of cocaine with intent to distribute the drug.


If U.S. District Judge Richard Cebull accepts the plea, Henry faces a mandatory minimum 10 years to life in prison, $4 million fine and at least five years of supervised release.


The guy has gone from a pro-bowler who, if he had kept his nose clean (no pun intended), might have had a HOF career and he could have been making more money than he would've gotten by this coke deal.


His story should be taught at the rookie symposium every year. What a pathetic fall from grace. People criticized Buffalo for taking another RB in round one when they had TH but, I think the FO saw the writing on the wall. JMO


Why Billings, Montana?

How much coke do people need in Billings?


Billings is the largest city in Montana with a population of just under 100,000.


Someone who's better at math might be able to tell me how much 11 pounds distributes to 100,000 men, women and children. :rolleyes:

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Amen to that...


So Henry funds a coke deal and gets a min. of ten years, while J. Lewis funds a coke deal and got what.. 3 months? The jail time btw was posponed until after the football season was over. What gives?


I think Henry was more hands on in his deal than JL was. I'd forgotten about JL's drug funding. Henry also has to pay $4 million samolians!! :rolleyes:


What a jackass.

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I'd rather have Travis on the wall versus a murderer.

Not sure if that is right, Word has it, it was her Knife. It was "Self Defense" takin to the next level . Well it is kinda Dark side humor. If you can say Travis Horny deserves being mentioned in the same company as OJ. then I can say he did'nt do it. sorry son. :rolleyes:

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How so? Did you think the streets were going to be free of coke because of his arrest? The war against drugs is a futile joke.

drugs? i'm thinking more about all the illegitimate children that will be created over the next 10 years if this guys rooster is let outside prison.

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