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During his trials, hearings, etc. did any one come forth in his defense, anyone whom he befriended? No. Show him the degree of compassion he showed to all those interred in the camp.


I saw a true crime show where a guy back in the 50's found four teenagers in a car making out. He pushed a gun in their faces made them get out and strip. Then he raped one of the girls and stole the car. Before the car could be reported stolen two cops pulled him over and he shot and killed them.


They caught him finally when he was in his late 70's. I wouldn't let that guy go either and his crimes are less severe.

Not sure why now is the right time .... the man is nearly on is death bed. I understand the concept of justice but at this stage justice will be served by a much different authoriy upon his death.




Should his age be a factor?



His conviction in Israel involving activities he alleged participated in at Treblinka was overturned. The Germans are accusing him of 29,000 deaths at Sobibor with the argument that "all gaurds" are to blame, apparently for all killings. Ok..but I think the engineers on the trains, the officers who knew about this, the people who lived in proximity should all suffer the death penalty as well. Pretty hard to draw the line in these cases.

“Riddle” by William Heyen


From Belsen a crate of gold teeth,

from Dachau a mountain of shoes,

from Auschwitz a skin lampshade.

Who killed the Jews?


Not I, cries the typist,

not I, cries the engineer,

not I, cries Adolf Eichmann,

not I, cries Albert Speer.


My friend Fritz Nova lost his father –

a petty official had to choose.

My friend Lou Abrahms lost his brother.

Who killed the Jews?


David Nova swallowed gas,

Hyman Abrahms was beaten and starved.

Some men signed their papers,

and some stood guard,


and some herded them in,

and some dropped the pellets,

and some spread the ashes,

and some hosed the walls,


and some planted the wheat,

and some poured the steel,

and some cleared the rails,

and some raised the cattle.


Some smelled the smoke,

some just heard the news.

Were they Germans? Were they Nazis?

Were they human? Who killed the Jews?


The stars will remember the gold,

the sun will remember the shoes,

the moon will remember the skin.

But who killed the Jews?

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