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Hot for teacher - Arizona Style

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Sweet fancy moses, she hit every branch in the ugly tree when she fell out of it.


What the hell does she have that fuggin smirk on her face for? One "boyfriend" is dead, the other is going up the river for a very long time and she's going to be out a job as well as being known as the school "doorknob." :devil:

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Sweet fancy moses, she hit every branch in the ugly tree when she fell out of it.


What the hell does she have that fuggin smirk on her face for? One "boyfriend" is dead, the other is going up the river for a very long time and she's going to be out a job as well as being known as the school "doorknob." :devil:




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when I was 18 I was as horny as the next guy but for christ sakes I would not touch that thing with a 10 foot pole.


That's what God created the shower and soap for. I'd be afraid my dick would fall off after that thing. Not enough condoms in the world to protect me from that.

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Looks like someone Steely would put in the hot chicks thread.


Ok, it's done no more need for it!!


when I was 18 I was as horny as the next guy but for christ sakes I would not touch that thing with a 10 foot pole.


Eyyyyyuuuuucccckkkkk! Make mine 20ft.


Kermit and Miss Piggy did mate....wow


:rolleyes: She is not someone worth going to jail for!! BTW, why do these guys attack the man. It's the woman that's betrayed them.

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the line will be around as long as there are internet goons criticizing how women look, when we all know (by proof of their avatars) that they arent getting any IRL. <_<


Welll, just for the record, in addition to talking to poor people on the bus, speaking to janitors from time to time and serving up gofer pitches to less-talented kids in little league baseball, I also date super models on a semi-regular basis! :P


I'm not sure what you mean about the other poor bastards on this board that aren't getting any "Indy Racing League" though? :o

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id like to see the super models that the posters in this thread are banging on a regular basis... <_<



Noone is saying that their significant others are super models but I will tell you one thing if I am going to take a knife for a broad or going to spend the rest of my life in prison over a jealous rage you better believe the girl is going to be a hell of alot better looking then that Gargoyle.

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