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RIP Marilyn Chambers


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Cincy...we need a redundancy ruling!


Dear Mr. Beerball,


I believe redundancy has been committed.


However, "Belabor" is an elegant word not used as nearly as much as it should. Nobody dare roll their eyes and utter "But Sir, you belabor the point" these days, unless they are well-prepared for and able to daunt heavy attack - verbal or otherwise.


I think we can easily accept subsequent words meaning the same here, and chalk it up to the author merely wishing to add emphasis.


As always dear Sir, please feel free to wing me with the cartridge of your choice as I high-tail away. Always the supporter of Texas as you know me to be, your wound would provide succor to FSID and blzrul, both of which expressed genocide and/or crushing repression as a desirable outcome for the current population of a number of States. It's a liberal concept, it seems.


Your humble servant,




stuckincincy, bzo.

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Look it up, I'm busy!


I am bumping this thread because Deerball's latest thread count for the dead showed that Marilyn only received 22 posts and I'm very disappointed in that response. For someone who entertained so many of us so well she deserves better.


BTW, will her picture show up on next years Oscar broadcast?

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Dean Dean Dean.........56/100 =.56

.56% +99%&44/100%(.44%)=100%




She is .0056 pure /or impure......or in percent she is 56/100% pure/ impure



Yes, it is .0056. My bad.


But, 56/100% = 56


No. She's 56/100% pure, or 99-44/100% impure.



Go ahead, try it on any calculator. Here are a couple:


Type that equation as written into the calculator here:




or here:




56/100 = .56


56/100%= 56



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not to belabor the point further, but you're discussing a porn princess so leave the math at home you damn nerds!


a legendary actress with so much to give that she had two hearts :w00t:



Furthering the belabored point by adding uselss additional, if not supplemental, information. I believe the world lost a great icon with Marilyn's passing. :cry:

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Pun intended?


Ya think! :thumbsup:



Only important to you 45+ geezers.....a shanky porn slut.......


From what I hear she was a great golfer who rarely shanked. :rolleyes:



You only have an opinion because you have watched .... or ... you have no bone to pick ...errr ... particpate in the discussion with



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