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Republican Tea Bagging is sweeping the nation!

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Did anyone perchance note the Obamas' taxes? Let's see, he made 139k from the Senate and she made about 65k from her job. The essentially donated those salaries (about $176k) to charity and paid something over $800k in taxes. The rest of the income he EARNED from the sale of his books.


I guarantee his taxes didn't go down.


It is really funny that those idiots out there screaming about taxes yesterday were focused on Federal, which will decrease for most of them. They should be more focused on state and local because THOSE are increasing and WILL impact them more. However, their little movement got hijacked by politically motivated morons that have now discredited them. They really don't have a platform now.


But I hope they got it all out of their system and enjoyed themselves as much as we enjoyed watching them.

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There were tens of thousands just in Southern Cal, and by all accounts there were hundreds of thousands across the country. But I appreciate how you, in a sense, never watched the Bills play on Sunday, but watched a two-minute video on NFL.com and show up Monday telling everyone why the team sucks.


And it continues to have terrific possibilities because, as generally happens in these situations, ideas start getting flushed out. Ultimately, people started realizing that simply picking on Obama doesn't do any good at this moment for a number or reasons (not the least of which was that there were a lot of Obama supporters attending these events) and that it's time to chip away at the foundation. So a lot of people were focused on local initiatives (like upcoming spending propositions in Cal) as well as house seats up in 2010. You can laugh and mock if you want, and try to take that casual "Gee, aren't the morons cute when the protest," you'd be making a mistake by any measure.

Just curious where "tens of thousands" in Southern California and "by all accounts" hundreds of thousands across the country came from. The OCRegister said there were "hundreds of people" in Santa Ana and there were a lot of smaller ones. Fox News only said there were "thousands" across the country, not even tens of thousands let alone hundreds of thousands. LA Times said "thousands in California and across the nation". The one with Glenn Beck seemed like a few thousand on TV.


I do think the bad weather in certain big cities had a lot to do with the turnout.






I think the problem was that there was no central message. People didn't know what they were protesting against. Some of it was spending, some was bailouts, some were taxes as a whole, some were new taxes from Obama (that havent happened), some was just against Obama. I don't mind protests at all, in fact, I think they are fine although I have never really went to one. But at least you should know what you are bitching about.

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This doesn't make any sense. Why are you pretending that calling Obama names (socialist, communist, etc.) has any less weight than when you called Bush a Fascist. Let's see... Just looking at the basics: Obama's entire term so far has shown us that he's going to try and make everyone equal to appease the masses. He's going to print and print more money, ignoring the future ramifications such as output not increasing, because of the obvious foresight of future inflation, and serious downgrade in our upcoming generations' quality of life.


AND he's doing this while being embarrassed about America. He's building a legacy. And you're going to build it brick by brick. Starting with laughing when people tell you he is socialist.

Fascist??? talk about nonsensical ....

Did I say one was right and one was wrong? ummm didn't think so.


The TEA protests should have been against TAXES peroid.


Some turned it into an ANTI OBAMA protest. That's my point.


PLEASE STOP now... Bush is GUILTY of ALL of the above EXCEPT he didn't give a sh-- about the PEOPLE


Ignoring the future?? Like when Bush LIED about the Housing Market month after month after month. He prompted people to run out and buy homes they could not afford with gimmick loans!! Like that house of cards wasn't going to come crashing down.

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Ignoring the future?? Like when Bush LIED about the Housing Market month after month after month. He prompted people to run out and buy homes they could not afford with gimmick loans!! Like that house of cards wasn't going to come crashing down.



Damn, you're an idiot!!

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Just curious where "tens of thousands" in Southern California and "by all accounts" hundreds of thousands across the country came from. The OCRegister said there were "hundreds of people" in Santa Ana and there were a lot of smaller ones. Fox News only said there were "thousands" across the country, not even tens of thousands let alone hundreds of thousands. LA Times said "thousands in California and across the nation". The one with Glenn Beck seemed like a few thousand on TV.


I do think the bad weather in certain big cities had a lot to do with the turnout.






I think the problem was that there was no central message. People didn't know what they were protesting against. Some of it was spending, some was bailouts, some were taxes as a whole, some were new taxes from Obama (that havent happened), some was just against Obama. I don't mind protests at all, in fact, I think they are fine although I have never really went to one. But at least you should know what you are bitching about.

I was in Santa Ana, and there were not just hundreds, but easily over 2000. Admittedly, I made the mistake of getting getting baited by Blzrul's Rachel Maddow/Keith Olberman-like mockery and getting caught up a conversation of "tens of thousands" versus "hundreds of thousands." I've watched and listened throughout the day and into the evening, even watching Fox myself yesterday which is something I don't typically do, and it's pretty clear that a shhittload of people came out. Whether it was 10s or 100s, it was clearly a shiittload of people in hundreds upon hundreds of protests throughout the US.


But it makes for good mockery. It makes it fun to say "tea bagging." But it was a pretty impressive event, and while I appreciate that a movement like Million Man March turned into a big fat nothing, and this can turn into a big fat nothing, to think that this is just a bunch of fringe rightwing extremists would be, as I mentioned, a mistake.


I agree that the messages were mixed. There was one guy trying to recall the governor, and a couple of people who were running for office, but that fact actually negates the CNN/leftist/Pelosi position that this is funded by the wealthy and Fox News. Still, the Santa Ana event did a very good job of getting some good speakers, and I (and many others) walked away knowing what needs to be done in the near term; going after local representatives.


My apologies for getting baited by Blzrul. The condescending name-calling gets tiresome.

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Well by most accounts (scratch the extreme left and right accounts) there were tens of thousand across the country. Probaby not enough folks to fill the average Obama rally.


But I hope they all feel good that they exercised their right to scream. Apparently I should not have believed the "spokesman" who claimed this as an apolitical statement ... because either it never was or they let themselves be hijacked and used by the wingnuts. In any event that will cost them their credibility.


I saw a video this morning of a women dressed in full clown regalia stating that they're doing this to fight "taxation w/o representation". So that are just a bunch of stupid freaking morons.


Too bad - it really had possibilities.


Yes because we all know that the call for major governmental change consists of one day of rallies. I guess with the liberal attention span of a 20 year old that probably makes sense to you. If you're at all happy with government you're naive at least, insane at the most. I'm shooting for the latter.

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Yes because we all know that the call for major governmental change consists of one day of rallies. I guess with the liberal attention span of a 20 year old that probably makes sense to you. If you're at all happy with government you're naive at least, insane at the most. I'm shooting for the latter.

My point is they'll all put their little toys away and we won't hear from them again.


Good cause - stupid implementation.

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Just curious where "tens of thousands" in Southern California and "by all accounts" hundreds of thousands across the country came from. The OCRegister said there were "hundreds of people" in Santa Ana and there were a lot of smaller ones. Fox News only said there were "thousands" across the country, not even tens of thousands let alone hundreds of thousands. LA Times said "thousands in California and across the nation". The one with Glenn Beck seemed like a few thousand on TV.


I do think the bad weather in certain big cities had a lot to do with the turnout.






I think the problem was that there was no central message. People didn't know what they were protesting against. Some of it was spending, some was bailouts, some were taxes as a whole, some were new taxes from Obama (that havent happened), some was just against Obama. I don't mind protests at all, in fact, I think they are fine although I have never really went to one. But at least you should know what you are bitching about.


My issue with this that a GOOD IDEA - voicing objections of the bailouts and they way they are spent - turned into an anti-Obama cause BY A POLITICAL PARTY. This isn't about Obama - Bush started the first round of payouts. Where were the wingnuts then?


I lost money in the crash - not my original investments but certainly a good portion of my earnings. I have no debt other than a mortgage and usually pay cash/debit. I resent like HELL bailing out giant bumbling corporations and greedy, irresponsible and ignorant nitwits who bought sh-- they couldn't afford. (Probably a lot of them were out protesting Taxation Without Representation yesterday).


HOWEVER I also recognize that if the entire financial system collapses we ALL go down with it. I also recognize that 6.1 million people collecting unemployment is unacceptable. Family values - you know?


Answer me this, wingnuts: when Bush I bailed out the savings & loans, where were you?

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While your link isn't working for me, I assume it shows how Fox News has a right wing bias. I couldn't agree any more with that claim, but...


Cool. Then are you outraged that Wacka finds Fox News to be a viable news source and quotes "facts" from there to us around here as if they are accurate?


CNN is its own brand of crazy, seems like half the reporters had a right bias and the other half have a left bias.


Edit: Oh good lord, I watched that again.. I hate that lady whoever she is. She's like fighting with ppl on the street, nice reporting. She said "the state of Lincoln gets 50 Billion dollars in stimulus". I still haven't found that state on my map.

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Edit: Oh good lord, I watched that again.. I hate that lady whoever she is. She's like fighting with ppl on the street, nice reporting. She said "the state of Lincoln gets 50 Billion dollars in stimulus". I still haven't found that state on my map.

And if she actually LIVED in that state and would benefit from it, she wouldn't be bitching.

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Did someone post this in this thread somewhere? Stupid Republicans.

I know you hate Republicans, and in fact, I know you pretty much hate everything (which I suspect comes from years of people poking you with a ten-foot pole), but if you were paying attention to someone other than Keith Olberman and his brother, Rachel Maddow, you'd know that people from all parties attended the protests. Try to pay attention. You're starting to make Conner sound informed.


And look, I get it. You want to mock the protesters. It's okay. But try to do it in an informed manner. I met a lot of Libertarians and Democrats yesterday. Many more than I ever expected. Just refer to the Protesters as stupid.

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I know you hate Republicans, and in fact, I know you pretty much hate everything (which I suspect comes from years of people poking you with a ten-foot pole), but if you were paying attention to someone other than Keith Olberman and his brother, Rachel Maddow, you'd know that people from all parties attended the protests. Try to pay attention. You're starting to make Conner sound informed.


And look, I get it. You want to mock the protesters. It's okay. But try to do it in an informed manner. I met a lot of Libertarians and Democrats yesterday. Many more than I ever expected. Just refer to the Protesters as stupid.


Actually more than once I stated I thought it was good to protest the way government spends our money. I still think so.


But somewhere along the line, from when this "movement" started in February, it's gone from being a protest against government spending to a right-wing sponsored anti-Obama movement.


The Republican Party has claimed this as its own and was even using it as a fundraiser. They broke it, they bought it.


Seeing Joe the Plumber as a spokesperson leaves no doubt - next time you probably won't see very many Libertarians or Democrats. At least not the smart ones.

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Actually more than once I stated I thought it was good to protest the way government spends our money. I still think so.


But somewhere along the line, from when this "movement" started in February, it's gone from being a protest against government spending to a right-wing sponsored anti-Obama movement.


The Republican Party has claimed this as its own and was even using it as a fundraiser. They broke it, they bought it.


Seeing Joe the Plumber as a spokesperson leaves no doubt - next time you probably won't see very many Libertarians or Democrats. At least not the smart ones.


So in your mind it's a good idea until the republicans get ahold of it. Got it. :thumbdown:

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I know you hate Republicans, and in fact, I know you pretty much hate everything (which I suspect comes from years of people poking you with a ten-foot pole), but if you were paying attention to someone other than Keith Olberman and his brother, Rachel Maddow, you'd know that people from all parties attended the protests. Try to pay attention. You're starting to make Conner sound informed.


And look, I get it. You want to mock the protesters. It's okay. But try to do it in an informed manner. I met a lot of Libertarians and Democrats yesterday. Many more than I ever expected. Just refer to the Protesters as stupid.


From what I heard from of few friends of mine that went to a couple of the different ones here in this area, thats what they experienced also.

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conner last posted in this thread Sunday night. It's now Wednesday night. Since then he's gone on to start another thread and add numerous other posts of various length on the PPP board. But apparently he still doesn't have time to return here. Of course, when your only argument is that you TRUST :w00t: Obama will do the right thing, what else is there really to say? It would be nice if he could assuage my fears of hyperinflation within the next two years or so, but apparently the fundamental principles of economics don't apply to the United States when The Chosen One is in office.


Well its also because I'm getting bored of repeating myself, and that is all a response to that post would be. That wasn't even your post though, stop piggybacking other peoples brains, get your own brain.




1. neither you or Obama have any idea if spending cash on sustainable energy start-ups will produce anything but surplus grass, wasted time and money, and more debt.
So that means you don't try? Sorry man, but I know you don't believe man is causing the planet to die, but me and Obama do. Spending on green energy is not only an investment in jobs, but it's success is essential if this planet is to survive, even if you are hell bent on destroying it. It's also investing in research and information.


So if you don't enjoy this money being spent on green energy I think that you should also protest other government funded science research.


2. I can guaran-fing-tee you that spending more money on health care IT at this point will be absolutely wasted. I can because I work in it a lot, and one of our main jobs is to look at the design of existing systems. They are schit, by any rational development standard. Giving more money to the idiots that made these things only produces more schit, faster. The new thing is: they want to integrate all these systems. Great. Obama will spend billions shipping the schitty data these systems produce around so that instead of massively screwing up one system at a time, he will ensure that the effect of each screw up is exponential. You don't give more money to incompetents of this caliber, you fire their asses. You might get lucky with 1 in 20 of these groups actually using Obama's money to make things better.
Again, do tell, what other options do we have? Leave it be? You should know as well as any, because you work in it. No matter what, the health cares system needs to change. That is all Obama has promised so far. Tell us, do you want to see health care just stay the same rotting piece of crap that it is now?



Written confirmation of Obama being a "tax and spend" liberal. So much for "new ideas". :thumbdown:

:lol: Did you even read what "option 1" was on the original post? Yes that is a very "tax and spend" thing to do.



Retarded. Not only because of what I have already said but because:

1. They don't have a plan

2. They are listening to anyone who will return their call

3. They are allowing consultants to borrow their watch and tell them what time it is, and provide their "plan" for them.

4. Due to #1 and #3, they are going to dump a boatload of $$$ into firms like Accenture, and get 20 3 ring binders in return, but no actual solution, because nobody has that....according to Accenture. :doh:

5. Companies like Lockheed, SAIC, Accenture, EY, EDS and the rest of the usual suspect health care consulting outfits have 2-4 Billion dollar monthly payrolls. You honestly think that whatever health care reforms solutions they offer will ultimatley cost the government, and us, LESS? you think these projects will ever end?

Like I said, retarded. All of this is in my wheelhouse, so go ahead and argue, I dare you.

Have you any sources to back any of those claims up? I was unable to find any. Rush Limbaugh's conspiracy theories do not count as a news source.



Words are nice. What actions so far, name one, leads you to believe that anything like the above has happened, is happening, or will happen?
Goodness you red's are impatient. OMG OBAMA DIDN'T FIX EVERYTHING IN 3 MONTHS HE SUX BALLS!!!


How about this math: you need MORE money to spend MORE, right? Taking money from one group and giving it to another does NOTHING to create MORE money, it just moves it from one place to another. If we were to spend the same amount of money, then we could expect to be fine merely changing the % of where it comes from.


A "wash" is not what is needed for Obama's spending, he needs to get more money, which is why the middle class will not get a tax cut, but rather a tax increase.


Middle class spending is essential, no question. However, the middle class have to have jobs in order to spend. Massive tax increases = no middle class jobs = no middle class spending.

Yeah, when middles class people have money, they start new companies. New companies create jobs. Rich people can only handle so many companies.

3% tax hike for the richest 5%, yes that is evil!!



As I said, it's a trillion $$$ risk = to a crapshoot. I love it that we can't have 15% of our SSI go into the market, but it's ok for Obama to spend billions of start-up money growing grass.
Do you think foreign investors are interested in tossing their money out the window? I'm sure they are very smart people who want to be smart with their money. They have enough confidence in the US that they put the money down for us to use. This is the United States economy that Obama is investing in, and you just called it a "crapshoot". Sorry if I find myself laughing at you.
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The Republican Party has claimed this as its own and was even using it as a fundraiser.

I appreciate that you like to go both ways. In one sentence you pretend that you appreciate the protesters, and in the very next breath you mock them, calling them stupid and morons. This comes from a lack of understanding, and I get that. I really do. Liberals have always mocked what they don't understand. Nancy Pelosi is a perfect example of this.


The only world where the Republican party has claimed this as its own is in the minds of you, Pelosi, Maddow and Olberman. You're wrong, and I'm glad you're wrong, because by casting this aside like a non-event by rightwing extremists, it only shows how little you each understand what took place. This becomes particularly evident by the fact that the very best you can do -- the very best you have to offer -- amounts to nothing more than mocking people with the teabagging comment. The mockery is best shown by CNN chick who, in reporting the news, thought she's make a stink and try to debate a guy when she was really just supposed to report the news. In the end, she has become THE laughing stock of this event; a true poster child for the folks like yourself who simply don't understand. And you know what it tells us? When the opposition can only mock you, they don't have an answer for anything else, and that's great news.


All the mockery is making the rounds today, and on behalf of the Americans who are starting to take back their liberties, I want to thank you. Keep up the good work. Remind us how much stimulus money "the state of Lincon" is getting. Please keep mocking us. Please.

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