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T. Graham's new Peters article

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I'm wondering if Tim's article is the Bills trying to get the word out that a first and third will get the conversation started, but don't try and negotiate it down or they'll just deal with another holdout until somebody meets the price.

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I'm wondering if Tim's article is the Bills trying to get the word out that a first and third will get the conversation started, but don't try and negotiate it down or they'll just deal with another holdout until somebody meets the price.



Tim isn't a puppet for the Bills.

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I'm wondering if Tim's article is the Bills trying to get the word out that a first and third will get the conversation started, but don't try and negotiate it down or they'll just deal with another holdout until somebody meets the price.


Maybe if Chris Brown reported it, but I highly doubt it.

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That's an excellent point. To get Peters another team likely has to give up a couple of high draft picks, plus a $10mill/yr salary. That's a huge expense for one player. Add in the knowledge that he'll hold out at the drop of a hat and you've got exactly what we're seeing - a probowl LT, that's the best in the league, waiting for the phone to ring. Dude has a ton of talent, but he also has a ton of risk.


Bottom line is you can't be the best and highest paid LT in the game if you're sitting on the sidelines upset about your paycheck or injured. His agent has completely mishandled this negotiation (if you can call it that) at this point.

I don't know about that. Regardless of what the Bills say, and the fans say, and the pundits say, IMO, the Bills as well as any team have a ceiling they are willing to pay for a player like Peters, who, because of his position, demands a huge payday bigger than any other position except QB.


IMO, if Peters came in and played great last year, and didn't hold out, and was a team player, they STILL would have just about that same ceiling. They may be a lot happier with him and WANT to make a deal with him but they aren't going to give him more than they can afford or more than they think ANY LT is worth. And that ceiling is probably between 9.5-10.5 million for Ralph and The Bills.


And the fact is, if he didn't hold out last year, he probably would be doing it this year if they didnt pay him close to what he is looking for, which is to be the top paid LT in the game. I think he is likely willing to take a touch less, simply because the top paying LT was a #1 overall which always gets a ridiculous contract. But despite all the nonsense, I don't think his agent has hurt him one bit. He's very likely going to get paid a HUGE contract, at the very limit of what the team can and will pay, and despite his previous bad behavior.

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Never said he was. Tim is basing his article on sources within the Bills obviously, and I'm sure what's said to him is thought through carefully so their intentions are met.



Honestly, I think Tim is too good and careful of a reporter to be used like that.

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Honestly, I think Tim is too good and careful of a reporter to be used like that.

I can't be sure of this but I would imagine that Tim would admit he has been used before by teams trying to get information out, or more likely, misinformation. Regardless of how good or how careful he is, and I think he is an excellent reporter. It's not a fault of reporters, or even the teams, it's simply how these things work sometimes. As well as teams change their minds all the time about what direction they are leaning to.


Plus, information is revealed to him at different times. Two weeks ago, he wasnt hearing the same things as he is now about Peters. TG didn't flipflop on his reporting, he simply got newer and better information, which almost contradicted the earlier stuff.

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Honestly, I think Tim is too good and careful of a reporter to be used like that.


I don't get why you keep defending Tim as if I'm attacking him or saying he's being used, it has nothing to do with him. He wrote a great article.


I'm saying that with all the reports out there the last week that Bills were going to likely trade Peters, the Bills were looking to pull back the reigns a little bit and say "hold on, we're not ready to trade him just yet, everybody cool it" and Tim's sources provided their stance.

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A friend of mine is related to a scout from the Bills. I spoke to him about Peters at a party last August. He said that Peters was getting bad advice from his agent. He had Peters on a gag order and wouldn't let him return calls to anybody affiliated with the team, even his closest friends. He also told me that they were very high on Kirk Chambers and had no problem starting him in place of Peters. It's my understanding that the Bills FO is furious with Parker and the way he has handled the situation. It has nothing to do with Wilson being cheap or Brandon being incompetent. I hope this helps.


that was August


Brandon screwed up in January when he laid down his no extension edict.


Brandon should have eaten his pride after Peters took a stand - and got a deal done to avoid the long out.

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The research for this article started before the owners meetings, where I had access to scores of NFL decision-makers. It was there that I realized how highly Peters is thought of as a player. We're talking the Peyton Manning of his position when it comes to ability.


The preparation and dedication part is where the conversation changes. Will he play when he's hurt? Will he play when he gets the money? Those types of questions.


I still got the impression any team gladly would deal with those concerns because they'd love to have him.


Sirrius NFL channel was all over this today and they were right with you on this. Potentially Peters is the best LT in the league.


At question is Emotional maturity, Desire to play the game, Motivation, conditioning. The negatives outweigh the plusses.


The consensus is that he will take the money and run. Peters Career is at a serious crossroads. If the Bills draft an OT tackle number 1. Peters might ride the bench the entire year if he holds out again and we have no reason to assume he will not.


Parker -Peters have put Ralph Wilson is in a position to be remembered and reverred by his fellow owners. The drafting or either Ohler, Unger, or Britton. Will put the Bills in the hammer position in negotiations.


If Peters shows up two days before the start of the season again the cameras and announcers will be flashing on him on the bench and Parker the whole game and it won't be complementary. Wilson will be a hero in the eyes of the only peers he really cares about his feellow owners.


Peters and Parker will look like complete fools the camera will show Peters sitting on the bench during monday night football. The announcers will be talking about Parker and laughing at him.


Nice job Parker.

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I don't know about that. Regardless of what the Bills say, and the fans say, and the pundits say, IMO, the Bills as well as any team have a ceiling they are willing to pay for a player like Peters, who, because of his position, demands a huge payday bigger than any other position except QB.


IMO, if Peters came in and played great last year, and didn't hold out, and was a team player, they STILL would have just about that same ceiling. They may be a lot happier with him and WANT to make a deal with him but they aren't going to give him more than they can afford or more than they think ANY LT is worth. And that ceiling is probably between 9.5-10.5 million for Ralph and The Bills.


And the fact is, if he didn't hold out last year, he probably would be doing it this year if they didnt pay him close to what he is looking for, which is to be the top paid LT in the game. I think he is likely willing to take a touch less, simply because the top paying LT was a #1 overall which always gets a ridiculous contract. But despite all the nonsense, I don't think his agent has hurt him one bit. He's very likely going to get paid a HUGE contract, at the very limit of what the team can and will pay, and despite his previous bad behavior.

I agree completely. They've got their price, of course, as with any negotiation, I would suspect they came in low on the initial offer. However, the reason they haven't come to terms yet, is exactly the latter part of the bolded statement. That is.. they're not happy with him. Peter's effort has been less than ideal since he was named a ProBowl, franchise LT. That immediately sends up red flags about his personality and motivations. Is he really the franchise player that we all think he is? Sure he can be. But, will he be once he's paid?


I would suggest his agent hurt him by having him hold out last year. Yes, had he participated in all of last year's activities and truly played at a Probowl level (i.e. not giving up numerous sacks, being in less than ideal shape, and getting injured/not finishing the season again), I think he's well on his way to signing that mega contract right now. And yes, maybe the Bills pay him eventually this off season. But, if they don't and he holds out all off season again - I think he's unlikely to ever get it because he likely has a similar season to 2008 and no way you invest that kind of money in a guy that had a great season 3 years ago followed by 2 average to above average seasons.


As others have suggested, I think if he's in Buffalo, working out, in camp, giving his all to the team then the Bills' FO is more inclined to pay him as they have others. Problem is... Peters has not done that. He's appeared to do the minimum to play well all the while asking for more money.

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Well, as much as I hate to say it, I'm not convinced Peters really understands the process, very well at all. But, the negotiation is going through his agent, not through Jason. Obviously, as a successful agent, Parker understands negotiation, and I doubt he gets his ask price, on every deal. Unfortunately, for us, Parker is a hard-ball guy who has a tendency to use a hold out as a negotiating tool. That blows, IMO.


So there is reason to be concerned, here. But, as it is still April, and as the team has yet to have a mandatory event, it's also too early to be totally convinced that this will end in disaster, and to conclude he is on a holdout, now. I'm convinced if there is no deal, before the season starts, he will hold out until game 10 (if he isn't traded). But, I would hope he comes in to work with the team, if the contract isn't done when things become compulsory.


They should bring me in as a mediator...I could make this deal happen. :rolleyes::)


I wonder if any team has tried the tactic of taking up to four checks away from a player for conduct detrimental to team unity. Peters comes back at game 10 and the Bills take the next 4 checks or at least one so he can't make his minimum for contract compliance. If there would be anyone deserving of this ploy, it would be Peters. Of course, this would bring on a fight with the union, but if it up to me, I'd do it.

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that was August


Brandon screwed up in January when he laid down his no extension edict.


Brandon should have eaten his pride after Peters took a stand - and got a deal done to avoid the long out.

Just curious.... Edwards had a great stretch last season. Should Brandon swallow his pride and get a deal done if Edwards asks tomorrow?


Lynch is now a ProBowl RB with 2nd consecutive 1,000 yd seasons. Should Brandon swallow his pride and get a deal done if Lynch asks for top 5 money tomorrow?


Should the Bills just pay whatever salary any of the player's agent asks for? Which players should be able to demand whatever they want and get it? Just curious.

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Just curious.... Edwards had a great stretch last season. Should Brandon swallow his pride and get a deal done if Edwards asks tomorrow?


Lynch is now a ProBowl RB with 2nd consecutive 1,000 yd seasons. Should Brandon swallow his pride and get a deal done if Lynch asks for top 5 money tomorrow?


Should the Bills just pay whatever salary any of the player's agent asks for? Which players should be able to demand whatever they want and get it? Just curious.



Both Lynch and Edwards are in the middle of fair contracts that were negotiated for the position they currently play. The same can't be said for Peters. And, again, this particular train has left the station. Even the Bills realize Peters contract isn't fair, and are offering him $8 Million plus.


I don't think this line of thinking leads anywhere useful.

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Both Lynch and Edwards are in the middle of fair contracts that were negotiated for the position they currently play. The same can't be said for Peters. And, again, this particular train has left the station. Even the Bills realize Peters contract isn't fair, and are offering him $8 Million plus.


I don't think this line of thinking leads anywhere useful.

No it doesn't. But, neither does the argument that the Bills should just sign a new contract at whatever Peter's agent asks for.


The point is, no FO can just cave to a player's demands. There has to be a negotiation no matter how good or bad a player is. We don't know the whole story, but it seems the Bills' FO has made offers that Parker has flatly refused with little to no negotiation. Parker needs to tell his client to get into Buffalo and play nice, if for no other reaason than just to say.. see Peters wants to be there and get better. The cold shoulder approach is akin to saying FU. Playing hardball didn't work last year. Why will it suddenly work this year?

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that was August


Brandon screwed up in January when he laid down his no extension edict.


Brandon should have eaten his pride after Peters took a stand - and got a deal done to avoid the long out.

How do you know Brandon didn't make an offer before January? Did you ever stop to think that maybe Parker wasn't listening to any offers until the Pro Bowl selections were announced? If I were Peters agent that's what I would have done. Wouldn't you?

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I don't know because Vic Carucci was on Sirius Radio yesterday saying that it looks like their is no way the Bills will get him signed (paraphrasing) and that he's talked with a Bills coach who feels he will be a major distraction if they don't trade him so it sounds like he will get traded.


Vic Carucci is also the guy who speculated that the Pats trading for Julius Peppers was all but a forgone conclusion, a statement that was immediately recanted by another analyst at NFL.com the following day. Why are so many Bills fans so stupid? If you want to trade Peters, just go root for the Detroit Lions. They are in desperate need of fans who don't care whether their team wins or not.

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I don't know because Vic Carucci was on Sirius Radio yesterday saying that it looks like their is no way the Bills will get him signed (paraphrasing) and that he's talked with a Bills coach who feels he will be a major distraction if they don't trade him so it sounds like he will get traded.


Vic basically said the same thing at the Bills Booster Club meeting at RWS 2 weeks ago; that the Bills cannot let Peter's contract become a bigger distraction to the team. Both Vic C. and Steve Tasker spoke at the meeting. On another note, Vic brought up Larry English's name at least 3 times when there was a Q&A period after both spoke. Questions were mostly about Peters and the draft and Vic mentioning English on 3 different questions sort of jumped out at me.

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Vic Carucci is also the guy who speculated that the Pats trading for Julius Peppers was all but a forgone conclusion, a statement that was immediately recanted by another analyst at NFL.com the following day. Why are so many Bills fans so stupid? If you want to trade Peters, just go root for the Detroit Lions. They are in desperate need of fans who don't care whether their team wins or not.

Dude, seriously?

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