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and not gloat. There are a number of people who are devastated today. So please, have a moment of silence for Dan Rather, Pete Jennings, Katie Couric, etc.


I'm not sure they're worthy of such attention, though I agree with the sentiment.

and not gloat. There are a number of people who are devastated today. So please, have a moment of silence for Dan Rather, Pete Jennings, Katie Couric, etc.




Someone should take Tom Brokaw's shoe laces and belt away.

Is this the offical Gloat thread? ;)  :)

(Damn, must keep looking for it)




Good Idea Eryn

I just started one.

and not gloat. There are a number of people who are devastated today. So please, have a moment of silence for Dan Rather, Pete Jennings, Katie Couric, etc.



Actually, I am not one to gloat (much). But after watching the slanted pap represented nightly as "news" when it is pure editiorial opinion, those you mention deserve to be devastated.


The ones I feel sorry for are those who can WATCH Peter Jennings and think he is presenting objective reporting of the news. :)


Teeny Little Minds.

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