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Tim Graham

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Does anyone here feel Lynch should not get suspended? I thikn he most assuredly does. It is at three games now. Could be reduced. However i feel Lynch will most definetly be better off serveing the entire three game suspension. It will help him see there are real consequences for your actions. If he turns himself around, and has no more brushes with the law then he got the point. If he doesn't and is in the news for something else next offseason, as much as i would hate to say it he would start to look like another Odell Thurman or Adam Jones to me. A guy who just doesn't 'get it'.

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Not to mention, the slap in the face by then being the first to arrogantly post his companies article on TBD.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, indeed, Tim.


Eh, whatever.


I like to link stories from ESPN.com to make sure Bills fans see them. This is the first negative story I've linked. If you think that represents me or who I am, god speed.

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Graham's recent article on espn.com states that giving Lynch the same treatment as Brandon "Scumbag" Marshall (reduced 3 game suspension to one game on appeal) as "It would be a bad idea to give Lynch similar treatment." Are you kidding me!? Lynch operated within his legal rights last year in dealing with the alleged "hit and run" incident and Graham says he "jerked the local police around for a month." You're telling me, a kid from a single parent home in Oakland, who had been previously "mistakenly" targeted in a drive by, who has a gun in a bag in his trunk is worse than a third arrest (for which Marchalls suspension in the beginning of the '08 season was predicated on) for domestic charges. In my mind, beating up your girlfriend is a far worse, cowardly offense than both of Lynch's brushes with the law. Gotta love opionated reporting...screw getting the facts and comparing apples to apples, right Tim?

Are we splitting hairs here? Bottom line is that Lynch is a punk and he needs to be disciplined. I think it will be the best thing that happens to him in his career... clearly the lesson wasn't learned the first time when he got away scott-free. Perhaps it sinks in this time around.


I love the man-love for Tim Graham when he writes puff pieces on the likes of Whitner and the perennially losing franchise that is the Bills. The moment he posts something remotely against one of our beloved players, the vitriol is free flowing.

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Marshall has never been convicted. The charges are often dropped.


The point I'm making is, if you keep letting people off the hook and reducing their punishment, they never learn.


First, kudos to Tim for actually coming on this board to defend/support his material -- if only some of the others at ESPN would be so brave.


However, I disagree with you Tim on your overall premise that Lynch doesn't deserve a reduced suspension. Goodell has already established a precedent for such reductions (i.e Brandon Marshall) and "what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Regardless how much you think pro athletes are held to a different standard -- it's not going to change anytime soon. You could write several more articles on this topic alone -- but one needs only to look at the ridiculous way these kids come up through high school and the recruiting process to see how different their lives are from the rest of us.


Also -- Marshall was convicted of a reduced offense related to his drunk driving case and sentenced to a year's probation. The girlfriend assault was dropped -- but he had also one more offense than Lynch -- "He was cited for allegedly disobeying his lane assignment, driving without a license, and driving without proof of insurance." That made 3 incidents within a year long period.


Just sayin -- Lynch's transgressions should not be overlooked -- but shouldn't be held to another standard either.

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Eh, whatever.


I like to link stories from ESPN.com to make sure Bills fans see them. This is the first negative story I've linked. If you think that represents me or who I am, god speed.

Yeah I think I speak for just about everybody on the board that your contributions are always welcome here, and I personally appreciate them. :wub:

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Graham's recent article on espn.com states that giving Lynch the same treatment as Brandon "Scumbag" Marshall (reduced 3 game suspension to one game on appeal) as "It would be a bad idea to give Lynch similar treatment." Are you kidding me!? Lynch operated within his legal rights last year in dealing with the alleged "hit and run" incident and Graham says he "jerked the local police around for a month." You're telling me, a kid from a single parent home in Oakland, who had been previously "mistakenly" targeted in a drive by, who has a gun in a bag in his trunk is worse than a third arrest (for which Marchalls suspension in the beginning of the '08 season was predicated on) for domestic charges. In my mind, beating up your girlfriend is a far worse, cowardly offense than both of Lynch's brushes with the law. Gotta love opionated reporting...screw getting the facts and comparing apples to apples, right Tim?



Work on your reading comprehension...Graham said Lynch shouldn't get the same treatment as Marshall. He didn't say that Marshall deserved to have his suspension reduced. In no way, shape, or form does he imply that Lynch's crime is worse than Marshall's. Stupid logical fallacy on your part.


What he said. :wub:


I'm going to close my browser window now. I hope I'm not leaving you for dead when I do it, considering that I don't actually know it won't kill you.





Graham's right. Lynch got away scott free the first time, then he went and got busted again. He deserves whatever is coming to him. Goodell can't make it a habit of reducing punishments, he's got to stand firm.


Don't think of it from a Bills fan's view, think of it from the NFL's view. Don't blame Goodell, blame Lynch, he did the crime and has to do the time.


Exactly right!! :censored:





Eh, whatever.


I like to link stories from ESPN.com to make sure Bills fans see them. This is the first negative story I've linked. If you think that represents me or who I am, god speed.


I like that you do that. It's your job to express your opinion. You aren't the first journalist to go good and bad here based on your writings. :wallbash:


Are we splitting hairs here? Bottom line is that Lynch is a punk and he needs to be disciplined. I think it will be the best thing that happens to him in his career... clearly the lesson wasn't learned the first time when he got away scott-free. Perhaps it sinks in this time around.


I love the man-love for Tim Graham when he writes puff pieces on the likes of Whitner and the perennially losing franchise that is the Bills. The moment he posts something remotely against one of our beloved players, the vitriol is free flowing.


Given the track record of a lot of people on this board (myself included sometimes) rating writers by when they say good and when they bad things it shouldn't be surprising in the least.

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I don't think the level of the woman's injuries in the hit-and-run matter one bit.


You stop and see if the person is all right. It's what civilized humans should do.


Bingo. :wub:


A normal person would stop and check on the person they just hit and offer any help they can.

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Graham's recent article on espn.com states that giving Lynch the same treatment as Brandon "Scumbag" Marshall (reduced 3 game suspension to one game on appeal) as "It would be a bad idea to give Lynch similar treatment." Are you kidding me!? Lynch operated within his legal rights last year in dealing with the alleged "hit and run" incident and Graham says he "jerked the local police around for a month." You're telling me, a kid from a single parent home in Oakland, who had been previously "mistakenly" targeted in a drive by, who has a gun in a bag in his trunk is worse than a third arrest (for which Marchalls suspension in the beginning of the '08 season was predicated on) for domestic charges. In my mind, beating up your girlfriend is a far worse, cowardly offense than both of Lynch's brushes with the law. Gotta love opionated reporting...screw getting the facts and comparing apples to apples, right Tim?

Whether you agree with TG or not, there is no reason to insult him in your post. Titling the post with an 'F' is not a proper way to indulge in any conversation. Look at NY Nole's post - he also disagrees but has stated his point in a civil manner.


On to some of your points - Lynch's punishment should be based on his crime and not on his background. Secondly, you are stating your opinion about which is a bigger crime - beating your girlfriend or a hit-and-run/gun possession. That is your judgment only and nothing else. How is that a supporting statement to your condemnation of TG ?

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Eh, whatever.


I like to link stories from ESPN.com to make sure Bills fans see them. This is the first negative story I've linked. If you think that represents me or who I am, god speed.

Tim Graham Rocks!

Tim: We're fortunate you participate in this forum so much. I also love your ESPN AFC East page. Don't change a thing!!!

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Nonetheless a precedent has been set. Marshall had his 3 game suspension reduced to 1. I believe Marshawn should receive the same reduction or if Goodell really wants to stick to his guns perhaps he reduces it to 2.


The NFL wants to punish player who break the law off the field, and I'm all for that. However what bothers me is they have yet to step up to the plate when it comes to players who consistently break the RULES on the field. And if you don't know who I'm talking about it is Vince "blatant cheap shot" Wilfork. Not trying to turn this into an anti-Patriot post, but I am still bothered that he has never received a suspension for his on the field tactics. It's so blatantly obvious that he has attempted to purposely injure opposing players on the field (Losmans knee, Jacobs eye ball, Cutlers head and on and on). At least now we have the new Brady rule so DE's can no longer attempt to sack the quarterback once they fallen to their knees (sarcasm).


Wilfork avoids suspension link:






Also, help us out here Tim, we as fans don't want to see the guy on the pine for 3 weeks. I thought you were the man with the cold hard facts, not the subjective commentary pieces. I had to double check to make sure it wasn't Chris Mortensen writing that article.

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