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Tim Graham

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Nonetheless a precedent has been set. Marshall had his 3 game suspension reduced to 1. I believe Marshawn should receive the same reduction or if Goodell really wants to stick to his guns perhaps he reduces it to 2.


The NFL wants to punish player who break the law off the field, and I'm all for that. However what bothers me is they have yet to step up to the plate when it comes to players who consistently break the RULES on the field. And if you don't know who I'm talking about it is Vince "blatant cheap shot" Wilfork. Not trying to turn this into an anti-Patriot post, but I am still bothered that he has never received a suspension for his on the field tactics. It's so blatantly obvious that he has attempted to purposely injure opposing players on the field (Losmans knee, Jacobs eye ball, Cutlers head and on and on). At least now we have the new Brady rule so DE's can no longer attempt to sack the quarterback once they fallen to their knees (sarcasm).


Wilfork avoids suspension link:






Also, help us out here Tim, we as fans don't want to see the guy on the pine for 3 weeks. I thought you were the man with the cold hard facts, not the subjective commentary pieces. I had to double check to make sure it wasn't Chris Mortensen writing that article.


I didn't know I forfeited my right to an opinion somewhere along the line.


I write commentary pieces all the time.

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I am happy to read Mr. Graham's opinions, whether I agree with them or not, and I appreciate Tim's valuable contribution to this august forum. Please do not let one moron speak for the entire TSW community, Tim.


F Armchair GM, I say.



Well said Senator ... well said :wub:

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Graham's recent article on espn.com states that giving Lynch the same treatment as Brandon "Scumbag" Marshall (reduced 3 game suspension to one game on appeal) as "It would be a bad idea to give Lynch similar treatment." Are you kidding me!? Lynch operated within his legal rights last year in dealing with the alleged "hit and run" incident and Graham says he "jerked the local police around for a month." You're telling me, a kid from a single parent home in Oakland, who had been previously "mistakenly" targeted in a drive by, who has a gun in a bag in his trunk is worse than a third arrest (for which Marchalls suspension in the beginning of the '08 season was predicated on) for domestic charges. In my mind, beating up your girlfriend is a far worse, cowardly offense than both of Lynch's brushes with the law. Gotta love opionated reporting...screw getting the facts and comparing apples to apples, right Tim?

This stuff cracks me up. You all love Tim Graham unless he writes something that isn't 100% pro Bills. Then, the love for Lynch is laughable.


If someone was driving down the road and hit your daughter with their moving automobile, hard enough to break off the side mirror, and left the scene, as a father you'd be beyond pissed off. That's basically what Lynch did....hit someone's daughter in the world and left the scene of the crime, most likely because he was drunk.


If any of you are out there, and you wouldn't defend your daughter after some !@#$ hit your daughter, and you didn't get mad or defend her......you are a flat out PUH-C.


Lynch's actions are inexcusable. I'm not a hater myself, so I hope he bounces back from this and produces. But for some of you who try to downplay what he did, I can only hope that you all have daughters and they get hit by a someone driving a car hard enough to break the side mirror, and then run from the scene.


Most of you would be livid. The one's who wouldn't be livid are total deadbeats.

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Nonetheless a precedent has been set. Marshall had his 3 game suspension reduced to 1. I believe Marshawn should receive the same reduction or if Goodell really wants to stick to his guns perhaps he reduces it to 2.


The NFL wants to punish player who break the law off the field, and I'm all for that. However what bothers me is they have yet to step up to the plate when it comes to players who consistently break the RULES on the field. And if you don't know who I'm talking about it is Vince "blatant cheap shot" Wilfork. Not trying to turn this into an anti-Patriot post, but I am still bothered that he has never received a suspension for his on the field tactics. It's so blatantly obvious that he has attempted to purposely injure opposing players on the field (Losmans knee, Jacobs eye ball, Cutlers head and on and on). At least now we have the new Brady rule so DE's can no longer attempt to sack the quarterback once they fallen to their knees (sarcasm).


Wilfork avoids suspension link:






Also, help us out here Tim, we as fans don't want to see the guy on the pine for 3 weeks. I thought you were the man with the cold hard facts, not the subjective commentary pieces. I had to double check to make sure it wasn't Chris Mortensen writing that article.

I am still trying to figure out how Losman escaped suspension after kneeing Wilfork in the head. :wub:

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Yeah, right, hitting a person with your car at 3:30 am and leaving that person for dead in the street (remember, he didn't know what condition the person was in) as you flee is gentlemanly behavior. It's not "alleged" - he basically fessed up to it yet got off practically scot free.


Tossing your hat into the retard rodeo ring, dave? You're better than this.

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This stuff cracks me up. You all love Tim Graham unless he writes something that isn't 100% pro Bills. Then, the love for Lynch is laughable.


If someone was driving down the road and hit your daughter with their moving automobile, hard enough to break off the side mirror, and left the scene, as a father you'd be beyond pissed off. That's basically what Lynch did....hit someone's daughter in the world and left the scene of the crime, most likely because he was drunk.


If any of you are out there, and you wouldn't defend your daughter after some !@#$ hit your daughter, and you didn't get mad or defend her......you are a flat out PUH-C.


Lynch's actions are inexcusable. I'm not a hater myself, so I hope he bounces back from this and produces. But for some of you who try to downplay what he did, I can only hope that you all have daughters and they get hit by a someone driving a car hard enough to break the side mirror, and then run from the scene.


Most of you would be livid. The one's who wouldn't be livid are total deadbeats.


Great post LV! True, true.


Everyone wants to be a famous person's friend, I guess. Hence the love for ML and the endless embarrassing excuses of his poor behavior (and the inevitable Pats reference/dig---oy!). The inferiority complex of many here is demonstrated by the bizarre venom for Tim Graham, when a beloved Buffalo Bill is solely repsonsible for the predicament in which the Bills find themselves.


Waahh, ESPN doesn't mention us. Waahh, Tim Graham has turned on us--he has broken the rule! Waahh, the press can't find anything nice to say about our (newly) beloved TO. Waahh, Mort's a douche.


You're correct LV---this is pure solid gold entertainment!

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Tim, Lori needs to explain ieatcrayonz to you.



Yeah, I didn't think about that ...


A serious note: I respect your right to your opinion, Armchair_GM, but using profanity (even an abbreviated version) in thread titles ... not cool.

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No it doesnt...just like I said, Tim doesn't seem to think Marshall should have gotten off the hook either. Because they never learn.
Marshall has never been convicted. The charges are often dropped.


The quote above is from Tim. In it, he differentiates the Marshall and Lynch situations. He seems to try explaining why Marshall got less punishment. He does not in any way argue for or against Marshall's punishment.


He doesn't come right out and say he thinks Marshall's punishment was light and makes a strong effort to differentiate Marshall's situation from Lynch's. You interpret that as him thinking Marshall should have had a harsher punishment. Either he needs to write more clearly or you need to crack the Logic 101 books a little harder. I'm thinking it's the ladder.

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The quote above is from Tim. In it, he differentiates the Marshall and Lynch situations. He seems to try explaining why Marshall got less punishment. He does not in any way argue for or against Marshall's punishment.


He doesn't come right out and say he thinks Marshall's punishment was light and makes a strong effort to differentiate Marshall's situation from Lynch's. You interpret that as him thinking Marshall should have had a harsher punishment. Either he needs to write more clearly or you need to crack the Logic 101 books a little harder. I'm thinking it's the ladder.


Funny, I was thinking it was the chute.

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Props to you for standing up to this moron poster. I'm sure you've got better things to do than to contribute to TSW, but you do it anyhow and it is much appreciated. I didn't expect you to respond, but I'm glad you do. Continue to do all that you do...even if that does ignore me in your chat sessions in favor of the 34th Mike Tyson's Punch Out question or Ed Hoculi's chat room penalties. :worthy:

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This stuff cracks me up. You all love Tim Graham unless he writes something that isn't 100% pro Bills. Then, the love for Lynch is laughable.


If someone was driving down the road and hit your daughter with their moving automobile, hard enough to break off the side mirror, and left the scene, as a father you'd be beyond pissed off. That's basically what Lynch did....hit someone's daughter in the world and left the scene of the crime, most likely because he was drunk.


If any of you are out there, and you wouldn't defend your daughter after some !@#$ hit your daughter, and you didn't get mad or defend her......you are a flat out PUH-C.


Lynch's actions are inexcusable. I'm not a hater myself, so I hope he bounces back from this and produces. But for some of you who try to downplay what he did, I can only hope that you all have daughters and they get hit by a someone driving a car hard enough to break the side mirror, and then run from the scene.


Most of you would be livid. The one's who wouldn't be livid are total deadbeats.

Please don't lump me in with "you" or "you all." One of the things I like about Tim Graham is that he gives his opinions. The only thing I like about Marshawn, is his ability to play. Lynch definitely needs a wake-up call, let's hope this suspension is all he needs and he finally grows up.

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I didn't know I forfeited my right to an opinion somewhere along the line.


I write commentary pieces all the time.




First of all your awesome. But can't you understand the frustration. I understand that Goodell screwed up the Marshall punishment. Everyone in the world knows it. But can't you see, from a Bills perspective, how frustrating it is that we have to be the example for everything because we seemingly don't matter. My brother, who is a Pats fans, went on a rant this morning about how stupid the NFL is and how they treat the Bills (and with no provocation from me no less.) The only thing I'm saying is that this is really an empty gesture from Goodell if he keeps letting players from teams that his buddies own off the hook and then "Making an example" with the Buffalo Bills of the world. Lynch's punishment is harsher than he sentence and Goodell's excuse is that it is different from the law but when a Patriot is involved in an HGH selling scandal and rats out his supplier Goodell says discipline is not necessary because he saw no charges...seems like a double standard to me. And I'm still wondering what Pacman jones did to get reinstated...short answer - he signed with the Cowboys. It isn't really a matter of right and wrong anymore. Wrong isn't as bad for some people depending on the color of their jersey. That's my problem and that should be everyone's problem around here. I'm a Bills fan, I want to see them succeed so I don't want to see them put at a disadvantage that other teams that they compete against otherwise wouldn't be. And that's my problem with the whole thing. Sorry for the rant, like I said...just frustrating after all these years.

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