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Interested in knowing what everyone's worst and best moments of election day was. Here's mine:


Worst - Listening to VP Dick Cheney on the Hannity radio show. He came on around 5:45pm and sounded extremely tense.


Best - Tie


a. Bill Kristol on FoxNews comes back from his nearly-comatose state to remark that the exit polls are way .


b. Susan Estrich starts explaining how the Dems are still going to pull out Ohio based on late returns from Cuyahoga and Franklin counties without even bothering to mention the Bush bounty sitting down the road from me in the Cincy suburbs. It was almost painful to watch (in a good way of course). For those who are critical of FoxNews, you owe Brit Hume a world of respect for how he handled Estrich. He turned very fatherly and helped her through her desparate explanation. If he wanted to be the partisan many accuse him of being, he easily could have worked Estirch into tears.


Best Moment: RCow's typically ridiculous & arrogant post blowing up like the crock of stevestojan it was. Nothing better than seeing a radical lefty get another spoonful of "come uppance".


Worst Moment: The reality that despite the Republican victory that they will probably again squander a terrific opportunity to put this country on the right fiscal track and exponentially reduce the size of government.


Best: Having the Day off and playing with my daughter. Getting things done around the house. Eating Chicken Wings for dinner with my friend.


Worst: Going to vote and finding the workers at my polling place averaged 90 years in age. No other voter was there and it still took me 15 minutes to get inside the voting booth, due to incompetence and old ladies asking me if I knew Wendel Wilkie.


Worst moment: Reports on exit polling that were noting but stevestojan. I starting getting sick to my stomach hearing this over the news and the Drudgereport.


Best moment: Fox News calls Ohio. Just seeing the poll results I knew it was over at midnight.


Most ridiculous: Current news organizations still not calling the election for Bush. What is their problem? You don’t need calculus to figure this one out. You just need to be honest. Honesty is not the liberal news best attribute.




1)listening to my boss and the other 99% of my office talking about how the exit polls were showing a Bush blowout


2) the early part of the night seeing Brit Hume and the rest of the staff of Fox News looking totally down.




1) Newt Geingrich (sp?) on Fox News saying "I know YOU guys have to step around things and be careful, but I'm declaring a victory for George Bush right now!"


2) Shepard Smith, boy was he arrogant, but boy was it entertaining watching him drill Kerry supporters


3) Michael Barone - how do you not love this guy? Brit and Shep basically had to keep telling him to shut up about his stats!


BEST MOMENT 1: When President Bush claims victory!


BEST MOMENT 2: Flordia going VERY early to Bush!


GOOD MOMENTS: Susan Estrich, Dan Rather and Larry King losing their minds thinking that John Kerry can still win when it is all but virutally impossible. I loved seeing them trying to conger up ways Kerry can still win even though they knew it was impossible.


WORST MOMENT: New York State going to Kerry, but that's no surprise.


Worst Moment: Reading a thread from Ed while people were still voting, saying "It's over, we've lost, life sucks."


Best Moment: Reading a thread from BF after the voting was over, saying "It's over, we lost, life sucks."

Worst Moment: Reading a thread from Ed while people were still voting, saying "It's over, we've lost, life sucks."


Best Moment: Reading a thread from BF after the voting was over, saying "It's over, we lost, life sucks."


:D:( Great stuff!


Best moment: Learning that the new Dallas County Sheriff will be an honest, dedicated, hard working hispanic female instead of the fat, 50 year old obnoxious white guy that thought he had the election in the bag.


Very best moment: When my sister called all the way from Australia to tell me she was watching the election results live.


Worst moment: when I got on the wall this morning and saw classless comments about Kerry and his wife.


Very worst moment: When I realized I've got to be here for 10 hours today after only 4 hours sleep.


WORST moment: Seeing the network anchors body language and tone of voice early in the night.....they were sensing a Kerry victory.



BEST moment #1: Reading e-mail chain with 3 of my best buddies in high school, all conservatives. One of them currently sitting in Iraq.


Best moment #2: Florida goes early for Bush....It was a very good sign.

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