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Hmmmmm....anyone want a cocktail on Sunday?


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I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I stopped drinking (again) not too long ago, and I'm pretty sure they don't serve Coors Light and pretzels in lieu of Holy Communion.


Yet, think about how many Catholic and Lutheran churches in this country think nothing about having beer with their fish frys and other gatherings in parish halls. While Baptists and other fundamentalists/evangelicals decry against alcohol.


There's something amiss there, and I'm not quite sure where it is.

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You know those Pentecostal snake handlers?


And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. - Mark 16:17-18


It's always been my belief that Mark was really talking about this stuff.



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Priests get the best booze and cigars. My father went to our parish priest to schedule my brother's communion. He came back home three hours later, drunk. In the rectory, the pastor offered him Chivas Regal and Cuban cigars.They sat around shooting the breeze for three hours after filling out the paperwork in 5 minutes.

He was the first pastor to have a Lawn Fete at our church. He told my father that you have to give the people something in return for their money. Did a good job- built a new church and hall during his time there. He also made sure that the noon mass ended in time for you to get home by 1 PM to watch (or listen to ) the Bills.

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Priests get the best booze and cigars. My father went to our parish priest to schedule my brother's communion. He came back home three hours later, drunk. In the rectory, the pastor offered him Chivas Regal and Cuban cigars.They sat around shooting the breeze for three hours after filling out the paperwork in 5 minutes.

He was the first pastor to have a Lawn Fete at our church. He told my father that you have to give the people something in return for their money. Did a good job- built a new church and hall during his time there. He also made sure that the noon mass ended in time for you to get home by 1 PM to watch (or listen to ) the Bills.

I bet the town made a few bucks off the DWIs. :worthy:

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