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Blockbuster going to declare bankruptcy?


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Why?? what does having another format around do to a companies success, when both of them would cary it??


That was actually a shot at Fez, but he's not taking the bait lol

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Really? How does that work? Is it through cable/satellite dish? Can you just que up a movie whenever you want?



They have a certain percentage of their titles available via streaming....it can be done through an XBox360, a box you buy from Netflix, or certain Samsung products (and other items) have this capability built in. I don't know much about it cause I still like the physical media, but Netflix is moving in on the the "on demand" market for sure. You can also stream to your laptop.

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HD Quality. :thumbsup::flirt: 1920x1080 will eventually be replaced with a higher resolution, but not by something wireless.


All I know is that there's no way I'm spending $4.99 per movie with On Demand....Netflix already has plans, and is well on their way, to offering BD quality downloads/streaming....whatever direction the market goes, they'll be there baby!!!! :(

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The demise of Blockbuster has more to do with the macro economic situation rather than their internal operations. Sure they have a business model that is losing market share, but the deterioration of the economy was the nail on the coffin.

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All I know is that there's no way I'm spending $4.99 per movie with On Demand....Netflix already has plans, and is well on their way, to offering BD quality downloads/streaming....whatever direction the market goes, they'll be there baby!!!! :flirt:


I love cover art too much to give up on discs. :thumbsup:

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I managed a record store, back in the early 1990's, part of a smalll, nice chain, in the Texas, and Louisiana area. Sound Wherehouse. Blockbuster purchased the entire chain, and managed to run all of them into the ground, very quickly. Of course, those were the days when Huizinga was still the owner. I must say, I never liked working for a company more. It was a tough time for the music retail industry, and Blockbuster exepediated the end, for lots of other companies. I give them credit though, for hanging on as long as they have. They have been having financial problems since way back then...buying up all of their competition wasn't smart...no love lost for Blockbuster, but I do feel bad for all the folks that will lose their jobs.

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They have a certain percentage of their titles available via streaming....it can be done through an XBox360, a box you buy from Netflix, or certain Samsung products (and other items) have this capability built in. I don't know much about it cause I still like the physical media, but Netflix is moving in on the the "on demand" market for sure. You can also stream to your laptop.


The problem at this point is that most of their Watch Instantly movies are that the majority are older movies or movies that didn't generate a lot of revenue.


Also some companies (like Sony) don't want their movies streamed because they're trying to get people to switch to a new format (Blu-ray).


So the selection is a bit on the poor side. I do use the service with my Xbox, and it's great for what it is. I'm hopeful one day they'll get a better selection out there.


The OnDemand stuff from the cable company has a better selection of newer stuff, but as has been pointed out, it's much more expensive. I can watch all the movies I want on Netflix for $8.99/month.

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The problem at this point is that most of their Watch Instantly movies are that the majority are older movies or movies that didn't generate a lot of revenue.


Also some companies (like Sony) don't want their movies streamed because they're trying to get people to switch to a new format (Blu-ray).


So the selection is a bit on the poor side. I do use the service with my Xbox, and it's great for what it is. I'm hopeful one day they'll get a better selection out there.


The OnDemand stuff from the cable company has a better selection of newer stuff, but as has been pointed out, it's much more expensive. I can watch all the movies I want on Netflix for $8.99/month.


I use the XBOX 360 Netflix service as well and I love it. It's really good for TV series and older classic movies. I definitely agree that their service for newer movies is extremely limited, but that's where the actually Netflix service comes in hand for me. I also use the On Demand from the cable company that is also quite nice for brand new movies as well as all the channels for Classics, Thrillers, Comedy, Disney, Kids, Music, etc.

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I saw this coming, I've worked with Huizinga's brother in law Charlie Pike since I was a teen. Up until about a year ago he owned the only BB franchises in the country, the rest being corporate. Back in June of last year he started closing them down, I think his Wellington store is still thriving but it won't be long till that one get's 86'd as well.

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So the selection is a bit on the poor side. I do use the service with my Xbox, and it's great for what it is. I'm hopeful one day they'll get a better selection out there.


The OnDemand stuff from the cable company has a better selection of newer stuff, but as has been pointed out, it's much more expensive. I can watch all the movies I want on Netflix for $8.99/month.

While true that the selection is not strong, it is a big step in the right direction. I have the Samsung BDP-2500 Blu ray player and it has Netflix streaming built-in. It works very very well. As soon as I saw these devices start hitting the market (Roku, 1 BD player by LG, 2 or 3 by Samsung), I could see that Blockbuster is toast. Netflix got a jump on the technology and started tying up the device manufacturers. Soon they will have critical mass which will make it very very difficult for a competitor to break into. They are executing their technology strategy to perfection (lock up complementary assets, have a reliable technology etc.)

The only gripe I have now is the one that Fez mentions - prices for Netflix have been climbing rapidly but are still very low compared to OnDemand.

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Like this is a surprise.


Didn't you guys know, there is a Fire sale on America.


%50 off


I'll drive my GM to Blockbuster to rent a movie using my Citi card so I can watch it on the DVD player purchased at Circuit City in my foreclosed house

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I'll drive my GM to Blockbuster to rent a movie using my Citi card so I can watch it on the DVD player purchased at Circuit City in my foreclosed house



dev you're always the trailblazer.

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All I know is that there's no way I'm spending $4.99 per movie with On Demand....Netflix already has plans, and is well on their way, to offering BD quality downloads/streaming....whatever direction the market goes, they'll be there baby!!!! :thumbsup:


Slight problem with that. When more ISP's start moving towards the usage based fee's, streaming HD content will not be cost effective. Time Warner is already adding more cities, Rochester being one of them.


I'd like to think this model won't last, but when other providers realize how much money is to be had I think they'll start changing in greater numbers. It basically restricts people from using services such as Netflix and driving people to the ISP's own offerings.

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We quit using OD a long time ago. Now we use RedBox. They're dispensing machines that are located all over the city at $1 a rental.





I had to pick up a prescription last week on a Friday night in the early evening. People were standing 4 or 5 deep in lines at three of these machines at Wegmans, who had the foresight to close their video departments a while ago..

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