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Bush won well over 50% and that signify a clear agenda.



WELL OVER 50%????


When did 1% above 50% become "WELL OVER".


I'm glad CNN told you to determine what well over means and you couldn't look at it through your own mind.


CNN said it so it MUST be true though.....RIGHT???

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Just to clear up:

One of yuou is talking about Kelly the fairandbalanced dog, while another of you is talking about Jim Kelly


Sorry, but "not having a mandate" is a total crock. The GOP won the White House again, the house, the senate, and Tom Daschle has been voted out. If I saw it right last night, 25% identified "moral values" as the main issue, that means the far right voted him in.


Why on earth would the GOP need to be concerned with bi-partisanship on anything? The majority of the US may indeed be moderate to slightly right of moderate, but politically they have been effectively silenced. I see no reason for the GOP to have make any bi-partisanship efforts whatsoever on any issue.

How can you say he didn't get a mandate.  He won by a large margin in the popular vote, even CNN admitted this already.  He also got more seats in congress and senate.  Seems like a mandate from the people. 


That said, I hope we can all accept the outcome and give him our support over the next four years.


I'll support Bush the way Bush supports the troops in Iraq! "Hey kids are getting killed over in Iraq but stevestojan man it ain't me so who cares. I come from a very wealthy family. All I have to do is send them over their and watch them die just like Nam. My Dad got me out of that one. Weapons of mass destruction? Oh their over their but right now I don't have the money to find them so we'll just keep on killing marines because it's good for the country it's good for my bank account" Whoppeee bang bang. Anyone see my cowboy hat with the gun my Daddy got me for this war?"

I'll support Bush the way Bush supports the troops in Iraq! "Hey kids are getting killed over in Iraq but stevestojan man it ain't me so who cares. I come from a very wealthy family. All I have to do is send them over their and watch them die just like Nam. My Dad got me out of that one. Weapons of mass destruction? Oh their over their but right now I don't have the money to find them so we'll just keep on killing marines because it's good for the country it's good for my bank account" Whoppeee bang bang. Anyone see my cowboy hat with the gun my Daddy got me for this war?"


Man, you are one bitter, bitter person off of this loss. You may want to take a few deep breaths.

I'll support Bush the way Bush supports the troops in Iraq! "Hey kids are getting killed over in Iraq but stevestojan man it ain't me so who cares. I come from a very wealthy family. All I have to do is send them over their and watch them die just like Nam. My Dad got me out of that one. Weapons of mass destruction? Oh their over their but right now I don't have the money to find them so we'll just keep on killing marines because it's good for the country it's good for my bank account" Whoppeee bang bang. Anyone see my cowboy hat with the gun my Daddy got me for this war?"






You would stand a better chance here if you showed at least some capability to talk in anything other than soundbites.


This BS will stop NOW.


Man, you are one bitter, bitter person off of this loss. You may want to take a few deep breaths.




It's interesting that everytime the war is brought up NOT ONE of you have the balls to make a statement about it.


Its precisely this "holier than thou" attitude that "we know better than the majority of Americans and we need to tell them how to think" that killed the Democrats in this election. Middle America is frankly sick of it. You hardcore sour grapes chewing liberals should be ashamed of yourselves. God forbid you put your rabid desire for your party's power second to the good of the country for once.

Man, you are one bitter, bitter person off of this loss. You may want to take a few deep breaths.




It's interesting that everytime the war is brought up NOT ONE of you have the balls to make a statement about it.


What do you want to hear us say that hasn't been said over and over for the past six months on this board?

I think what happened there was an effort in diplomacy, you know, kinda' rattle some sabres.  I'm not sure most who voted on the "authorization to use force" believed it would be used.  Just my opinion.



If that's true, then every one of the Senators who felt that way but still voted for that Iraq war authorization should be impeached and thrown out of office.

Just to clear up:

One of yuou is talking about Kelly the fairandbalanced dog, while another of you is talking about Jim Kelly


I was hoping somebody would tell him.


I was afraid somebody was going to bring up the fact that Kelly beat his wife!

God forbid you put your rabid desire for your party's power second to the good of the country for once.


I hope you aren't seriously suggesting that either one of the two major parties is any better than the other in this regard.

They're both an embarassment to the United States of America.

I hope you aren't seriously suggesting that either one of the two major parties is any better than the other in this regard.

They're both an embarassment to the United States of America.



But they're all we got. When you want to start another party or even start a revolution let us know.

But they're all we got.


That's wierd because in my voting booth there were a whole lot of options to choose from, and I took advantage of that fact. If you're dissatisfied, maybe you and others should do the same


When you want to start ...... a revolution let us know.

Yeah, I'll be sure to tell a Bush supporter when I start a revolution ;-)

That's wierd because in my voting booth there were a whole lot of options to choose from, and I took advantage of that fact. If you're dissatisfied, maybe you and others should do the same


Squirts of piss in the ocean Sy. Wake me up when those other 'options' become credible alternatives. I was ready to go Reform with Perot way back when...whatever in the hell happened to them?


Yeah, I'll be sure to tell a Bush supporter when I start a revolution ;-)



A reluctant Bush supporter. Give me a better alternative and I'll help plan the attack.



Bush reminds me of another president who served 1 and 1/2 terms in office. Richard Millhouse Nixon. Bush like Nixon made a living out of lieing to the country about a war in which our sons and daughters are dieing everyday. Nixon like Bush abused his powers to new heights. The economy is bad if you consider the fact that job growth is at a all time low. You say you want a leader? Your getting one and a very deceptive leader at that. The whole world now hates us. The economy stinks, the worst forein policy President in years. Get ready for 4 more years of the same stevestojan! Flame away Bush supporters



Are you for real? The whole world hates us, boo hoo hoo. Who gives a rat’s ass if the world hates us? Who says the world hates us anyway? The press? The press has lost all credibility this past year the way they report "the news". The press these days is news makers, not news reporters.


The economy is bad? What planet do you live on? Maybe the economy sucks in France but not in the USA. The unemployment rate is better than when Clinton was reelected. Just look at what the markets are going to do in the next year. Home ownership is thru the sky, and all stats look great for a break out economy.


Do you really what to know why your guy lost? Because you are a bunch of pessimistic, pabulum puking, left wing, weak, defeatist, blame America first weasels.

Squirts of piss in the ocean Sy.


And why is that? It's because people cop out and vote for a lesser evil (which is still an evil) instead of voting for what they think is right. The Dems/Reps have you exactly where they want you and they'll be able to keep you there as long as you just continue to lie still.

If you continue to vote for these self-interested whores, the real alternatvies will continue to be squirts of piss in the ocean because of it.



Wake me up when those other 'options' become credible alternatives


Why are they not credible alternatives? Because the media says they're not? Because they don't have hundreds of millions of dollars to throw away on advertising and graft? Because they're not lifelong professional politicos who've yet to master the art of whoring themselves out to the highest bidders?

Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Its precisely this "holier than thou" attitude that "we know better than the majority of Americans and we need to tell them how to think"  that killed the Democrats in this election.    Middle America is frankly sick of it.    You hardcore sour grapes chewing liberals should be ashamed of yourselves.      God forbid you put your rabid desire for your party's power second to the good of the country for once.



The GOOD OF THE COUNTRY isn't a Bush agenda, and that's why 49% of us voted AGAINST it (factoring in Nader). Sour grapes is what we constantly heard throughout the CLINTON presidency, so it's about time you got some of THAT back, if that's what you think it is.

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