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Terrorist(s) murder 9 in New York City, injure 23

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Your own material was lame. As I said before, half of your posts sound like a child repeating something he doesn't really understand. Trust me no one here is walking away thinking you are intelligent. Afterall, Tgreg took the time to destroy your original post. Since then you have been responding with your pre packaged unfunny garbage. So what was the big message Nurse Romeo? Your uncomfortable with your own sexuality, so you use football message boards to make up for it? Daddy doesn't love Romeo? To answer your question, yes headlines can be misleading. Great topic and so deep with your unrelated analogy. My only advice to you is to lay off the constant gay bashing. It makes you sound dumber than your phony schtick does. Besides it's only a matter of time until your figured out in those Navy showers, sweetheart.



Lets go down the list of errors sir, WAS IN THE NAVY. My Father is dead, so good job. TGreg didn't expose anything, compare what the amount of lives lost, which was off by 3. I was siting a story that I read 6 years ago, while Tgreg had to scamper off and find it on Google or Yahoo. Then I came back with facts that support my original statement. Slavery was abolished the world over, the United States was the last to follow the trend(Please don't site the holocaust, because that means the Vietnamese were the last to do it and whoever is fitting a war using their captives as labor, so go and rethink your response.


As for my "sexual choice" in life, yeah mine is clear. I am not even gay bashing, maybe that is what you think, getting emotional about the subject? No I just said I don't like it but I will not put people to physical or social death because of their choice. So go and make another point. As for anyone here walking away thinking anything, that's a stretch, if this post were looked at by a judge, which I am vain enough to entertain at this point lol.


You sir missed the point, it wasn't about the exact details of an event, if I wanted to I could have made a fake one up titled "PushthePile finally admits being queer, family cannot accept so his Christian beliefs forced him to murder his family"...The point wasn't the headline, it was that headlines are always taken out of context and they are always used to push an agenda that serves what the liberal media sees as right. Muslims are crazy, Priests !@#$ little boys, the economy is getting better, terror! terror! terror!


Once again, wipe your eyes and focus...THE !@#$ING POINT IS, perhaps I should hold your hand like a small child and walk you through this. See chart below




POINT=Stop reading the newspaper, listening to the radio and watching MSNBC to form an opinion on the world. Base it on sound relationships and solid information that can be cited by factual numbers backing it up. Religion is a faith not a reason to go kill yourself. Muslims who do that aren't doing it for that reason, they have a long standing hatred of people invading their land and trying to force their culture on the(LOOKUP LAST 3,000 years) I'm sure you'll find something useful in there...


If you still are scratching your head thinking you've "bested" me, then you've proven my point! THIS WASN'T A QUIZ ON AN EVEN in 1712, it is how misinformed people react to what they read. Thanks for proving my point sir, I do suggest in the future if you are unable to understand this...just let it go and keep watching Nascar I'm sure Jeff Gordon has some fascinating views on subjects we've touched on, go take a listen and then comeback with you quip remarks.


Honestly this post was meant to help create a sense of understanding, but you people don't want to understand. You want to argue, you want to lable and you want "best" someone else. Here are the facts, you don't own a flag, you never waved one and if you did it happend way after men who saw an evil nation that bullies the world and protects a tyrant abroad, decided they were going to do something horrible to get the attention of the world.


What they 9/11 hijackers did, was disgusting and dishonorable and I don't care in whatever religion you believe it...that is never rewarded. THE BIBLE(OLD TEST.) And the Quran are the same, so don't say they offer rewards for such acts, because it's false. That is a lie given to poor, impressionable young guys who have nothing in life but to be misinformed. Remember P.T. Barnum said, "There is a sucker born everyday and two to take him". Stop being that sucker and just read for once without trying to have a "comeback", have some understanding for the other lives on this earth, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Swahili, Buddhist or whatever.


Put down the remote and pick up a book.


That is it, I won't comment any further.

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Like I said before you have made such an amazing discovery. Headlines can lack truth and be deceiving. Wow. Thanks for pointing out something that anyone over the age of 14 knows. You are ahead of your time, Romeo. No one here took issue with your uninspired point. They just had a problem with the meaningless nonsense you spewed, attempting to get your point accross. See stupid? As for the constant put down the remote jokes, give it up, it wasn't humorous the first time. At least you stayed consistent with your very awkward gay bashing. Deep down you know the truth. So keep putting yourself out there for others to laugh at. Your a mildly amusing kid.

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This thread is quickly heading for hall of fame territory. It may rank up there with 3.5, truculent dinosaurs and rettata.


To Debbie, you might have missed it, but he called you a dude.


Population of Romeo : 10?, 100? 1000?

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This thread is quickly heading for hall of fame territory. It may rank up there with 3.5, truculent dinosaurs and rettata.


To Debbie, you might have missed it, but he called you a dude.


Population of Romeo : 10?, 100? 1000?



You must goto church alot.

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This thread is quickly heading for hall of fame territory. It may rank up there with 3.5, truculent dinosaurs and rettata.


It's one of those rare moments when we agree. Although I have to admit I skip the content of his masturbatory posts, which are in the vein of Molson's old rants, except that Romeo cannot even begin to spell or compose a coherent sentence.

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This thread is quickly heading for hall of fame territory. It may rank up there with 3.5, truculent dinosaurs and rettata.


To Debbie, you might have missed it, but he called you a dude.


Population of Romeo : 10?, 100? 1000?


I started reading this yesterday and finished this morning when I got back to the office. I would have to agree, very entertaining! :rolleyes:

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I use my phone to post! Youdo that and see how perfect ur post looks. I hope you all enjoyed this though.


Millions? Nope. I wish lol


As for those who made childish comments, goodluck with your future posts

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This thread is quickly heading for hall of fame territory. It may rank up there with 3.5, truculent dinosaurs and rettata.


To Debbie, you might have missed it, but he called you a dude.


Population of Romeo : 10?, 100? 1000?

I didn't miss it. I totally ignored it. I don't know where this turkey came from but it does seem that the turkeys are disproportionately on YOUR side of the aisle. Must be a coincidence? :worthy:

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I didn't miss it. I totally ignored it. I don't know where this turkey came from but it does seem that the turkeys are disproportionately on YOUR side of the aisle. Must be a coincidence? :blink:


IIRC, both TracyLee and Ed were leftie-loonies. Just sayin'.



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The Iron Sheik became a popular character of hate...Hulk Hogan, Sgt. Slaughter...GI F**King Joe and everything since has been a slow political IV Drip into our media bloodstream....

To be fair to wrestling fans, I'm pretty sure that race had very little to do with the Iron Sheik's lack of popularity. During his matches he would often load up his boot and knock out his opponent with a kick. Many suspected that there was a steel plate in the boot. That is when he received the most boos because cheating is always unpopular. The fact that he was from the Middle East did not have much to do with it IMO.

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