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Terrorist(s) murder 9 in New York City, injure 23

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I said he was crazy, not wrong.



Wait a second, SageAgainstTheMachine is calling me crazy? How odd, aren't you 10 or something? Spring Break must be fun, escaping from the rigors of middle school and all...Sad that you're spending your time on your computer instead of doing whatever it is those in Ithaca do for fun


"Make sure you rebel by being a f*g, you're dad will hate it and based on your comments I'm sure you'll love it"

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Sensorship is insane, this is your mind on no sleep and too many headlines folks. Sanity is based upon society, those who can determine medical sanity are the news priests of our times. Am I a touch crazy, yeah I think so. But at least I not crazy.


(Going to admit that joke sucked).



No worries, Romo. I went and read some of your other posts. I see where you're coming from, man.


Take a few bong hits for me, K? :(

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I am an a**hole, and a c**ks**ker (in the vernacular, not literally).



I'll give you a pass, only because you quote Iron Mike.


"They called me a rapist and a recluse...I'm not a recluse" Iron Mike

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I'm trying to leave work quickly, so I'm sorry I'm typing very fast(which might cause some errors), by the way did you goto Cornell? The f**k off! Phins fan? wears your Marino jersey buddy? I live here but aint from here, I was born in Costa Rica pal. I loved Jim Kelly because he was a MIAMI HURRICANE QB, because of him I began to love the bills because they are a tough team who kept fighting no matter what(huh kinda like a bunch of muslims...odd)


So why don't you READ my posts instead of trying to glance through them like the paperbacks you're used to. As for writing and grammer, you pop off thoughts and ideas after 12 hours shift in a freezing hospital buddy.


One last question, do all of your replies have such intelligence and logic?


Don"'t outlaw guns, upgrade our schools, for real"

Did you ever consider, outlaw schools and upgrade guns?

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No worries, Romo. I went and read some of your other posts. I see where you're coming from, man.


Take a few bong hits for me, K? :(



I would but Neil Patrick Harris is bogarting like a...um bogart


Sadly enough folks, no dope for me...Up with hope, down with dope!


It's not because I don't love it, it's because these damned drug tests...something about being a nurse and be under the influence of drugs that off sets people...

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Did you ever consider, outlaw schools and upgrade guns?




I did, but for some reason I couldn't think of any good ideas to upgrade the gun...I of coarse went to public school...you see where I'm going with this right?

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Yeah..you got me I made a clever Headline, then sited an actual event then stated a position based upon recent events all because I was trying to lure The Neil Patrick Harris out of his Hyundai Tiburon(not sure on spelling)...


You caught me


Okay ... here goes.


1. The slave revolt in NYC in 1712 killed 6 people and wounded 9 more. Not 23. The slaves who rebelled were captured (those that didn't commit suicide) and tried. 21 of the 23 slaves were executed for rebellion. You follow up your misinformed history with this gem: "and none of the penetrating intellects of the time saw this as anything other than act of TERRORISM". Well that is just flat out wrong. The abolitionist movement wasn't in full swing in 1712, but there was plenty of debate and back and forth on the merits of slavery from social, economic and religions perspectives. Contrary to what you propose, people were not in lock step with the Specter (which, if you research that paper's history you'll learn a lot more fun facts).


You follow up that paragraph about a frickin' slave rebellion with this: "Western society has enemies local and abroad, so instead of extending and olive branch of peace, we clinch the arrow within our talons and further fanning the flames of frustration and fascination."


Ummm ... whaaa?


That's not logic. That's not even a coherent thought.


2. Your next paragraph is a gem. One of my favorites:

"Today Western Civilization I.E. The United States of America, chooses it's enemies based upon political, financial and cultural rifts. During the 1930's and 40's we saw our headlines intoxicated with slandering of German customs, citizens, public figures and political officials."


Yeah ... because the Germans in the 30s and 40s were innocents merely basking in a peaceful existence and evil America just had to stick our nose in and disrupt their utopia. Nazis? Nice guys! The Holocaust? Just an invention of the American press, right?




"During the 1950's we turned our attentions away from the vanquished enemy and now to an enemy threatening our right, nay our predestined duty to rule as Caesar. That enemy was "Mother Russia", aka "The" USSR, Communist Russia and last but not least Ally...do remember that little conflict known as "World War II"? Russia was our "Ally" of the moment. But when the pages of history turned and began to be written our ally soon turned into foe, and the publications began rolling of the presses."


Again ... mindless rambling and wandering from your thesis statement. Forget the fact that Stalin probably killed more people than Hitler. Forget the fact that after WWII the USSR represented the biggest threat to US security, values and our way of life. True students of history know that the US Soviet alliance during WWII was one of convenience. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


But if you insist it was all a ploy by the evil headline moguls ... then you're just batshit crazy.


3. "Muslim(s), Islam and the Quran are the enemy of this generation, I mean what a perfect distraction. Once our "Allies" in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and everywhere in the Arab world now they are our sworn enemies. Is it religion that makes us hate them? Is Muhammad so evil?"


Distraction? To what? Wait ... so now your argument has shifted from headlines being misleading to Muslims being the new scapegoats of the 21st century. Kind of like how the Nazis used the Jews as their scapegoats, right? Oh wait, I forget, we like the Nazis ... they were fine till we started writing news stories about them. Right. I forgot.


4. "Why do you label a Muslim as the terrorist?"


No sensible person labels a person as a terrorist simply because they are of the Islamic faith. No one. But no sensible man can ignore the correlation between extreme fundamentalists who use God as an excuse to kill. It just so happens that in the past 15 years most of the terrorist attacks in the world have been committed by men who are Muslims. Does this mean every Muslim is bad? No. Does this mean every terrorist is a Muslim? No.


But if a Muslim extremist does perform an act of terror, why can't we describe him as such? It is after all how they describe themselves.


"Timothy James McVeigh killed 168 Americans' because of his political and religious beliefs yet why did I not see Christian murders 168! Terrorist kills 168!"


This again is totally false. Plenty of headlines called McVeigh a terrorist. Look it up.


"Ahem I was talking about Western Civilization which is infact a religion, look it up. We serve but only one God, be his name Benjamin or to a more common name we know him as, George."




5. "Grow a brain, read a book, open your eyes, smell the coffee or take a walk in the clouds WE are all here upon this wretched rock until our eyes close...I have my beliefs, they will not falter in the face of what other impose upon me, I suggest you do the same, no matter what you believe in.


What have you learned? Something good I hope."


I hope you now learned this valuable lesson: Think before you post.

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I would but Neil Patrick Harris is bogarting like a...um bogart


Sadly enough folks, no dope for me...Up with hope, down with dope!


It's not because I don't love it, it's because these damned drug tests...something about being a nurse and be under the influence of drugs that off sets people...


Come on man: Make some attempt to keep this place clear of trash threads like this. Leave this crap to the Wacka/conner/Rkfast/pBills of the world.



< John Adams > :(

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Yeah..you got me I made a clever Headline, then sited an actual event then stated a position based upon recent events all because I was trying to lure The Neil Patrick Harris out of his Hyundai Tiburon(not sure on spelling)...


You caught me

You were born in Costa Rica but don't know how to spell "Tiburon?" That's curious.

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The entire point of this thread was to poke fun at the fact that headlines are not reflections of truth, but rather reflections of a popular cultural trend. I'm dearly sorry you didn't get it. Muslims, Christians and all the rest believers of faiths...the terrorists that we read of are everywhere. The IRA is back and they are...Christian, killing 3200 since the 1980's and that's more than any Arab nation has done on any western nation. Wake up and smell the oil, 1977 changed our climate for tolerance. The Iron Sheik became a popular character of hate...Hulk Hogan, Sgt. Slaughter...GI F**King Joe and everything since has been a slow political IV Drip into our media bloodstream....


Practice what we should be teaching our children.

Start waving the flag because you relate to it, not because suddenly it's popular.


Paul Mooney said it best, "Most of yall' mother!@#$a's forget about god until someone says I have a God too...then you cut him off and get offended that someone is talking about a God that isn't yours...Children grow up, we need to stop chasing the toys that we got tired of only because someone else took interest. Anyway white folk forgot about got until 9/11...I aint ever heard that many white folk crying Oh my God since OJ got free..."


Really? Wow, I never thought of it like that...you are really smart.

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Okay ... here goes.


1. The slave revolt in NYC in 1712 killed 6 people and wounded 9 more. Not 23. The slaves who rebelled were captured (those that didn't commit suicide) and tried. 21 of the 23 slaves were executed for rebellion. You follow up your misinformed history with this gem: "and none of the penetrating intellects of the time saw this as anything other than act of TERRORISM". Well that is just flat out wrong. The abolitionist movement wasn't in full swing in 1712, but there was plenty of debate and back and forth on the merits of slavery from social, economic and religions perspectives. Contrary to what you propose, people were not in lock step with the Specter (which, if you research that paper's history you'll learn a lot more fun facts).


You follow up that paragraph about a frickin' slave rebellion with this: "Western society has enemies local and abroad, so instead of extending and olive branch of peace, we clinch the arrow within our talons and further fanning the flames of frustration and fascination."


Ummm ... whaaa?


That's not logic. That's not even a coherent thought.


2. Your next paragraph is a gem. One of my favorites:

"Today Western Civilization I.E. The United States of America, chooses it's enemies based upon political, financial and cultural rifts. During the 1930's and 40's we saw our headlines intoxicated with slandering of German customs, citizens, public figures and political officials."


Yeah ... because the Germans in the 30s and 40s were innocents merely basking in a peaceful existence and evil America just had to stick our nose in and disrupt their utopia. Nazis? Nice guys! The Holocaust? Just an invention of the American press, right?




"During the 1950's we turned our attentions away from the vanquished enemy and now to an enemy threatening our right, nay our predestined duty to rule as Caesar. That enemy was "Mother Russia", aka "The" USSR, Communist Russia and last but not least Ally...do remember that little conflict known as "World War II"? Russia was our "Ally" of the moment. But when the pages of history turned and began to be written our ally soon turned into foe, and the publications began rolling of the presses."


Again ... mindless rambling and wandering from your thesis statement. Forget the fact that Stalin probably killed more people than Hitler. Forget the fact that after WWII the USSR represented the biggest threat to US security, values and our way of life. True students of history know that the US Soviet alliance during WWII was one of convenience. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


But if you insist it was all a ploy by the evil headline moguls ... then you're just batshit crazy.


3. "Muslim(s), Islam and the Quran are the enemy of this generation, I mean what a perfect distraction. Once our "Allies" in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and everywhere in the Arab world now they are our sworn enemies. Is it religion that makes us hate them? Is Muhammad so evil?"


Distraction? To what? Wait ... so now your argument has shifted from headlines being misleading to Muslims being the new scapegoats of the 21st century. Kind of like how the Nazis used the Jews as their scapegoats, right? Oh wait, I forget, we like the Nazis ... they were fine till we started writing news stories about them. Right. I forgot.


4. "Why do you label a Muslim as the terrorist?"


No sensible person labels a person as a terrorist simply because they are of the Islamic faith. No one. But no sensible man can ignore the correlation between extreme fundamentalists who use God as an excuse to kill. It just so happens that in the past 15 years most of the terrorist attacks in the world have been committed by men who are Muslims. Does this mean every Muslim is bad? No. Does this mean every terrorist is a Muslim? No.


But if a Muslim extremist does perform an act of terror, why can't we describe him as such? It is after all how they describe themselves.


"Timothy James McVeigh killed 168 Americans' because of his political and religious beliefs yet why did I not see Christian murders 168! Terrorist kills 168!"


This again is totally false. Plenty of headlines called McVeigh a terrorist. Look it up.


"Ahem I was talking about Western Civilization which is infact a religion, look it up. We serve but only one God, be his name Benjamin or to a more common name we know him as, George."




5. "Grow a brain, read a book, open your eyes, smell the coffee or take a walk in the clouds WE are all here upon this wretched rock until our eyes close...I have my beliefs, they will not falter in the face of what other impose upon me, I suggest you do the same, no matter what you believe in.


What have you learned? Something good I hope."


I hope you now learned this valuable lesson: Think before you post.


Wow unlike you I didn't research that for what was that? 2 hours trying to formulate a clever response. I was going off of what I read 6! years ago you little twit. So 3 less died on that day? Did you read that these very tolerant, civilized people burned those men to death?


Hm...Yeah, problem with the 30's 40's and 50's headlines, they usually didn't have much to do about the acts of evil being done, but instead quick jabs at citizens and who was fighting who for the world title(Look that up ya child). Hitler, Stalin, Mao all did horrid things to their people, by why was it not pushed in schools as "Fact" until the late 1960's?


THE POINT WAS TO POINT OUT HOW HEADLINES ARE SCARETACTICS AND USUALLY MISINFORMATIONS!!! You are now being offended and attacking because I made a few jokes. Well go google or yahoo your next clever response, unlike you I have mind right here. IN MY OWN HEAD Not someone elses penned expressions, experiecnes and thoughts.


Check the scoreboard on hate, Christians commit more hate crimes than anyone you fu**king uneducated pencil chewer!


By the way I'm Christian, don't find many muslims in costa rica.

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Wow unlike you I didn't research that for what was that? 2 hours trying to formulate a clever response. I was going off of what I read 6! years ago you little twit. So 3 less died on that day? Did you read that these very tolerant, civilized people burned those men to death?


Hm...Yeah, problem with the 30's 40's and 50's headlines, they usually didn't have much to do about the acts of evil being done, but instead quick jabs at citizens and who was fighting who for the world title(Look that up ya child). Hitler, Stalin, Mao all did horrid things to their people, by why was it not pushed in schools as "Fact" until the late 1960's?


THE POINT WAS TO POINT OUT HOW HEADLINES ARE SCARETACTICS AND USUALLY MISINFORMATIONS!!! You are now being offended and attacking because I made a few jokes. Well go google or yahoo your next clever response, unlike you I have mind right here. IN MY OWN HEAD Not someone elses penned expressions, experiecnes and thoughts.


Check the scoreboard on hate, Christians commit more hate crimes than anyone you fu**king uneducated pencil chewer!


By the way I'm Christian, don't find many muslims in costa rica.



It's funny that not once have you mentioned the problem with patriotism. The flags begin waving only after someone tells us it's okay. This country has take the CHRISTIAN GOD out of their public schools, it has take the right to be a man and a lady out of our culture and it has taken the true beauty out of the spoken word. You all can look up the terms, phrases and quotations after the fact, but try reading the entire book before you talk about one quote. Google finds quotes not full texts, it's called research and it's called the desire to improve our understanding of all things relative.


The abolishionists weren't in full swing? are you seriously retarded, here's a project pal go google that term and it's roots.

Abilishionists were there from the mid 1600's buddy boy.

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No way man. This level of crazy is entertaining.



I knew President Adams would agree with me, by the way I read your position paper on "The Articles of Confederation" interesting stuff Mr. President.


Oh did John Hanson really come up with Thanksgiving because he owned great amounts of land which housed turky farming? If so do tell sir.

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Wow unlike you I didn't research that for what was that? 2 hours trying to formulate a clever response. I was going off of what I read 6! years ago you little twit. So 3 less died on that day? Did you read that these very tolerant, civilized people burned those men to death?


Hm...Yeah, problem with the 30's 40's and 50's headlines, they usually didn't have much to do about the acts of evil being done, but instead quick jabs at citizens and who was fighting who for the world title(Look that up ya child). Hitler, Stalin, Mao all did horrid things to their people, by why was it not pushed in schools as "Fact" until the late 1960's?


THE POINT WAS TO POINT OUT HOW HEADLINES ARE SCARETACTICS AND USUALLY MISINFORMATIONS!!! You are now being offended and attacking because I made a few jokes. Well go google or yahoo your next clever response, unlike you I have mind right here. IN MY OWN HEAD Not someone elses penned expressions, experiecnes and thoughts.


Check the scoreboard on hate, Christians commit more hate crimes than anyone you fu**king uneducated pencil chewer!


By the way I'm Christian, don't find many muslims in costa rica.

Not your own thoughts. Instead, a butchering of some radical jackoff's lecture. You should be happy, christians are winning. :(

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Wow unlike you I didn't research that for what was that? 2 hours trying to formulate a clever response. I was going off of what I read 6! years ago you little twit. So 3 less died on that day? Did you read that these very tolerant, civilized people burned those men to death?


Hm...Yeah, problem with the 30's 40's and 50's headlines, they usually didn't have much to do about the acts of evil being done, but instead quick jabs at citizens and who was fighting who for the world title(Look that up ya child). Hitler, Stalin, Mao all did horrid things to their people, by why was it not pushed in schools as "Fact" until the late 1960's?


THE POINT WAS TO POINT OUT HOW HEADLINES ARE SCARETACTICS AND USUALLY MISINFORMATIONS!!! You are now being offended and attacking because I made a few jokes. Well go google or yahoo your next clever response, unlike you I have mind right here. IN MY OWN HEAD Not someone elses penned expressions, experiecnes and thoughts.


Check the scoreboard on hate, Christians commit more hate crimes than anyone you fu**king uneducated pencil chewer!


By the way I'm Christian, don't find many muslims in costa rica.

So your math skills are as good as your skills in logic, history and debate.


Please tell me you're not allowed to perform actual medical services on patients.

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