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Will Teague go to LG when he comes back?


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Does anyone know if that is the position that he played for Denver with. I think that was it when he came over to the Bills as a free agent. I would like to see how he would do moving over from center to LG since I think you have to let Tucker keep playing at center. That way we get the best players on the line

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Guest Guest_Ennjay_*
Does anyone know if that is the position that he played for Denver with. I think that was it when he came over to the Bills as a free agent. I would like to see how he would do moving over from center to LG since I think you have to let Tucker keep playing at center. That way we get the best players on the line



Teague played tackle for Denver -- I believe LT.

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Teague definitely came to Buffalo with the expectation of being our LT after recovering from a season ending injury and manning the LT position adequately enough for Denver to get a good FA deal from the Bills.


Teague was OK at LT for Denver, and seemed to be thought of the way we think of Jonas Jennings. Pretty good but no airtight play on the QBs blindside and enough injury question marks to not make him worth breaking the bank over.


Teague apparently was much pissed when the Bills decided to use him at center and thus take him away from the big money at LT and dedicate that position to JJ (who actually made his chop for the Bills at RT and had played center more recently than Teague).


However, Teague seems pretty respected by all as having the brainpower, football mind and experience at multiple positions so he understands what everyone on the OL needs to do (it would not surprise me if he played guard at some point in his career, but if he does not have the necessary bulk in folks minds to be center he probably dooes not have the necessary bulk to play guard either). He apparently has really taken to the mental game of being a center and now says he likes it.


I think he can perform all the individual requirements of being a center (good quick brain, understanding of what everyone needs to do, ability to make shotgun snaps as he has improved in this area which was a problem for him, ability to communicate well with his OL peers and the QB, and the athleticism to take on the biigger DTs and get the necessary leverage to handle bulkier players), however, though he can do each individual function, he has trouble multi-tasking and doing them all at the same time.


It appears to me when there are difficult line calls to be sorted out and done AND he has to make a more difficult snap in the shotgun or Bledsoe is under center but changing the call, that is when Teague can be bowled over by an aggressive DT as he gets too focused on his other tasks and does not use his athletic ability in a way that gives him good leverage on a bigger aggresive lineman and he can be bowed over into Bledsoe's lap.


I think time and practice are actually the best solutions for these problems and his play before his injury where he began to play center well this year showed that.


If Tucker can handle the job, this is good for the Bills as we may very much need an LT if Jennings attracts a big contract on the FA market. Worse come to worse we have found an adequate back-up at center in Tucker and the competition will make Teague better. If Tucker does not beat out Teague, we now have an answer for letting JJ go or for having a back-up at all OL positions across the line if JJ stays. Tucker has now started at C, G, and T in his NFL career.

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Because he isn't a bust. He just shouldn't of been drafted before McKinney.




According to the draft/player analysis that I have read, a top five player

should be of Pro-Bowl caliber by year three or four, if not a franshise player.

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Anyways, regarding Teague, the only two positions for him even being worth talked about at should be center of left tackle. Either guard spot or right tackle he would simply not hold up. You need a drive blocker at RT and the DT's in todays game are simply way too big for him one on one at guard.

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According to the draft/player analysis that I have read, a top five player

should be of Pro-Bowl caliber by year three or four, if not a franshise player.




Defintiely MW has failed in meriting his top 5 pick, but this is a very different thing from judging him to be the best player we have at RT, or moving to disrupt the whole line because you want to experiment with him elsewhere.


If a player should not start at a particular posiion unless he is a Pro Bowler then you need to move most players in the league out of their jobs.


MW can both be a failed draft choice for us and the best thing for us to do at RT given what we got.

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Defintiely MW has failed in meriting his top 5 pick, but this is a very different thing from judging him to be the best player we have at RT, or moving to disrupt the whole line because you want to experiment with him elsewhere.


If a player should not start at a particular posiion unless he is a Pro Bowler then you need to move most players in the league out of their jobs.


MW can both be a failed draft choice for us and the best thing for us to do at RT given what we got.




The Buffalo O-line coach didn't seem to have a problem disrupting

the whole line to experiment. He did it twice the last game, and it worked.


For that game anyway.

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The Buffalo O-line coach didn't seem to have a problem disrupting

the whole line to experiment.  He did it twice the last game, and it worked.


For that game anyway.




Big difference in the two cases. I don't think anyone was advocating the move of Bannan as an experiment for the whole game to see if this worked, Moving MW to the LG dlot would be just this type of experiment except you'd being taking out a starting linemen and have to replaace him rather than moving a reserve player like Bannan in for spot duty as a great change-up which not only confused the oppenents briefly but enhanced compettion on the team.


Perhaps moving MW to LG in mid-season would also totally confuse our opposition because they would never expect us to do something so foolish. I doubt it does much to enhance competition though as it would send a message to both MW and Smith that you were giving up on the idea of them being adequate players at their position and send a messageto the team and fans that you were giving up on this season to prepare for next.

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Anyways, regarding Teague, the only two positions for him even being worth talked about at should be center of left tackle. Either guard spot or right tackle he would simply not hold up. You need a drive blocker at RT and the DT's in todays game are simply way too big for him one on one at guard.




Actually....Lawrence Smith is not much bigger then Teague......


I think that Tre might be a little better in this position.....but next year I want a monster playing there......

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