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espn.com video: Bills Update

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What set this apart from other Bills reports is that he didn't just make the Bills success a quarterback issue, something that the less informed would tend to do. Tim went right to Lee Evans, who absolutely does stand to gain the most by the arrival of TO.

Tim also correctly stated that Jason Peters is the biggest issue facing this team in this offseason. The fact that the Bills are even contemplating the trade of a LT in his prime is disturbing, and almost unprececedented. The odds of Dick Jauron fixing holes at LT and LG in one season are nonexistant.


The b.s. with Peters needs to stop, and the process of Jauron building a strong team, one suited to play in the elements (did you hear the remark about passing being "impossible?") must begin. Otherwise, Buffalo will continue to be a training ground for 1st round defensive backs to fine tune their skills and sign with other teams.


Real nice job TG!

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What set this apart from other Bills reports is that he didn't just make the Bills success a quarterback issue, something that the less informed would tend to do. Tim went right to Lee Evans, who absolutely does stand to gain the most by the arrival of TO.

Tim also correctly stated that Jason Peters is the biggest issue facing this team in this offseason. The fact that the Bills are even contemplating the trade of a LT in his prime is disturbing, and almost unprececedented. The odds of Dick Jauron fixing holes at LT and LG in one season are nonexistant.


The b.s. with Peters needs to stop, and the process of Jauron building a strong team, one suited to play in the elements (did you hear the remark about passing being "impossible?") must begin. Otherwise, Buffalo will continue to be a training ground for 1st round defensive backs to fine tune their skills and sign with other teams.


Real nice job TG!


Yeah, I agree with all you said.


When he was asked who stood to benefit most from TO, I expected to hear Trent's name. It was refreshing to hear that! He knows what we all do, that Lee is an elite receiver but he hasn't had anyone who even poses a marginal threat opposite him. Until now. Defenses always key in on him hard and constantly roll coverage to his side, he's always blanketed. Now they have to account for Owens too.


And he's 100% right, the Peters situation is far and away are biggest problem.


Tim is spot on with his Bills analysis and knows exactly what he's talking about. And he even mingles with us lowly commoners to get the fan perspective. He's a blessing to TSW and the Bills.

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