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Would you recommend a move to Rochester?


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I'm going to be moving around the end of this year/beginning of next year for work. I love living in Hawaii, but unfortunately I only get a few years out here. I've been waiting to find out where my job will have openings, and finally got some info on that yesterday. While there are openings around the country and I've thought about pretty much everywhere, I've decided that what I really want is to move back to the east coast to be closer to my whole family. I've been a 7+ hour plane ride from everyone for about 10 years and I want to spend some time back there. I have family in NY, VA, PA, NC, and FL, so anywhere on the east coast fills that requirement.


So after seeing the openings, I've pretty much narrowed it down to either Rochester or Greesboro, NC. I could also go to St Petersburg/Tampa area, but while I do like that part of FL more than most, I'm pretty against moving back there. So...


Rochester: I grew up outside Syracuse and have family and friends scattered between there and Rochester. While I never spent much time in Rochester, it still has a "going home" feeling to it. I generally know about the tax situation up there, especiallly property tax since I plan on buying a house wherever I go, and while it a concern, I"m not too worried about it. My biggest negative is the weather. I've lived in very temperate climates for a LONG time. Just remembering the winters from my childhood makes me shudder. :thumbdown: Anyway, it always seems talking to people there gets answers all over the place. Some people love it, think it's a great area of the country to live and be with family. Others say they are trying anything they can to get out. So my question is, for those living in WNY, would you recommend the move? Anyone else out there that has moved away and really wants to get back? Why?


Greensboro: I was really hoping for an opening in Charlotte, but it didn't end up happening. The only family I have in NC is in Charlotte, so it's really the only part of the state I know. I've been looking all over on-line, and there's very little information on it. Even though it's a fairly large city (3rd biggest in NC), it seems pretty slow. I know that I really like that area of the country for weather, environment, and people.

Anyone happen to know anything about Greensboro?


I appreciate any thoughts. I'm basically split right now and have to have some kind of idea by this time next week!

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My only piece of advice is that you 'cannot go home again'...don't let nostalgia guide your decision, people have moved on and things have changed...if you truly like the area, go for it...if you are doing it to recapture old feelings, i am afraid you will be disappointed...good luck...mind if i take the opportunity in tampa? or goldsboro? :thumbdown:


I'm going to be moving around the end of this year/beginning of next year for work. I love living in Hawaii, but unfortunately I only get a few years out here. I've been waiting to find out where my job will have openings, and finally got some info on that yesterday. While there are openings around the country and I've thought about pretty much everywhere, I've decided that what I really want is to move back to the east coast to be closer to my whole family. I've been a 7+ hour plane ride from everyone for about 10 years and I want to spend some time back there. I have family in NY, VA, PA, NC, and FL, so anywhere on the east coast fills that requirement.


So after seeing the openings, I've pretty much narrowed it down to either Rochester or Greesboro, NC. I could also go to St Petersburg/Tampa area, but while I do like that part of FL more than most, I'm pretty against moving back there. So...


Rochester: I grew up outside Syracuse and have family and friends scattered between there and Rochester. While I never spent much time in Rochester, it still has a "going home" feeling to it. I generally know about the tax situation up there, especiallly property tax since I plan on buying a house wherever I go, and while it a concern, I"m not too worried about it. My biggest negative is the weather. I've lived in very temperate climates for a LONG time. Just remembering the winters from my childhood makes me shudder. :unsure: Anyway, it always seems talking to people there gets answers all over the place. Some people love it, think it's a great area of the country to live and be with family. Others say they are trying anything they can to get out. So my question is, for those living in WNY, would you recommend the move? Anyone else out there that has moved away and really wants to get back? Why?


Greensboro: I was really hoping for an opening in Charlotte, but it didn't end up happening. The only family I have in NC is in Charlotte, so it's really the only part of the state I know. I've been looking all over on-line, and there's very little information on it. Even though it's a fairly large city (3rd biggest in NC), it seems pretty slow. I know that I really like that area of the country for weather, environment, and people.

Anyone happen to know anything about Greensboro?


I appreciate any thoughts. I'm basically split right now and have to have some kind of idea by this time next week!

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My only piece of advice is that you 'cannot go home again'...don't let nostalgia guide your decision, people have moved on and things have changed...if you truly like the area, go for it...if you are doing it to recapture old feelings, i am afraid you will be disappointed...good luck...mind if i take the opportunity in tampa? or goldsboro? :thumbdown:

Thanks for the advice, and I agree. It doesn't really apply to me though. I haven't lived in NY since I was 12, so I'm not looking to regain any old feelings. It's more just reconnecting with my family from up there. And of course I would look forward to things like being able to get a good hotdog, or being in driving distance of the Bills and Syracuse basketball. :unsure:


I'd say yes, but I am from Rochester so I am biased.

Biased is what I'm looking for! See, if you had said, "Hell no, stay away!!!" I'd have reason to worry.

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Lived in NC for 8 yrs. Greensboro has a bit of a inferiority complex due to its proximity to Winston-Salem, Charlotte, and Raleigh-Durham. As much as I appreciate growing up in Buffalo and all, I would not want to move back there due to the weather and taxes. Yes, I live in OH. But, I don't fight as much snow as WNY. And, I don't pay taxes to the sucking hole of NYC.

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I'm going to be moving around the end of this year/beginning of next year for work. I love living in Hawaii, but unfortunately I only get a few years out here. I've been waiting to find out where my job will have openings, and finally got some info on that yesterday. While there are openings around the country and I've thought about pretty much everywhere, I've decided that what I really want is to move back to the east coast to be closer to my whole family. I've been a 7+ hour plane ride from everyone for about 10 years and I want to spend some time back there. I have family in NY, VA, PA, NC, and FL, so anywhere on the east coast fills that requirement.


So after seeing the openings, I've pretty much narrowed it down to either Rochester or Greesboro, NC. I could also go to St Petersburg/Tampa area, but while I do like that part of FL more than most, I'm pretty against moving back there. So...


Rochester: I grew up outside Syracuse and have family and friends scattered between there and Rochester. While I never spent much time in Rochester, it still has a "going home" feeling to it. I generally know about the tax situation up there, especiallly property tax since I plan on buying a house wherever I go, and while it a concern, I"m not too worried about it. My biggest negative is the weather. I've lived in very temperate climates for a LONG time. Just remembering the winters from my childhood makes me shudder. :thumbdown: Anyway, it always seems talking to people there gets answers all over the place. Some people love it, think it's a great area of the country to live and be with family. Others say they are trying anything they can to get out. So my question is, for those living in WNY, would you recommend the move? Anyone else out there that has moved away and really wants to get back? Why?


Greensboro: I was really hoping for an opening in Charlotte, but it didn't end up happening. The only family I have in NC is in Charlotte, so it's really the only part of the state I know. I've been looking all over on-line, and there's very little information on it. Even though it's a fairly large city (3rd biggest in NC), it seems pretty slow. I know that I really like that area of the country for weather, environment, and people.

Anyone happen to know anything about Greensboro?


I appreciate any thoughts. I'm basically split right now and have to have some kind of idea by this time next week!


If your worried about the weather I would probably have to say Rochester should be out. Although the weather is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be(buffalo has only gotten 5 inches of snow since feb 1st & I have actually been out golfing 3 times already this year) your coming from a place where the weather could not be nicer. I think Rochester maybe too much of a culture shock to you. Hell NC weather maybe even a bit of a shock to you. If you have family all over the east coast, your better off going somewhere where it is warmer.

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Lived in NC for 8 yrs. Greensboro has a bit of a inferiority complex due to its proximity to Winston-Salem, Charlotte, and Raleigh-Durham. As much as I appreciate growing up in Buffalo and all, I would not want to move back there due to the weather and taxes. Yes, I live in OH. But, I don't fight as much snow as WNY. And, I don't pay taxes to the sucking hole of NYC.


BTW, Greensboro sucks if you ask me. Have 2 friends that live there. There is nothing to do there. Charlotte is much better imo.

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I wouldn't move back to WNY.


Even if you have a job now, what happens if that job evaporates? There aren't a lot of employment opportunities there from what I've seen....


Oh, and the taxes suck.

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BTW, Greensboro sucks if you ask me. Have 2 friends that live there. There is nothing to do there. Charlotte is much better imo.

:thumbdown: Well, you narrowed down my choices to nothing!!! Just kidding. That's really what I'm afraid of as far as Greensboro. I love the Charlotte area and would go there if I could, but it's just not in the cards. I think even if I knew people in Greensboro, I wouldn't care about it being kind of desolate, but the way it is, I"m just not sure.


Even if you have a job now, what happens if that job evaporates? There aren't a lot of employment opportunities there from what I've seen....

Not worried about the job at all. I have no chance of getting laid off. Absolute worst case scenario if the job closed up shop, I'd be sent somewhere else to work.

Oh, and the taxes suck.

Yep, weather and taxes. The two downfalls of WNY. Can't get away from it. :unsure:

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My only piece of advice is that you 'cannot go home again'...don't let nostalgia guide your decision, people have moved on and things have changed...if you truly like the area, go for it...if you are doing it to recapture old feelings, i am afraid you will be disappointed...good luck...mind if i take the opportunity in tampa? or goldsboro? :thumbdown:


That's good advice there Pooj.


I moved away from Rochester waaaaaay back in 1990 and have thought about moving back there many times since then. (Especially after my kids were born.)

It's always so FANTASTIC to go back there and visit, but after talking to people back there I realize how many folks want to move away. (Plus, people seen to complaint a whole lot back there.)


I do know that it was the best place to be raised as a child, and I have a hard time imagining a better place than the Finger Lakes region in Autumn. (Unless it's here on the South Island in spring, summer, fall and winter.) :unsure:


Follow your gut instincts and you'll do right.



On another note... it's not that the taxes are so high in NYS... its that you get nothing in return from them. (unlike here, where you at least get free healthcare.)

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Not worried about the job at all. I have no chance of getting laid off. Absolute worst case scenario if the job closed up shop, I'd be sent somewhere else to work.


What do you do (if you don't mind me asking)? :thumbdown:

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I have not lived in WNY for 20 years so I have no room to comment on that issue specifically. However, I have moved to 8 different metropolitan areas in my adult / professional life so I have learned a bit about moving around. Here are a few things from my experience to consider:


  • Sit down and literally write out what is important to you and your family when it comes to the place where you live (i.e. - things you enjoy doing (entertaiment, activities, sports), how important is it to be close to family etc.. Think about how well the city lines up with your interests and priorities
  • Consider your commuting situation - I lived in some nice cities but my commute was hell - took away from personal time and quality of life
  • Financial aspects are important but in my opinion should not make or break your decision. If you enjoy where you are living and can afford to be there taxes and such will seem to be a minor distraction
  • Also look at what is nearby - and how easy is it to get to "other things" (beaches, mountains other cities etc.)


Just a few thoughts. For what it is worth I struggle at time to wondering if I should go back to WNY but then I listen to my brother talk about just wanting to get out. Often I wonder if it is simply the case of the grass is greener somewhere else.

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Often I wonder if it is simply the case of the grass is greener somewhere else.

Thanks for the advice (the bulleted format was especially nice). What I quoted is what I'm trying to focus on right now. I have my gut opinions on both places, and I'm trying to wade through what people are saying about the areas and try to figure out what is standard complaining and what is cause for concern.


My sister just moved to Rochester about 8 months ago and she loves it; says moving back was the best thing she did (she was in NYC and Tampa before that). My father moved to VA from WNY about 2 years ago and is all doom and gloom about it and says he wouldn't want to go back.


I just figure the more opinions I get the more informed I can be.


Thanks again.

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I also live in Rochester, actually Fairport but I work downtown.



If you plan on raising a family - great schools - much better than the schools in NC

Commute - I live 15 miles from downtown and it takes me less than 20 minutes to get to work

Cost of living is fair

Becasue property taxes are high, housing is very affordable. $150-$180 will get you a very nice home. $300K will get you an estate.



Weather - this winter was pretty bad

Taxes - problem all through New York State. It has to change or there will be no one left to tax :thumbdown:



How old are you? Are you single?


East End and Park Ave is great. Very favorable single girl to guy ratio.


I am biased like Matty T. To counter what Fez said, if you are an engineer, accountant, healthcare or in finance you would not have problem finding work. Good amount of high tech and young optical / biotech companies.


Feel free to PM me with questions. I will even give you my phone number if you would rather talk live.

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I grew up on Buffalo but lived in Rochester (Greece) for 4 years in the early 90's. People assume WNY is all the same, but Rochester is really not like Buffalo. It's much nicer in many ways. But I will say that Rochestarians have a weird mindset. Their attitude toward sports is one example. PGA golf and they show up. A pretty good Sabres team brings a real NHL game to BCBS Arena and you couldn't get people off their a$$es with a stick of dynamite.



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How old are you? Wife? Kids? I lived in Greensboro just after college and was bored as sh-- but the people I worked with loved raising their families there and said it was a great small city to raise a family in.

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How old are you? Wife? Kids? I lived in Greensboro just after college and was bored as sh-- but the people I worked with loved raising their families there and said it was a great small city to raise a family in.

30 and single. I'm really not looking for a bar/club scene or rowdy nightlife. Being my age and single in Hawaii has been friggin great, but I'm over that, at least for now. I like more active events. The little info I'm getting about Greensboro is all pretty much along the same lines....boring.

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Whats wrong with Tampa/St Pete?

Like I said, I like the area alright, but I just really dislike FL. Property taxes are getting to be in the NY range, Insurance is absolutely ridiculous, the heat in the summer is unbearable. The state as a whole is going downhill. I lived there for about 7 years and go back to see family occasionally. I think it can be a great place to visit, but wouldn't want to move back there.

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