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I'd rather have Edwards than Cutler

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Bill why do you only defend Edward's poor play? I mean if somebody bashes Kelsay, no one says a thing. If another post is questioning Whitner's play or Poz's play, you might here a couple posters say we have to wait and see still. You take every chance you see to bash Jauron and staff, as do many here. The moment somebody questions Edwards regression last season, they get accused of not being a fan. I've literally seen posters say that Schobel is a waste of money and was never more than an average player. Yet, no one is calling them a bad fan? I just find it weird that some of you guys are so in love with this guy. Why? Is it still because he's not JP? Have you forgotten what good Qb play is? It's one thing to still have hope for improvement (which I do). It's quite another, to defend his collapse last season.


A few observations:


1.Jaurons coaching only effects Edwards play. Rarely, if ever, have I seen this argument used for any other player. The other members of the team are identified for poor play and recieve the blame. Not the annointed one.


2. Any member of the Bills is open for performance review, without having to have your fan hood questioned. Any member that's not named Trent Edwards. Their is literally a 24-7 debate going on about our probowl LT. I've yet to see someone say, you are less of a fan, if you think Peters stinks.


3. The hardcore Trent fanboys are usually the hardcore anti JP crew. Is this a coincidence? Posters here marry themselves to an idea and can't admit to being wrong. Some posters actually think JP is a starting caliber Qb, still. You guys are like politicians. Trent lovers are sounding more and more like JP fanboys every post. It's everybody else's fault but JP/Trent.


4. The team has surrounded Edwards with some weapons this year, and excuses are already being formed for his future play. Yes, we could lose Peters, and the line might see some new faces. I'll reserve my evaluation of the protection until, a line is put together, and I actually see them play. I can already see some of you working on your excuse list. Sad. His protection was pretty good last year and some still bash it.


5. Facts and Stats are a useless tool for the Trent lover. You can lay out your concerns with the Qb position and sight game examples, while supporting those observations with facts, and you will be called a troll. An objective give and take, conversation can't be reached with fanboys. I can recall when this was the case with JP. You provide facts and Bill from NY, tries to say you aren't credible because he didn't agree with a totally off subject post four days ago. Magox just replies with an absurd accusation about someone's loyalty to the team. Let it be known if you ever utter a negative word about our Qb, you aren't a fan of the Bills anymore.


Disclaimer: I'm still a Bills fan. Like many of you I have serious questions in regards to this team and organization. IMO, the Qb position is the most important and should not be exempt from evaluation. Our Qb has had good moments but has never shown me he can take the next step. Edwards deserves another year as the starter, because IMO 23 starts is not enough to evaluate a young Qb. He needs to show he can stay healthy and elevate his play consistently. I wasn't a fan of fan of the Fitzpatrick signing and I do think he will end having to start at somepoint this year. I would be a big fan of the team bringing in another Qb from the draft. I'm not saying wiht the first pick. A young Qb is like a lottery ticket and could provide a nice competition in camp. I say again, Trent is the starter but far from a sure thing and the team needs to start looking at the possibility of having to look elsewhere.




One of the best post I have seen on these boards Pile... :beer::worthy:

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your audience is getting smaller by the way.


don't you realize how foolish you look?



and the crusade continues :beer:

Really ? Is that all you have to say in response to the data that is presented to you ? I daresay that your response makes you look like the foolish one.

As for your said audience, I was a JP fan but realized that he became a QB who will not be the player we want him to be. Then, being a true Bills fan, started hoping that the brains trust (and I use this term VERY loosely) is correct in handing the reins to Trent. But so far, I have yet to see evidence of their wisdom.

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Gotta love "Bills fans" who got out of their way to tear down a 2nd year QB. The guys has had ups and downs like any 2nd year QB has. But if you really look, his positives outweigh the negatives. But I'm sure most QBs would tear it up with Josh reed and Robert Royal.


The worst part is that these "fans" will be the first ones to come back if TE has a bad game and tell us they were right. Go Bills!

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Really ? Is that all you have to say in response to the data that is presented to you ? I daresay that your response makes you look like the foolish one.

As for your said audience, I was a JP fan but realized that he became a QB who will not be the player we want him to be. Then, being a true Bills fan, started hoping that the brains trust (and I use this term VERY loosely) is correct in handing the reins to Trent. But so far, I have yet to see evidence of their wisdom.



Really??? you've seen nothing? See, this posts make me insane. Either people have the most unrealistic expectations for a 2nd year QB or just flat out whiners. Let's review:


- Set Bills completion % record in a game against a playoff team (SD)

- Beat an emotionally charged and playoff Redskins team on the road with an amazing throw to Josh Reed to set up the game winning field goal

- Threw 4 tds against the Fins

- Drove headfirst in the endzone against the Chiefs after coming back from a concussion

- Led the Bills back from an 11 point 4th quarter deficit against the Raiders

- Threw a game winning touchdown on the road against the Jags (a trendy SB contender) in September (where Florida team win a high % of games)

- Lit up the Super bowl champ giants in the first half before a monsoon hit

- Beat a Denver team fighting for their playoff lives on the road (in very cold weather) by leading a 4th quarter comeback against "god" (Cutler)


but you're right. He is not an all pro yet so he is completely worthless. :beer:

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Really ? Is that all you have to say in response to the data that is presented to you ? I daresay that your response makes you look like the foolish one. As for your said audience, I was a JP fan but realized that he became a QB who will not be the player we want him to be. Then, being a true Bills fan, started hoping that the brains trust (and I use this term VERY loosely) is correct in handing the reins to Trent. But so far, I have yet to see evidence of their wisdom.

That explains it, you were a JP fan boy.


Anyway, just so you know, I've made my case for Trent more than a few times and I don't feel the need to have to keep repeating it over and over and over and over and over like some people do.


Now, I don't know about you, but me, I don't need to read the same thing more than once maybe twice to comprehend what I'm reading. You? well, I can't speak for you, so I'm going to assume that you havn't read one of my many posts that I've written regarding Trent, and if you have, well....


I don't take issue with those that have concerns regarding Trent, like Bandit's, but obsessive bashing is another thing.


Btw Biscuit, there is no need to try to communicate to the "JP fan boys" regarding Trent anymore. That is why I don't bother with the stats anymore. Look how many people have called Alpha out regarding his crusade in the last couple weeks. Every day he keeps his crusade going, people realize his obsessive nature regarding his dislike for Trent. It doesn't matter, the majority of his audience are or were J.P fan boy's.

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That explains it, you were a JP fan boy.


Anyway, just so you know, I've made my case for Trent more than a few times and I don't feel the need to have to keep repeating it over and over and over and over and over like some people do.


Now, I don't know about you, but me, I don't need to read the same thing more than once maybe twice to comprehend what I'm reading. You? well, I can't speak for you, so I'm going to assume that you havn't read one of my many posts that I've written regarding Trent, and if you have, well....


I don't take issue with those that have concerns regarding Trent, like Bandit's, but obsessive bashing is another thing.


Btw Biscuit, there is no need to try to communicate to the "JP fan boys" regarding Trent anymore. That is why I don't bother with the stats anymore. Look how many people have called Alpha out regarding his crusade in the last couple weeks. Every day he keeps his crusade going, people realize his obsessive nature regarding his dislike for Trent. It doesn't matter, the majority of his audience are or were J.P fan boy's.


Dude, your delusional again...way more people have agreed with me than disagreed with me in various threads...its not even close...


You never respond to any facts, so dont act like you do...and you keep getting called on it...

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Really??? you've seen nothing? See, this posts make me insane. Either people have the most unrealistic expectations for a 2nd year QB or just flat out whiners. Let's review:


- Set Bills completion % record in a game against a playoff team (SD)

- Beat an emotionally charged and playoff Redskins team on the road with an amazing throw to Josh Reed to set up the game winning field goal

- Threw 4 tds against the Fins

- Drove headfirst in the endzone against the Chiefs after coming back from a concussion

- Led the Bills back from an 11 point 4th quarter deficit against the Raiders

- Threw a game winning touchdown on the road against the Jags (a trendy SB contender) in September (where Florida team win a high % of games)

- Lit up the Super bowl champ giants in the first half before a monsoon hit

- Beat a Denver team fighting for their playoff lives on the road (in very cold weather) by leading a 4th quarter comeback against "god" (Cutler)


but you're right. He is not an all pro yet so he is completely worthless. :beer:



HAHAHAHAHAHA, this is classic...


1. SD had one of the lowest rated D's in the league at that point and Trent didnt do all that much against him...one game of throwing short easy completions doesnt erase his horrid performance in 6 of his last 8 games.


2. Threw 4 TD's against the 1-15 Fins LAST year...hahahahaha, hilarious...FYI: only has more than 1 TD in 3 of his 23 games...


3. The Raider game...really...our D and ST led us back, and Trent had 1 TD and a 81 QB rating...you know the game where he had 1 TD and 2 Turnovers and couldnt do squat until Oakland unexplainably stopped bringing pressure in the fourth quarter...how many games did Oakland win last year by the way...lmao...


4. The jax game is the funniest thing you wrote: "Trendy SB Pick" hahahahaha, who cares what the trend was in the offseason, when they got on the field they stunk it up and now pick 6th in the draft because of it...what a joke...


5. The Giants game in 2007? Really, this is hilarious: "when he lit up the Giants before a monsoon hit hahahahaha...Trent had a rating of 42.8, completed only 34% of his passes, with 2 TD's, 3 INT's, only 160 yards passing, and 2 fumbles...oh, and 2 of his passes were returned for TD's (inlcuding one by our own Mitchell) in the 4th quarter, you know where he is a legend...hahahaha...so funny...


6. He had a very good game against Denver's high school rated Defense...if only everyones defense was this bad...none the less, it was still a very good game and can't take that away from him. FYI: It wasnt against "God Cutler", because last I checked Cutler doesnt play D...what a dumb comment...


But thank you for the hilarious post...it provided me with lots of entertainment...

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Dude, your delusional again...way more people have agreed with me than disagreed with me in various threads...its not even close...


You never respond to any facts, so dont act like you do...and you keep getting called on it...

Come on Alpha! Did you really expect anything else? It is obvious some posters have a sweet spot in their heart for Edwards and it clouds their ability to be objective. It's better to let these posters languish in man love and think what they want. We have seen this type of fanboy blindness before and it has gotten really ugly.


Rest assure that more fans have questions about Trent than don't. If you want to rely on completion percentage and Qb ratings, be my guest. I think Trent will be better served in moving the chains a little more and scoring some freaking Tds. Our offense was anemic despite his pocket poise and superior accuracy. :beer: He did some good things like biscuit pointed out, but a few plays don't make a season. You can't be bad five games in a row and then make a couple plays against a pitiful defense. He needs to move out of the potential department and prove it.

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That explains it, you were a JP fan boy.


So just because I liked JP in the past makes my opinion of Trent less credible than yours ? This argument is specious - you are discounting my point of view just because I do not agree with you regarding Trent's abilities ? I, in return, will not label you anything including being a Trent fan-boy. The problem is that you stated your opinion and I did mine - only difference is that I am not attempting to deflect your arguments with meaningless labeling.

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Guest dog14787
Come on Alpha! Did you really expect anything else? It is obvious some posters have a sweet spot in their heart for Edwards and it clouds their ability to be objective. It's better to let these posters languish in man love and think what they want. We have seen this type of fanboy blindness before and it has gotten really ugly.


Rest assure that more fans have questions about Trent than don't. If you want to rely on completion percentage and Qb ratings, be my guest. I think Trent will be better served in moving the chains a little more and scoring some freaking Tds. Our offense was anemic despite his pocket poise and superior accuracy. :beer: He did some good things like biscuit pointed out, but a few plays don't make a season. You can't be bad five games in a row and then make a couple plays against a pitiful defense. He needs to move out of the potential department and prove it.


Right, and although SKOOBY does account for a large percentage of the threads and posts on TBD and his inside scoup of the Bills picking a QB in the first round does sound possible to you, Myself, I'm more inclined to believe ieatcrayons colorful scenario of the Reefer smoking Raji slipping to 11th and being united with Mr. Mary Jane himself Marshawn the Lynchpin Lynch. Where they will ride off into the sunset together smoking a fattie and rolling over human speed bumps ( Canadian mostly) with Marshawn's SUV. ( ok,ok, I may have exaggerated a little)


I am a big fan of ieatcrayons though :worthy:

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Right, and although SKOOBY does account for a large percentage of the threads and posts on TBD and his inside scoup of the Bills picking a QB in the first round does sound possible to you, Myself, I'm more inclined to believe ieatcrayons colorful scenario of the Reefer smoking Raji slipping to 11th and being united with Mr. Mary Jane himself Marshawn the Lynchpin Lynch. Where they will ride off into the sunset together smoking a fattie and rolling over human speed bumps ( Canadian mostly) with Marshawn's SUV.


I am a big fan of ieatcrayons though :beer:

?????????????????????????? I need help on that one.

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Come on Alpha! Did you really expect anything else? It is obvious some posters have a sweet spot in their heart for Edwards and it clouds their ability to be objective. It's better to let these posters languish in man love and think what they want. We have seen this type of fanboy blindness before and it has gotten really ugly.


Rest assure that more fans have questions about Trent than don't. If you want to rely on completion percentage and Qb ratings, be my guest. I think Trent will be better served in moving the chains a little more and scoring some freaking Tds. Our offense was anemic despite his pocket poise and superior accuracy. :beer: He did some good things like biscuit pointed out, but a few plays don't make a season. You can't be bad five games in a row and then make a couple plays against a pitiful defense. He needs to move out of the potential department and prove it.


Tell me about it...as one man once said...


"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"

-Michael Corleone

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Tell me about it...as one man once said...


"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"

-Michael Corleone


Dick Jauron + any coaches he chooses + any players = no playoffs.


Bills players will only matter when the coach is replaced.


Here's to the Bills getting some young talent that will be keepers for 2010 and beyond.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA, this is classic...


1. SD had one of the lowest rated D's in the league at that point and Trent didnt do all that much against him...one game of throwing short easy completions doesnt erase his horrid performance in 6 of his last 8 games.


2. Threw 4 TD's against the 1-15 Fins LAST year...hahahahaha, hilarious...FYI: only has more than 1 TD in 3 of his 23 games...


3. The Raider game...really...our D and ST led us back, and Trent had 1 TD and a 81 QB rating...you know the game where he had 1 TD and 2 Turnovers and couldnt do squat until Oakland unexplainably stopped bringing pressure in the fourth quarter...how many games did Oakland win last year by the way...lmao...


4. The jax game is the funniest thing you wrote: "Trendy SB Pick" hahahahaha, who cares what the trend was in the offseason, when they got on the field they stunk it up and now pick 6th in the draft because of it...what a joke...


5. The Giants game in 2007? Really, this is hilarious: "when he lit up the Giants before a monsoon hit hahahahaha...Trent had a rating of 42.8, completed only 34% of his passes, with 2 TD's, 3 INT's, only 160 yards passing, and 2 fumbles...oh, and 2 of his passes were returned for TD's (inlcuding one by our own Mitchell) in the 4th quarter, you know where he is a legend...hahahaha...so funny...


6. He had a very good game against Denver's high school rated Defense...if only everyones defense was this bad...none the less, it was still a very good game and can't take that away from him. FYI: It wasnt against "God Cutler", because last I checked Cutler doesnt play D...what a dumb comment...


But thank you for the hilarious post...it provided me with lots of entertainment...



I used to think you were a good poster, but you're getting pathetic. Let's keep looking for ways to tear down our players. You're a great fan. Unlike yourself, I have no personal preference to who the QB is. I rooted for Losman until he proved he wasn't capable of being a NFL starter. But the fact that you go to this much trouble to tear down a 2nd year player who plays one of the hardest positions is sports speaks a lot of you a a "fan."


But please come back if Edwards struggles and brag about how right you are. Personally, I'd rather see my team be successful than be right on a message board but more power to you. :beer:

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Dick Jauron + any coaches he chooses + any players = no playoffs.


Bills players will only matter when the coach is replaced.


Here's to the Bills getting some young talent that will be keepers for 2010 and beyond.



Well, he already made the playoffs so this is another of your many worthless posts.

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Well, he already made the playoffs so this is another of your many worthless posts.


Different time and place. Lost badly at home to a wildcard team after a bye. Has never backed it up since then. I'm speaking about the Bills here, not reliving Jauron's fine performance during his Chicago days. I'd be happy to turn my worthless post into a predicition for this year (no playoffs). All the Bills have to do to discredit that is prove me wrong. Simple. Until then, my opinion is as good as any other around here.

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wanna shut the trent ballwashers up? just show them indisputable fact and they won't have anything to counter with other than poise/he has potential/i have a hugely homosexual more than mancrush on him.


Hey you rube. Just because I have an opinion that supports this player doesn't make me a ballwasher or a man-lover. It seems that I must be wrong about Edwards, and now I know to shut my mouth and forget about expressing my opinion in this place.

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