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I just bit on downloading IE 8. "Newer, faster, better, safer, blah-blah..." After 25 minutes of the computer downloading and restarting IE8 has big black areas where you can't see buttons or menus. So now I'm un- and re-installing it. Frigggin' Bill Gates crap.



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I just bit on downloading IE 8. "Newer, faster, better, safer, blah-blah..." After 25 minutes of the computer downloading and restarting IE8 has big black areas where you can't see buttons or menus. So now I'm un- and re-installing it. Frigggin' Bill Gates crap.






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I think, in a few months, IE8 might be a decent browser. I'm a Firefox fan, though...so I'm in no rush to try it. (Unfortunately, I will have to play with it soon, because my clients will be.)


If you learn anything from this lesson, it's never adopt a totally new version of anything, on your everyday machine. Wait for the real world beta to work out the kinks.

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Actually I've used Firefox for years until it started to screw with me. It stopped remembering log ins. For example, every time I came to The Stadium Wall I had to log in. even if I said to remember me. What a pain in the rear. It did that for every website I visit that required a log in. I even updated my version of Firefox and it still did it. I looked everywhere in my settings to see fi something got changed. No luck.


I still use IE for it's FTP ability, though the new IE 8 makes me open a whole seperat epage for FTP function. Kind of a pain.


FYI, reinstalling IE 8 made it work right. I should also mention another annoying flaw in Firefox: it's a total resource hog! Leave it open and within 30 minutes it will be sucking up 250MB of your RAM for no reason. Try to run anything fancy like a video and it uses 99% of your CPU and makes your whole computer stammer.



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It stopped remembering log ins. For example, every time I came to The Stadium Wall I had to log in. even if I said to remember me. What a pain in the rear. It did that for every website I visit that required a log in.

You should never have a browser remember your logins anyway... It's a major security vulnerability.


I should also mention another annoying flaw in Firefox: it's a total resource hog! Leave it open and within 30 minutes it will be sucking up 250MB of your RAM for no reason. Try to run anything fancy like a video and it uses 99% of your CPU and makes your whole computer stammer.

It sounds more like there might be something up with your computer.... I'm running Firefox on a ~7 year old laptop with only 256M of RAM, and it works great... Even on my main machine, which I leave on 24x7, it very rarely has a memory leak forcing me to restart it (maybe once every month or two).


Combine your FF experience with your IE8 issue, and I think there's something wrong with your OS. :thumbsup:

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I just bit on downloading IE 8. "Newer, faster, better, safer, blah-blah..." After 25 minutes of the computer downloading and restarting IE8 has big black areas where you can't see buttons or menus. So now I'm un- and re-installing it. Frigggin' Bill Gates crap.




I've used IE6 for years, and had no problems. I just upgraded to IE7 (against my will - client requirements). Holy hell, what a dog. :thumbsup:


Firefox is rapidly becoming my browser of choice. Although if I truly had a choice (again, client requirements), I'd be using Linux.

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You should never have a browser remember your logins anyway... It's a major security vulnerability.



It sounds more like there might be something up with your computer.... I'm running Firefox on a ~7 year old laptop with only 256M of RAM, and it works great... Even on my main machine, which I leave on 24x7, it very rarely has a memory leak forcing me to restart it (maybe once every month or two).


Combine your FF experience with your IE8 issue, and I think there's something wrong with your OS. :thumbsup:


So far all is working well with IE8. As for log ins, I'm talking baout chat forums like the Stadium Wall, not anything vital. I doubt the Russian mob wants to pretend they are PTR here.


The memory leak thing was really aggravating. It ground my computer to a halt and it only happens with Firefox. I've searched some computer forums and found that it's a problem others have as well. So Firefox is no perfect solution either. I have tried Google Chrome but found that it couldn't read certain pages correctly.



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